Kim and Kris split....discuss....


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
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Some great Gopher related Tweets out there already.

I like Shelman's:
Didn't think it was possible for Kris Humprhies to be involved in something for a shorter time period than he played for the Gophers.

And Drew's:
@KrisHumphries lasted longer with the #Gophers than with @KimKardashian

And Reusse's:
More embarrassing for Kris Humphries: 72-day celebrity marriage, or 0.7 assists per game at Minnesota?

oink oink

I thought my tweet (@go4elk) was hysterical...

difference between @FloydofRosedale and Kim Kardashian? Floyd is one pig that people actually want/covet. #gophers #kardashiansarepigs

This one's not Gopher-y....but FauxJohnMadden had a good one:

What Brett Favre photographed and texted to Jenn Sterger was of equal length to Kim Kardashian's marriage.

Closed circuit to Kim...

Kim, if you need a place to stay in this time of crisis, give me a call.

Closed circuit to Kim...

Kim, if you need a place to stay in this time of crisis, give me a call.

sorry, bruce. She has already made arrangement to hide out with me. If she stands me up, then this relationship is definitely shorter than her marriage to Kris.

I guess Kris took more shots with the Gophers than he did with Kim.

Kim can't be that smart. Roy Williams figured it out in just one Kris visit.

So now that they split - Their sex tape should be coming out on the internet soon!

Is it odd that the first thing I thought when I heard this was "better check out gopherhole to see what they are saying"?


There's something wonderfully pleasing about not really knowing what she's famous for or caring for that fact.

I'm so shook up by this news that I haven't been able to work today. This is a tragedy of unspeakable proportions.

Ahh yes, Ms. Jessica Granquist. A fine piece of talent. My favorite current Gopher athlete.

As someone who went to high school with her, and was friends with her older brother for awhile, not exactly sure how I feel about this ... lol

Didn't see this coming AT ALL. You mean she actually bristled at the notion of living in Minnesota? Get outta here!!

Fact: I was in LA last week.
Fact: This week, Kim files for divorce.

You connect the dots.

sorry, bruce. She has already made arrangement to hide out with me. If she stands me up, then this relationship is definitely shorter than her marriage to Kris.

I can't believe how quickly I was replaced! If I can't count on you to be my #1 stalker, what can I count on? Beware Dr. Don....never trust a big butt and a smile ;)

GopherLady said:
I can't believe how quickly I was replaced! If I can't count on you to be my #1 stalker, what can I count on? Beware Dr. Don....never trust a big butt and a smile ;)

Uh oh. Methinks Dr. Don has some 'splaining to do.

she's famous for this..

Nice ass to be sure. Otherwise, she's apparently nothing but a high price whore. Using that in the worst sense possible.

I can't believe how quickly I was replaced! If I can't count on you to be my #1 stalker, what can I count on? Beware Dr. Don....never trust a big butt and a smile ;)

I am so sorry that I almost strayed, GL. Please forgive me. Is a reconciliation too much to ask for?

Please forgive me, I will never do it again. You are the best. :)

This is like when Tiger's mistresses were upset that he had other mistresses.

This is like when Tiger's mistresses were upset that he had other mistresses.

GopherLady finally called my bluff. She told me...If you won't stalk me only, you can't stalk anyone. GopherLady is worth all future temptations.

I just wish she would display love and not jealousy.

Once again, I am sorry, GL.


Aaahh.. so we're actually having a discussion on this. Silly me, I read the original post as Kim and Kris split...disgust...

Seriously though, I'm really disillusioned. If a couple of spoiled narcissistic whores can't find true love then what hope is there for the rest of us.

From the NBA regarding the lockout:

"... players will not be able to use team facilities for any purpose; ..."

Just change "Kim's" for "team" and poor Kris has been locked out twice in the same year.


Aaahh.. so we're actually having a discussion on this. Silly me, I read the original post as Kim and Kris split...disgust...

Seriously though, I'm really disillusioned. If a couple of spoiled narcissistic whores can't find true love then what hope is there for the rest of us.

Classic post ! It could not be phrased more perfectly.

Kudos Frink.


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