Kill says Gophers will have "a great team next year", says he'll never be a HC again

Is Jerry Kill's "cabin" down near Carbondale IL, or Dekalb IL?

Secondly, I think he'll do wonders fundraising for the charities dear to his heart.

Writing a book and doing paid public speaking he'll do great!

I don't know if his future will be connected to the U at some point in time. He does not want a conflict of interest situation with his ties to the football team.

Sooner or later, we'll see him pop up. Just not in coaching. Like he said, he is getting lots of offers from all over.

The U is indebted to him for pushing for the athletics facilities and for the football program rebuilding we can all be proud of.

If the AD position was an option for Kill I believe he would have taken it.

I think he will do something in television aka Mason. Kill would be a natural on the college football level and could potentially make more than he did coaching while only working weekends and 5 months a year.

I think you're overestimating how much Mason makes. College football coaches make way more than broadcasters. There are few TV sports casters making 7 figures. Kill was making $2.4MM. For Mason to make that in 5 months he'd have to earn $200,000 per week. I'd be surprised if he made that all year.

I think you're overestimating how much Mason makes. College football coaches make way more than broadcasters. There are few TV sports casters making 7 figures. Kill was making $2.4MM. For Mason to make that in 5 months he'd have to earn $200,000 per week. I'd be surprised if he made that all year.

You lost me......I never mentioned how much money Mason makes?

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I wouldn't discount Coach Kill doing some consulting. We have heard from many sources, that the football organization is well organized, I could easily see him consulting on football operations. I think he would stay away from any thing to do with the Xs and Os, but organizing the office, just might be intriguing.

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