Kill's on the Hot Seat (per Dennis Dodd at

Really? So in your book wins and losses account for very little as long as the recruiting rankings look good? You must have been a big fan of Tim Brewster.

How many wins do you think we end up with this year? If we win 8 or 9 then he could recruit my daughter as part of his '14 class and he'll be fine. More likely, we win 6 or 7 and then if our recruiting regresses then yes he'll have an issue.

If he loses Jones, doesn't get Ragnow, et al and we end up at the bottom of the B1G ten recruiting rankings then that will certainly contribute to his seat warming up going into next year. I don't care how much our staff "can coach 'em up" he's got to at least maintain the level of recruiting that he's had to date, if not improve it a bit, for us to get to where we need to be.

This is a classic straw man.

I never said that Coach Kill doesn't need to eventually start hitting on more recruits. I simply said that how next years recruiting class pans out will have NOTHING to do with if Coach Kill is on the hot seat next season. People in MN simply don't follow college football recruiting enough. If we are awful, the fact that we have some high star guys in the pipeline will mean nothing to the powers that be. If we are good, a low star rating of our past recruiting class won't matter to the powers that be.

No one asked you to care if Coach Kill can "coach 'em up", it' simply irrelevant in terms of Coach Kill's job security FOR NEXT YEAR.

The only way that it could even mildly make a difference is if we land a stud JuCo WR (hopefully not named Hayo), because he would contribute to actual wins on the football field. Ragnow would 95% redshirt. Jones would have a tough time beating out Cobb, Williams, Edwards and Kirkwood. They could be the reason why Kill could be on the hot seat in 2016, but not next season.

How many wins do you think we end up with this year? If we win 8 or 9 then he could recruit my daughter as part of his '14 class and he'll be fine. More likely, we win 6 or 7 and then if our recruiting regresses then yes he'll have an issue.

If we win 6 or 7 (most likely) and the recruiting stays the same as Kill's previous classes (most likely), then it will all come down to what happens on the field.

Very warm. 2 seasons after this max, but this could be it.

And he's got four years left on his contract, I believe. If in fact accurate, he's not going anywhere for a while unless he chooses to.

Past the 2017 season is accurate, however it's not of great consequence. Contracts are routinely terminated prior to the end of their stated term.

Very warm. 2 seasons after this max, but this could be it.

Past the 2017 season is accurate, however it's not of great consequence. Contracts are routinely terminated prior to the end of their stated term.

I find it hilarious that a guy who apparently worships two D league talent level basketball players, who will never have seriously entertained playing for the U of M, thinks he has any worthwhile input on the U of M athletic program, as a fan at least.

For the record, if I never hear or read the name Tyus Jones again, it will not be soon enough. Sent us all a text when he starts all season in the NBA in 2015 or so, otherwise just keep kissing F Bomb dropping , dour faced, pouty Coach K's pimply, sagging backside.

To the original "point"
Jerry Kill is not going anywhere, at least if performance in the field, or lack of, is the reason for any movement.

Without projecting past this point in the season, Dodd's positioning of Kill on his scale seems completely warranted. He has him at a 3.0 which is the very bottom of his "on the bubble, feeling pressure" position. For a coach that is 5-14 (or 4-14 if you credit the NU win to Claeys) in conference play and has had significant health issues, it seems a little strange to consider him "safe". Tim Brewster (albeit under a different administration) barely got a 4th season after going 6-18 in conference play with 3 B1G wins in both years 2 and 3. If you add in the fact that this staff has been recruiting at the bottom of the B1G and is currently there again this year, that also contributes to the relative warmth of a coaches seat.

So much can change between now and the end of the year that I think it's fair to say Coach Kill could end up anywhere from 0-5 on this scale by early December

Good scenario: Gophers upset someone at home (Nebraksa, Wisconsin) and beat Indiana & Penn State with Coach Kill back on the sidelines without further issue post Nebraska. With a .500 B1G record in year 3, Coach Kill goes down to a 0 on the scale (maybe Dodd keeps him at 0.5 due to potential health issues re-emerging)

Bad scenario: Gophers are done winning for the year, and we see 3 more double digit losses the rest of the way. That puts the program at 5-19 through 3 seasons with the arrow pointing the wrong direction. That scenario puts Coach Kill at a 4.5-5 on the scale.

Anything in between likely keeps Kill somewhere between 2.5-4.0 on the Dodd scale.

This is a classic straw man.

Could you explain what Indi wrote in his post was a straw man? I see no straw man there. You can't just throw that out willy nilly every time someone disagrees with your stubbornness.

Holy crap, what a thread. Pathetic.

If he loses Jones, doesn't get Ragnow, et al and we end up at the bottom of the B1G ten recruiting rankings then that will certainly contribute to his seat warming up going into next year. I don't care how much our staff "can coach 'em up" he's got to at least maintain the level of recruiting that he's had to date, if not improve it a bit, for us to get to where we need to be.

Check in with Jared Abbrederis to see what he thinks about the limits of being able to coach up a player who was not a highly rated recruit.

I have an F-you for Mr. Dodd and a few others.

I'd also like to thank a handful of "Gopher fans" who wouldn't understand support unless they were wearing their mom's bra. Stick to what you know best--it ain't football.

I have an F-you for Mr. Dodd and a few others.

I'd also like to thank a handful of "Gopher fans" who wouldn't understand support unless they were wearing their mom's bra. Stick to what you know best--it ain't football.

Exactly. Amazing how Many experts there are here.

I don't care who or who is not on the hotseat. We f'in won.

Why F-you to Mr. Dodd? Cause we won the last 2 games? Two games that Kill did not coach?

I have an F-you for Mr. Dodd and a few others.

I'd also like to thank a handful of "Gopher fans" who wouldn't understand support unless they were wearing their mom's bra. Stick to what you know best--it ain't football.

Why F-you to Mr. Dodd? Cause we won the last 2 games? Two games that Kill did not coach?

Yep, that's the guy's reasoning. Makes zero sense but emotions can do that to a person.

Imagine if Kill came back next week and Minnesota dropped the rest of their games with another game day incident? The stories will turn to, "Minn beat a bad Northwestern team who had just lost its top two offensive threats, then won a home game against Nebraska and their QB who hadn't played in a month and a half... both without Kill".

Great win - great play - liked what Minnesota did today.

However, for Kill the seat is as warm as ever.

Yep, that's the guy's reasoning. Makes zero sense but emotions can do that to a person.

Imagine if Kill came back next week and Minnesota dropped the rest of their games with another game day incident? The stories will turn to, "Minn beat a bad Northwestern team who had just lost its top two offensive threats, then won a home game against Nebraska and their QB who hadn't played in a month and a have... both without Kill".

Great win - great play - liked what Minnesota did today.

However, for Kill the seat is as warm as ever.

You, of course, would absolutely love for that to happen so you can pound your chest and inflate your already huge ego.

Yep, that's the guy's reasoning. Makes zero sense but emotions can do that to a person. Imagine if Kill came back next week and Minnesota dropped the rest of their games with another game day incident? The stories will turn to, "Minn beat a bad Northwestern team who had just lost its top two offensive threats, then won a home game against Nebraska and their QB who hadn't played in a month and a half... both without Kill". Great win - great play - liked what Minnesota did today. However, for Kill the seat is as warm as ever.

You are a really special kind, aren't you?

Yep, that's the guy's reasoning. Makes zero sense but emotions can do that to a person.

Imagine if Kill came back next week and Minnesota dropped the rest of their games with another game day incident? The stories will turn to, "Minn beat a bad Northwestern team who had just lost its top two offensive threats, then won a home game against Nebraska and their QB who hadn't played in a month and a half... both without Kill".

Great win - great play - liked what Minnesota did today.

However, for Kill the seat is as warm as ever.

I'll ask again. Did Jerry bang your mom or something? Seriously, what is your deal? I am actually curious...nobody is just naturally this big of a dick

I have an F-you for Mr. Dodd and a few others.

I'd also like to thank a handful of "Gopher fans" who wouldn't understand support unless they were wearing their mom's bra. Stick to what you know best--it ain't football.


I'm new on this forum. I've been lurking forever but I've always been content to just read the boards. However, there was a thread going talking about bringing Mason back to coach and I got so angry with some of the stuff I read that I had to register. By the time I got the approval to post, I'd calmed down a bit and I couldn't find the thread so I just let it go. On second thought, I'm going to respond now.

I believe two things: Kill has the full backing and support of this administration and the recent woes in the football program can be pinned on Maturi.

The scuttlebutt was this: Mason was a good coach that ran a respected program and not only did not receive support from the administration but was actively undermined in his efforts to upgrade the program--agree or disagree, that was the perception in coaching circles. When Maturi canned Mason (instead of, say, finding the money to attract a top notch defensive coordinator), the U seemed caught off-guard when no other established coach wanted the job because of the perception that Minnesota already tossed a good coach without actually offering the support and resources to move the program up the ladder. The perception was that Mason was capable; Minnesota institutionally wasn't capable or willing.

Brewster, was, well, Brewster. That's over. Enough said. However, the damage from Mason/Maturi fiasco was reinforced and the perception of the Minnesota coaching job among the first-tier candidates was: "Who needs it?"

Kill was both literally and figuratively the best coach the U could get. Whether consciously or subconsciously, I think Teague understands that he has to do his very best to give Kill the time and resources to make it or break it on his own--regardless of the health issues. I think he knows that if Kill gets thrown under the bus now, there's no way the U will ever attract a tier one coach in his lifetime. I think both Kaler and Teague are going to support Kill and the program to the greatest degree possible. Kill gets, at a minimum, five years unless he decides to leave on his own.

Having said that, with the proper support and resources, I think Mason would be a good pick if Kill had to leave. He always seemed one defensive coordinator away from the next level, and I thought Maturi made a huge mistake in impulsively firing Mason and in hiring Brewster. I lay the recent woes squarely at the feet of Maturi.

I'll also add this: Although I thought Brewster was a mistake from the get-go, he did have one thing going for him I really liked: "You've got to play the best to be the best." So he set out to shove the cupcakes off the table and get some meat and potatoes on the menu. He was, IMHO, right there--he just couldn't coach. But he did understand recruiting somewhat, and he understood that recruits are easier to attract when you can say, "Hey, we play the B1G and Texas and North Carolina and USC." That's a lot more attractive to recruits than, "And you'll get to play the Jackrabbits!" It's doubly effective if the recruit was contacted but not offered by Texas or North Carolina or USC. I was kind of disappointed when I read that Kill subscribed to the Snyder-scheduling philosophy of Mason. You know, "Eat dessert first." The problem with that is if you have a hard time digesting your cupcakes, you just look pathetic. At least USC is quality loss--something NMSU most definitely is not. Teams tend to rise or sink to the level of the competition--even well-coached teams. It's just one of those weird psychological things.

Bottom line: Kill's not on the hotseat and this is a program headed in the right direction. Thank god, I'm 54 and I'd kind of like to see everything coming up Roses sometime in my life.

Next year in Pasadena. (Gotta get a t-shirt made up for that. Someone there contact Goldy's for me.)

Yep, that's the guy's reasoning. Makes zero sense but emotions can do that to a person.

Imagine if Kill came back next week and Minnesota dropped the rest of their games with another game day incident? The stories will turn to, "Minn beat a bad Northwestern team who had just lost its top two offensive threats, then won a home game against Nebraska and their QB who hadn't played in a month and a half... both without Kill".

Great win - great play - liked what Minnesota did today.

However, for Kill the seat is as warm as ever.

I realize you're in mourning due to the Gophers win, but Kill's seat is ice cold. Reality is reality whether or not you like it.

Yep, that's the guy's reasoning. Makes zero sense but emotions can do that to a person.

Imagine if Kill came back next week and Minnesota dropped the rest of their games with another game day incident? The stories will turn to, "Minn beat a bad Northwestern team who had just lost its top two offensive threats, then won a home game against Nebraska and their QB who hadn't played in a month and a half... both without Kill".

Great win - great play - liked what Minnesota did today.

However, for Kill the seat is as warm as ever.

You mad bro?

C'mon guys. You're being too hard on GW. He makes some good points.

For example:


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