Kill's Last Seizure

Claeys is just guessing and/or making a reason up. I think a rough week for Kill may have had much to do with the tide turning after the Iowa game. Upset, emotional and nervous about Michigan, it was no doubt a stress filled week.

Yes, Claeys was just guessing or making it up. I'm glad you have straightened it out for us. I continue to be in awe of your wisdom on all topics.

Claeys is just guessing and/or making a reason up. I think a rough week for Kill may have had much to do with the tide turning after the Iowa game. Upset, emotional and nervous about Michigan, it was no doubt a stress filled week.

Thanks for getting Jerry on the phone and clearing this up for all of us plebians who don't have your unparalleled access to the Gopher program combined with your ever brilliant wisdom

What a wonderfully informative post!!! That stuff is way more beneficial to understanding the situation than all the guesses.

Now, as for the both sides of the fence thing... There's no doubt things move forward better if Kill is involved to the max, but in the "next man up" context, he's gone down a couple of times and everyone needs to keep moving, keep doing their jobs, make a good call, make a play, focus, persevere. He really is the glue to this whole thing.

The school is the glue.

There is no cure for seizures...

They give you a combination of meds that your body is most compatible with & keeps the seizures at bay but after a while the body adjusts to them & their effects start to fade & you have to adjust your meds. The seizures will never stop but it can get to a point where he could possibly have maybe 1 seizure every 2-3 years & I'm sure he would be able to live with that. I personally don't care... if Kill feels he can do his job despite the seizures then great & if he ever decides coaching is taking a toll on his health then I support him choosing to walk away. I already know his health is just a scapegoat because we're losing... I guarantee if we were 6-0 it would be a minor story...

This information is not entirely correct. There are surgical procedures that can resolve the condition for some people. Also, many of us experience no further seizures thanks to medication. It's true that many people have further episodes and require med changes, but not all of us, thank goodness. A few people simply stop having seizures for reasons unexplained. All of the unknowns and individual reactions make this condition very frustrating.

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