Kill's on the Hot Seat (per Dennis Dodd at

Breakin' The Plane

Well-known member
Jan 15, 2010
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Just a column and he probably has no idea what's going on behind the scenes, but take it for what it's worth. The first number is from August, the second is where he sees Kill now.

Hot Seat Rating Key

0-0.5 Can't be touched
1-1.5 Very safe, change unlikely
2-2.5 Safe, but you never know
3-3.5 On the bubble, feeling pressure
4-4.5 Warm seat, better start winning
5 Hot seat! Win or be fired

Jerry Kill, Minnesota (1.5, Now 3.0): Kill is taking an indefinite leave to work on treating his seizures. There's a faction who want him gone because of his health issues. It's too early to make a determination on his future, especially after the staff he left behind just upset Northwestern.

Dennis Dodd's credibility is zero. I simply ignore him and his comments

And he's got four years left on his contract, I believe. If in fact accurate, he's not going anywhere for a while unless he chooses to.

Personally, I hope he's around for a long time.

Reading it again, I guess that the seat's just getting warm. And now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure that Dodd's a Mizzou guy who was pushing for them to get a Big Ten invite.

Reading it again, I guess that the seat's just getting warm. And now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure that Dodd's a Mizzou guy who was pushing for them to get a Big Ten invite.

I was just in St Louis. The water smells funny.

Isnt this the same guy that always told us that Tubby was a hot coach and was going to be plucked from Minnesota? Really wish he would have been right on that one.

The only way he gets on the hot seat is if our recruiting class has defections. After signing day we will have a good lay of the land. How Ragnow turns out will be interesting.

Just a column and he probably has no idea what's going on behind the scenes, but take it for what it's worth. The first number is from August, the second is where he sees Kill now.

Hot Seat Rating Key

0-0.5 Can't be touched
1-1.5 Very safe, change unlikely
2-2.5 Safe, but you never know
3-3.5 On the bubble, feeling pressure
4-4.5 Warm seat, better start winning
5 Hot seat! Win or be fired

Jerry Kill, Minnesota (1.5, Now 3.0): Kill is taking an indefinite leave to work on treating his seizures. There's a faction who want him gone because of his health issues. It's too early to make a determination on his future, especially after the staff he left behind just upset Northwestern.

3.0 is probably about right at the moment. Taking the health stuff out of the equation this is how I would see it using his scale.

Current 3.0
3+ wins over the remainder of the season - .5
2 wins over the rest of the season - 1
1 win over the rest of the year - 2
0 wins over the rest of the year - 4 (start of 2014)

Reading it again, I guess that the seat's just getting warm. And now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure that Dodd's a Mizzou guy who was pushing for them to get a Big Ten invite.

3.0 is probably about right at the moment. Taking the health stuff out of the equation this is how I would see it using his scale.

Current 3.0
3+ wins over the remainder of the season - .5
2 wins over the rest of the season - 1
1 win over the rest of the year - 2
0 wins over the rest of the year - 4 (start of 2014)

Isn't it your boss that has to determine whether you're on the "hot seat"? Not some hack writer with a made-up arbitrary scale. Teague has no plans to fire Mr. Kill. None.

Isn't it your boss that has to determine whether you're on the "hot seat"? Not some hack writer with a made-up arbitrary scale. Teague has no plans to fire Mr. Kill. None.

I agree with you that the boss makes the determination. I also don't think that Kill is on any kind of hot seat with Teague. However, speaking more generally, if a football coach were on a hot seat, Teague wouldn't tell us. He would continue showing his fullest support right up to the second when he shows him the door. There is no way he would say, "hey, if our coach doesn't get some wins here soon, I'm going to fire him". It would destroy recruiting even if he ended up keeping the coach.

Isn't it your boss that has to determine whether you're on the "hot seat"? Not some hack writer with a made-up arbitrary scale. Teague has no plans to fire Mr. Kill. None.

Teague likely doesn't have any plans to fire Kill, nor should he. Kill was very clear this is a four or five year rebuild. It's this "we have to have something to talk about all time" society where things like this get written. If you fire a coach who inherited a nearly talent and depth bare roster after only three seasons, you will forever be rebuilding.

Who knew that Jimmy Souhan had relatives in Missouri in addition to Indiana?

Isn't it your boss that has to determine whether you're on the "hot seat"? Not some hack writer with a made-up arbitrary scale. Teague has no plans to fire Mr. Kill. None.

Of course the decision is Teague's to make, doesn't mean people can't give opinions and discuss it. As for what plans he may or may not have, doubt any of us are in a position to truly know that. Based on how he handled the basketball situation he seems to be very good at keeping things quiet internally which is a good thing in my opinion.

The team needs to start winning B1G games, otherwise the seat will get warmer and warmer. Last week was a good start, but we need to keep getting better.

Of course the decision is Teague's to make, doesn't mean people can't give opinions and discuss it. As for what plans he may or may not have, doubt any of us are in a position to truly know that. Based on how he handled the basketball situation he seems to be very good at keeping things quiet internally which is a good thing in my opinion.


Opinion--"a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty."
Conjecture--"the formation or expression of an opinion or theory without sufficient evidence for proof of any kind."

An opinion as to whether Player A is a "good player or not"--is an opinion.

An opinion about whether Person A is going to fire Person using a magic chart--is not an opinion. Doesn't even come close to the definition of an "opinion". It's pure random conjecture. And conjecture is just based on made up sh!t. So this conjecture by Dodd is made up sh!t. That's my opinion.

I like Kill a lot and I want him to come back, but you have to believe after missing 1-1/2 games this year due to seizures caused a lot of concern among the administration. That's 25% of the first 6 games before he went on leave. I have no idea what's going to happen, but it is believable that there might be boosters and/or administrators who think he should be removed.

The hot seat implies that he will get removed, I don't think he will get removed.

I do think that there is a possibility that Kill's health could force him to make a move. That's different than being on the hot seat.

The only way he gets on the hot seat is if our recruiting class has defections. After signing day we will have a good lay of the land. How Ragnow turns out will be interesting.

Next year's recruiting class will have no impact on whether or not he's on the hot seat next year. If he has a fantastic recruiting class and we end up 3-9 or 4-8 NEXT year, he will be on the hot seat. If we have a "bad" recruiting class and Kill goes 8-4, he is still 100% safe.

Next year's recruiting class will have no impact on whether or not he's on the hot seat next year. If he has a fantastic recruiting class and we end up 3-9 or 4-8 NEXT year, he will be on the hot seat. If we have a "bad" recruiting class and Kill goes 8-4, he is still 100% safe.

If we are 3-9 or 4-8 next year, I don't think his seat is hot, I think it is empty. I think a 6-6 season next year would start to warm things up (unless 3 or 4 of those wins were conference wins).


Opinion--"a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty."
Conjecture--"the formation or expression of an opinion or theory without sufficient evidence for proof of any kind."

An opinion as to whether Player A is a "good player or not"--is an opinion.

An opinion about whether Person A is going to fire Person using a magic chart--is not an opinion. Doesn't even come close to the definition of an "opinion". It's pure random conjecture. And conjecture is just based on made up sh!t. So this conjecture by Dodd is made up sh!t. That's my opinion.

I should just leave this alone and walk away but what the heck I guess I am a glutton for punishment. Wait is glutton the right word or is that the wrong one, please provide a definition so that I can know for sure.

No one is trying to imply the chart Dodd made will have any influence on the decision NT makes as to the fate of Jerry Kill. 99.99% of everything that is written on message boards or in the media has no influence what so ever on what happens behind the scenes. Yet we have tons of fan message boards, multiple 24 hour cable sports stations, and news publications where fans are free see story after story full of opinion or conjecture or whatever the heck else it should be called. Good god man lighten up, this is an internet message board, nothing that is said here deserves the kind of scrutiny that leads to definition of terms like opinion and conjecture.

If we are 3-9 or 4-8 next year, I don't think his seat is hot, I think it is empty. I think a 6-6 season next year would start to warm things up (unless 3 or 4 of those wins were conference wins).

That could be, I was just making a point that it will have very little to do with how THIS recruiting class plays out. Whether or not Kill will or should be on the hot seat following another 6-6 season is another discussion.


Opinion--"a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty."
Conjecture--"the formation or expression of an opinion or theory without sufficient evidence for proof of any kind."

An opinion as to whether Player A is a "good player or not"--is an opinion.

An opinion about whether Person A is going to fire Person using a magic chart--is not an opinion. Doesn't even come close to the definition of an "opinion". It's pure random conjecture. And conjecture is just based on made up sh!t. So this conjecture by Dodd is made up sh!t. That's my opinion.

In my opinion, who cares whether someone considers it an opinion or conjecture. It was just a stupid article by a writer we all know has very little knowledge of the situation.

That could be, I was just making a point that it will have very little to do with how THIS recruiting class plays out. Whether or not Kill will or should be on the hot seat following another 6-6 season is another discussion.

I agree wholeheartedly with that point. I don't think that evaluating a recruiting class before they play has any real value. The recruits' value is only as much as they contribute to wins on the field, which it sounds like you and I agree the Coach will be evaluated.

Isn't it your boss that has to determine whether you're on the "hot seat"? Not some hack writer with a made-up arbitrary scale. Teague has no plans to fire Mr. Kill. None.
Oh come have absolutely no idea what Teague's plans are. You think they would ever say they were going to replace him until the day before they actually did?

If you take into account the likelihood that he would simply retire, it's far from an absolute given that Kill will be back next year and it's pollyannish to pretend like it is. I certainly don't think he would be fired, but I also can't predict the future and neither can anyone else.

My opiniion is that Kill's seat is very, very cool.

I base this on the following (all opinion).
1. Teague is personally very ambitionus and very strategic.
2. Teague would eventually like a better job (Helmet school or top basketball school).
3. Teague knows it is hard to win in football at Minnesota. He gains more credibility in working with Kill and his condition than being the guy who fired an epileptic coach. Especially one who ran a clean program with kids who did well in school and that remains popular with the fan base.
4. If he fires Kill, he needs the new hire to succeed or it is a big strike against Teague. Did I mention that Teague knows how hard it is to win in football at Minnesota?
5. By keeping Kill, he is seen as progressive. If Kill does well, he wins. If Kill is not successful, that is ok as Teague's success will be decided by the Pitino hire.

I agree wholeheartedly with that point. I don't think that evaluating a recruiting class before they play has any real value. The recruits' value is only as much as they contribute to wins on the field, which it sounds like you and I agree the Coach will be evaluated.

If he loses Jones, doesn't get Ragnow, et al and we end up at the bottom of the B1G ten recruiting rankings then that will certainly contribute to his seat warming up going into next year. I don't care how much our staff "can coach 'em up" he's got to at least maintain the level of recruiting that he's had to date, if not improve it a bit, for us to get to where we need to be.

If he loses Jones, doesn't get Ragnow, et al and we end up at the bottom of the B1G ten recruiting rankings then that will certainly contribute to his seat warming up going into next year. I don't care how much our staff "can coach 'em up" he's got to at least maintain the level of recruiting that he's had to date, if not improve it a bit, for us to get to where we need to be.

Really? So in your book wins and losses account for very little as long as the recruiting rankings look good? You must have been a big fan of Tim Brewster.

My opiniion is that Kill's seat is very, very cool.

I base this on the following (all opinion).
1. Teague is personally very ambitionus and very strategic.
2. Teague would eventually like a better job (Helmet school or top basketball school).
3. Teague knows it is hard to win in football at Minnesota. He gains more credibility in working with Kill and his condition than being the guy who fired an epileptic coach. Especially one who ran a clean program with kids who did well in school and that remains popular with the fan base.
4. If he fires Kill, he needs the new hire to succeed or it is a big strike against Teague. Did I mention that Teague knows how hard it is to win in football at Minnesota?
5. By keeping Kill, he is seen as progressive. If Kill does well, he wins. If Kill is not successful, that is ok as Teague's success will be decided by the Pitino hire.

Are you sure it isn't conjecture? Couldn't resist
Don't really have an opinion on #1 and #2
#3 - He also runs the risk of looking weak not being willing to fire a coach who is not winning because he is an epileptic (not talking about right now, down the line after 2014 and beyond)
#4 - That is true of any AD and the hires they make. Still doesn't change the fact that if the guy he didn't hire is not winning he is going to want to hire his guy to turn things around. In the end it looks better for him personally if a guy he hires is the savior as opposed to a guy he inherited from the previous AD. I am sure he would take a winner no matter who hired the guy though.
#5 - I agree with the sentiment that if Kill wins he wins. Totally disagree with the rest. If he keeps a coach around that is not winning he will get blasted by the media and fans no matter what the basketball team is doing and if he does have ambition of getting to a helmet school overseeing a losing football program is not going to look good on his resume.

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