Kill to U students: "We need a party, get-after-it atmosphere"

part of the problem is that most students haven't been gopher fans for 30 plus years. for a freshman or Sophomore who never was there for the Dome days this is all they know so they take it for granted, so without a good atmosphere staying in dinky town drinking is more appealing.

The largest problem in my opinion though is the U itself and their stance toward students. They have absolutely crushed any student creativeness in the sections (basketball or football). I couldn't believe the ticket takers this year at the student entrance. Every game I bet they turned away at least 100 kids who were obviously college aged and were decked out in maroon and gold for not having a ticket, I know 100 students won't make that big of a difference but really?

The U should also let students tailgate in the lot across from ridder (on 5th?). That lot is never full and it is not very appealing for students to walk that far when they are drunk. Allowing a lot of students would instantly create a fun spot for students to go before the game and actually go to the game. the lots behind the old spaghetti factory were awesome before they shut those down.

this, they really need to take advantage of the STUDENTS!!

even if they don't have college ID's, ffs they have a ticket atleast, let them cheer for the home team atleast.

even if they don't have college ID's, ffs they have a ticket atleast, let them cheer for the home team atleast.

Okay, as long as you promise not to click on the thread here after the game entitled "Why were there so many f***in' Badger fans in our student section!!!!"

You're upset about them not allowing entrance to people who didn't have a ticket?

ucard, my mistake

if a college aged student is decked out in gopher gear, but lost their Ucard or whatever why not let them in? Show some discretion, if the person is wearing red and doesn't have a Ucard, too bad. I will always remember at a basketball game when a girl tried wearing a bucky shirt in like the third row at the barn in student section and she was getting torn apart by the rest of the students. One of the ushers or whatever walked over and she thought he was going to come to bat for her and he said, "either take that shirt off, move, or deal with it."

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