Killer has Gophs in Pasadena on Jan. 1, 2014

What a pointless tweet from an even more pointless twit.

Why do people post this stuff? I don't care about local sports media at all (or any other Minnesota sports team for that matter), but I seriously question why some of you start separate threads just to post what some guy said on twitter, especially when you KNOW it's going to lead to nothing but a massive bitchfest for two weeks.

He's a troll. Don't help him.

Why do people post this stuff? I don't care about local sports media at all (or any other Minnesota sports team for that matter), but I seriously question why some of you start separate threads just to post what some guy said on twitter, especially when you KNOW it's going to lead to nothing but a massive bitchfest for two weeks.

He's a troll. Don't help him.


Wow! I hope we have enough money in the athletic department budget for tickets for that many guys.

Seriously, I don't know why everyone gets to fired up about Reusse.

He also tweeted: "Next year will be 100th Rose Bowl. Wouldn't it be great to have Gophers there. What the hey ... that's my New Year's prediction:"

Which was followed up with a tweet from Zulgad: "Someone get over to Reusse's house right now. Someone has taken over the man's twitter account! Someone way too positive" and John Tevlin: "Perhaps a call from his sponsor is due."

Why is this a big deal? I thought it was funny. Many of you are way to sensitive.

Why is this a big deal? I thought it was funny. Many of you are way to sensitive.

I agree. Everyone hates Reusse in general but we need to stop being so sensitive about everything the guy says. Just take it for what it is and stop getting offended by it.

I agree. Everyone hates Reusse in general but we need to stop being so sensitive about everything the guy says. Just take it for what it is and stop getting offended by it.

+1. Exactly. If I valued his opinion anymore, I would care. Hence, I no longer value his opinion on anything.

Saturday morning, Reusse spent the 1st 30+ minutes of his radio show ripping the Gopher FB team to shreds. What gets me is that he sounded practically gleeful about it. You'd think that the Gophs blowing the lead and losing a bowl game was the happiest day of his life. I don't know why, but he genuinely seems to dislike Gopher Sports.

Reusse also wrote a column recently - gist of column was that the Gopher BB team has enough talent to win the B1G title, which is a classic sportswriter way to CYA. If the Gophs Win the B1G, Pat can say he predicted it - and if they fall short, then Pat gets to proclaim the season as a failure.

Saturday morning, Reusse spent the 1st 30+ minutes of his radio show ripping the Gopher FB team to shreds. What gets me is that he sounded practically gleeful about it. You'd think that the Gophs blowing the lead and losing a bowl game was the happiest day of his life. I don't know why, but he genuinely seems to dislike Gopher Sports.

Reusse also wrote a column recently - gist of column was that the Gopher BB team has enough talent to win the B1G title, which is a classic sportswriter way to CYA. If the Gophs Win the B1G, Pat can say he predicted it - and if they fall short, then Pat gets to proclaim the season as a failure.

I thought he predictied them to be 3rd or 4th? Regardless point well taken, like a lot of posters here who say they think they could win 13+ B10 games but the league is so tough so they might not...

Saturday morning, Reusse spent the 1st 30+ minutes of his radio show ripping the Gopher FB team to shreds. What gets me is that he sounded practically gleeful about it. You'd think that the Gophs blowing the lead and losing a bowl game was the happiest day of his life. I don't know why, but he genuinely seems to dislike Gopher Sports.

pat HATES football of any sort and yes, he does hate the Gophers with the possible exception of the baseball team.

One disadvantage of the new stadium is that I can no longer give pat the one fingered salute as I walked past the press box on my way to my seat.

Some people try to make the world a better place - pat is a vile, angry person who tries to make the world worse by tearing down people and programs. I dislike everything about the man.

Going into this season, I think Reusse liked Jer and that he was cheering and supporting him. I believe it was the UNC thing that made him do a 180. I think he will come back again (not that I'm worried about it) as the team cotinues to improve per plan.

Why do people post this stuff? I don't care about local sports media at all (or any other Minnesota sports team for that matter), but I seriously question why some of you start separate threads just to post what some guy said on twitter, especially when you KNOW it's going to lead to nothing but a massive bitchfest for two weeks.

He's a troll. Don't help him.
People post this stuff because people like to be mad. It's the same reason the local media thrives on negativity, people eat it up.

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