Kill to U students: "We need a party, get-after-it atmosphere"

i can see lil joel not liking the we need a party reference.

I really like that Kill seems to be proactive in the gameday atmosphere side of things. That's one place where I feel like we've always been sorely lacking, and could easily fix. Hopefully after the first home game he's calling for the in-game music guy's job.

The Jerry Kill like-o-meter just went from 6 to a 9.



i'll believe it when I see it. the students will show up if we start winning. last year was pathetic.

Why I Never....

Promoting drinking and partying to college students for an event surrounding an athletic event? Coach Kill needs to be reprimanded immediately.

I suggest we make him wash his mouth out with beer.

Where are they going to tailgate? I don't know many students who can afford the $2,000 parking pass.

Is Kill promoting drinking? No.
He's promoting a party. While most of us associate the two, he is not.

The students have plenty of places to pre-game that don't cost $2,000. Several decent restaurants, fraternity row is close, and I'd bet the majority of the creepy alumni tailgaters like myself would kill for some of the 20 year old women to join our tailgate.

I fully support Dinkytown becoming a premier tailgating destination.

Promoting drinking and partying to college students for an event surrounding an athletic event? Coach Kill needs to be reprimanded immediately.

I suggest we make him wash his mouth out with beer.

You had me scared for a sec, but well played!

Is Kill promoting drinking? No.
He's promoting a party. While most of us associate the two, he is not.

The students have plenty of places to pre-game that don't cost $2,000. Several decent restaurants, fraternity row is close, and I'd bet the majority of the creepy alumni tailgaters like myself would kill for some of the 20 year old women to join our tailgate.

And when I was a student there, I would have killed for this opportunity. Instead I had to catch the shuttle going to the Dome. That being said, I have NO problem inviting any student into my tailgate, man or woman (provided their 21 for drinking : Legal disclaimer). And I know, any 18-23 year college chick will have no problem finding a spot to party! :clap:

As far as drinking at the stadium goes, having the no beer policy deters the student from attending. Simple solution: Wristbands for beer. Fullproof? No, but than beer sales can be justified. And it cuts down on binge drinking before the game. This will create a more "party" atmosphere and keep students at the game from kickoff till the end when we sing Hail Minnesota. So, if you are a tailgater, invite people in to yours, let them have a good time, and this will create a culture around Dinkytown that will last a lifetime. Let's get this place bumping like Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Oklahoma, Iowa, Wisconsin, or Michigan. Why can't we have that atmosphere here? Let's do it! Starting Tomorrow!!!!!!! Go Gophers!!!!

So you want to have drinking in our stadium when even Madisuck doesn't allow it? (outside of premium seats)

No thanks!

On topic...Go coach Kill! Love everything he said :)

"From [age] 17 to 22, I did everything once, maybe twice, and I did it really well," Kill said.

Awesome. The bars within walking distance of the stadium need to get approval for beer gardens on game day, as well as spreading the word about "aging alumni" being welcoming of students. I love it when my nieces/nephews/friends hit our tailgate, although I am amazed at how quickly the food/beer disappears. :)

God bless him, Kill is touching all the bases. Come to think of it, so did Brewster and even Mason to a lesser extent. In the end, putting a winning team on the field is the only way to ensure student attendance and enthusiasm. The Bank is too quiet when the students aren't into the game or, really, not even in the stadium.

I think, there is a pretty good tailgating atmosphere that the students have. It wasn't bad at the dome wither(before they banned kegs downtown, the bastards). Students wake up and party, they just don't walk down to the game. I've seen many instances where It would be 10:55 and people would just say screw it and keep tailgating.


And when I was a student there, I would have killed for this opportunity. Instead I had to catch the shuttle going to the Dome. That being said, I have NO problem inviting any student into my tailgate, man or woman (provided their 21 for drinking : Legal disclaimer). And I know, any 18-23 year college chick will have no problem finding a spot to party! :clap:

As far as drinking at the stadium goes, having the no beer policy deters the student from attending. Simple solution: Wristbands for beer. Fullproof? No, but than beer sales can be justified. And it cuts down on binge drinking before the game. This will create a more "party" atmosphere and keep students at the game from kickoff till the end when we sing Hail Minnesota. So, if you are a tailgater, invite people in to yours, let them have a good time, and this will create a culture around Dinkytown that will last a lifetime. Let's get this place bumping like Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Oklahoma, Iowa, Wisconsin, or Michigan. Why can't we have that atmosphere here? Let's do it! Starting Tomorrow!!!!!!! Go Gophers!!!!

I believe there are only two D1 schools in the country that sell beer to fans at athletic events (outside of just the premium seats) and none of them are in the B10. It was 3 schools when we were in the Dome. Therefore, I don't think its needed to have a good atmosphere. Also, hasn't anyone ever heard of airline-sized booze bottles? Works just as well for drinking at the game (if you want to) and is MUCH cheaper than a $6.00 cup of 3.2 beer.

I like the message, I just don't think it is realistic to expect a "party, get-after it atmosphere" without some real success on the field. If someone in the student body is extremely creative they might be able to come up with some new traditions (chants, songs, dances, etc) that make the atmosphere more of a party. It's easier to maintain an atmosphere that was created during winning times, than create an atmosphere during losing times...and most of us have never seen winning times. I think it's rare that a stadium is considered a "tough place to play" when the team occupying that stadium doesn't win games at a high level.

I believe there are only two D1 schools in the country that sell beer to fans at athletic events (outside of just the premium seats) and none of them are in the B10. It was 3 schools when we were in the Dome. Therefore, I don't think its needed to have a good atmosphere. Also, hasn't anyone ever heard of airline-sized booze bottles? Works just as well for drinking at the game (if you want to) and is MUCH cheaper than a $6.00 cup of 3.2 beer.

Trust me, I sneek a flask in and it has saved me money over buying beer, but I'm sure this has something to do with the Students not showing, not the alumni. Just a thought. That being said, maybe the security in the student area can be a little aloof to the kids so they can have a good time. (disclaimer: No problem sneeking a flask in in 2 years) All in all, I'm still mad at the kids for not embracing the fact that they have a stadium right there on campus. Take advantage and show up for 3 hours every Saturday. Invite the students into your tailgate and spread the word to get all the other students to show the F up. What'll it cost you? A couple cases of beer? Do it! They get excited about tailgaiting and it'll spread before you know it!!!!!

A new stadium filled up the student section vs Air Force but that was it. Will they come if we win....hope so.

"From [age] 17 to 22, I did everything once, maybe twice, and I did it really well," Kill said.

Awesome. The bars within walking distance of the stadium need to get approval for beer gardens on game day, as well as spreading the word about "aging alumni" being welcoming of students. I love it when my nieces/nephews/friends hit our tailgate, although I am amazed at how quickly the food/beer disappears. :)

The bars do have those permits and are running beer gardens. The bigger issue is the lack of cheaper tailgating pretty much everywhere on the East Bank thanks to the City being the no-fun police on the private lots and the U not opening up even a small bit of non-donation tailgating.

I for one am very excited to show Coach Kill how we get the "party" started by taking over the Coliseum on September 3rd. He doesn't know that the Gophers don't travel well. This is a good chance to start something great. Between LA this year and Vegas next year its going to be awesome to travel. Playing in the Pacific timezone also gives us midwesterners 2 more hours of pre game partying. I may be drinking the Coach Kill Kool Aid, but it sure tastes good.

part of the problem is that most students haven't been gopher fans for 30 plus years. for a freshman or Sophomore who never was there for the Dome days this is all they know so they take it for granted, so without a good atmosphere staying in dinky town drinking is more appealing.

The largest problem in my opinion though is the U itself and their stance toward students. They have absolutely crushed any student creativeness in the sections (basketball or football). I couldn't believe the ticket takers this year at the student entrance. Every game I bet they turned away at least 100 kids who were obviously college aged and were decked out in maroon and gold for not having a ticket, I know 100 students won't make that big of a difference but really?

The U should also let students tailgate in the lot across from ridder (on 5th?). That lot is never full and it is not very appealing for students to walk that far when they are drunk. Allowing a lot of students would instantly create a fun spot for students to go before the game and actually go to the game. the lots behind the old spaghetti factory were awesome before they shut those down.

Every game I bet they turned away at least 100 kids who were obviously college aged and were decked out in maroon and gold for not having a ticket, I know 100 students won't make that big of a difference but really?

You're upset about them not allowing entrance to people who didn't have a ticket?

You're upset about them not allowing entrance to people who didn't have a ticket?

I'm a tad confused about this I missing something or do other schools let in students in without tickets typically?

Maybe he meant students who forgot their U Card? I know people who couldn't get in who had a ticket but no U Card.....that being said, it's pretty easy to remember a card that is generally carried in a wallet...

Fraternities and dorm parties

When I was a freshman, and a pledge at Delta Kappa Epsilon, we used to party on Friday, sleep in, refresh ourselves, start the pre-game party and walk to Memorial en mass. We expected everyone in the Fraternity to go to the games. After the games, all study time. When I moved into Frontier Hall, we did the same thing. Maybe the dorm councils can work out student rush for unsold tickets on game days.

Maybe he meant students who forgot their U Card? I know people who couldn't get in who had a ticket but no U Card.....that being said, it's pretty easy to remember a card that is generally carried in a wallet...

Security is not exactly hardcore about the U card midyear they were letting people in who said they left their U card at home.

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