Kill on Barreiro this afternoon for an hour


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Head football coach Jerry Kill will be in studio at KFAN AM 1130 from 4:30-5:30 this afternoon with Dan Barreiro.

Danny has a fake guest on right now talking draft. danny and his cleverness - tee hee. I think it might be by the dells.

Great listen. I can't believe I listened to Barriero's show. Coach was great and DB asked really good questions. So far KFAN has been great.

good interview, it was an hour but felt like 30 mns, good material.

Great listen. I can't believe I listened to Barriero's show. Coach was great and DB asked really good questions. So far KFAN has been great.

Disagree, it was painfully obvious Dan knows little to nothing about the gophers. He didn't even know what the "scrimmage" last Saturday was called? He never heard of a spring football game!

Didn't hear the whole thing, but I was impressed with what I did hear. He wasn't talken Rose Bowl or Big Ten titles, he was stressing getting to a point of being competitive in every game, basically concentrating on getting this team to a point of being a relevent program in the Big Ten instead of a doormat that Brewster got us to.

Disagree, it was painfully obvious Dan knows little to nothing about the gophers. He didn't even know what the "scrimmage" last Saturday was called? He never heard of a spring football game!

I think you missed the sarcasm in that one. He was referring the the fact the Gophers did not have a Spring Game, it was a scrimmage. I thought it was a great interview. 830WCCO interviews never have follow-up questions.

I don't like Danny B and I still can't imagine that I would listen to a lot of the Fan outside some of the NBA Draft and Gopher coverage, but I thought it was a decent interview.

I will say this, a few months ago some Gopher related (maybe it was basketball, can't remember) guest was on PA and it was painfully obvious that he did not do any homework and the interview absolutely bombed.

Now, Danny B did the homework and the interview went smooth. A lot of the issues that were brought up were very similar to questions we've had...
-Where would Gray have been if he had always played QB? (good question)
-Moses really going to switch positions? (a question that has been debated on here with us die hards)
-Where are you going to find a pass rush? (a key question that showed he did homework)

Those were the main ones off the top of my head. So, all in all, good questions.

I do take some satisfaction in listening to a guy like Barreiro toe the company line and be a Gopher backer, especially considering how much of a contrarian he is.

But like I said from the jump, if it's decent informed coverage, from anywhere, i'm totally cool with it.

I will say this, a few months ago some Gopher related (maybe it was basketball, can't remember) guest was on PA and it was painfully obvious that he did not do any homework and the interview absolutely bombed.


I think it was Quincy Lewis.

I don't like Danny B and I still can't imagine that I would listen to a lot of the Fan outside some of the NBA Draft and Gopher coverage, but I thought it was a decent interview.

I will say this, a few months ago some Gopher related (maybe it was basketball, can't remember) guest was on PA and it was painfully obvious that he did not do any homework and the interview absolutely bombed.

Now, Danny B did the homework and the interview went smooth. A lot of the issues that were brought up were very similar to questions we've had...
-Where would Gray have been if he had always played QB? (good question)
-Moses really going to switch positions? (a question that has been debated on here with us die hards)
-Where are you going to find a pass rush? (a key question that showed he did homework)

Those were the main ones off the top of my head. So, all in all, good questions.

I do take some satisfaction in listening to a guy like Barreiro toe the company line and be a Gopher backer, especially considering how much of a contrarian he is.

But like I said from the jump, if it's decent informed coverage, from anywhere, i'm totally cool with it.

I know most people here don't like KFAN and even dislike Danny B even more.. but as a guy that casually listens to his show (because it's on when I'm on my way to work), Barreiro actually is alright when it comes to Gopher football. He is like alot of us.. Was really cool on Kill when he was announced as the new head coach, then started warming up to him during his initial presser.. To now he's a fan. Well, a fan in the only way Dan Barreiro can be. I'm not surprised in the least at how good of an interview it was, because Dan likes Coach Kill and has followed him since his hiring (not as much as we have, but for a guy that's pretty much detatched from the U as he is, he's very well informed).

Danny B doesn't like any coach in town. If he seems high on Kill it is only because he loves to compare him to Brewster so he can continue to stomp on Brewster's grave. The primary reason Barreiro started inviting Mason on his show was to piss off the Mason haters in GopherHole and elsewhere.

If Kill has a slow start with the Gophers Barreiro will be on him like any other coach. Going after and burying the local Head Coaches, GM's, and AD's is what Barreiro really loves to do. In fact, I don't think Barreiro even likes watching the actual games all that much. He hardly ever attends them in person, and he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who parks himself in front of the TV to watch sports.

Barreiro's ignorance about sports in general, and Gopher football in particular, is pathetic for a high profile local sports talk host. His favorite activity is giving his opinions about everything to his listeners whether he knows anything about the topic or not. Barreiro is probably a pretty good guy away from work, but when he is talking into his microphone he is an arrogant jackass.

I thought DB did a nice job with the questions. I was impressed that he asked if Kill thought about the 2pt conversion that UW/BB tried on us and if that bugged him even though he wasn't the HC. I was even more impressed with Kill's answer. I expected Kill to say "well I've known Bret for over 20 years (which he has) and he's a good guy that wouldn't intentionally rub it in and we're not worried about last year any more" or some coach speak like that, but instead, his answer went something like this (paraphrasing) "I've known their coach for a number of years and we are both very competitive. I am a firm believer that what goes around comes around and it is important for the entire state of Minnesota to win rivalry games. I will certainly remind our guys about that and use it for extra motivation." No coach speak, no defending BB and not over the top. Solid response to a good question.

Go Gophers!!

A good interview by Barrerio.Coach Kill as usual was a great listen. Barriero gets paid to be an arrogant a-hole and on the air anyhow he is a natural at being one.

I think you missed the sarcasm in that one. He was referring the the fact the Gophers did not have a Spring Game, it was a scrimmage. I thought it was a great interview. 830WCCO interviews never have follow-up questions.

There was no sarcasm, he was searching for the word and KILL bailed him out. DB then referred to what was in the paper; the gophers are short players.

Danny B doesn't like any coach in town. If he seems high on Kill it is only because he loves to compare him to Brewster so he can continue to stomp on Brewster's grave. The primary reason Barreiro started inviting Mason on his show was to piss off the Mason haters in GopherHole and elsewhere.

If Kill has a slow start with the Gophers Barreiro will be on him like any other coach. Going after and burying the local Head Coaches, GM's, and AD's is what Barreiro really loves to do. In fact, I don't think Barreiro even likes watching the actual games all that much. He hardly ever attends them in person, and he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who parks himself in front of the TV to watch sports.

Barreiro's ignorance about sports in general, and Gopher football in particular, is pathetic for a high profile local sports talk host. His favorite activity is giving his opinions about everything to his listeners whether he knows anything about the topic or not. Barreiro is probably a pretty good guy away from work, but when he is talking into his microphone he is an arrogant jackass.

DB is a proven Gopher-hater and likely will remain such.

Funny what the KFAN suits threats of water torture and pulling out fingernails will do.

Danny B doesn't like any coach in town. If he seems high on Kill it is only because he loves to compare him to Brewster so he can continue to stomp on Brewster's grave. The primary reason Barreiro started inviting Mason on his show was to piss off the Mason haters in GopherHole and elsewhere.

If Kill has a slow start with the Gophers Barreiro will be on him like any other coach. Going after and burying the local Head Coaches, GM's, and AD's is what Barreiro really loves to do. In fact, I don't think Barreiro even likes watching the actual games all that much. He hardly ever attends them in person, and he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who parks himself in front of the TV to watch sports.

Barreiro's ignorance about sports in general, and Gopher football in particular, is pathetic for a high profile local sports talk host. His favorite activity is giving his opinions about everything to his listeners whether he knows anything about the topic or not. Barreiro is probably a pretty good guy away from work, but when he is talking into his microphone he is an arrogant jackass.

Is this post for real? Seriously? Do you honestly believe his only reason to have mase on was to piss us off? Get off your high horse! How can you say that a man, who covered sports as a journalist, for the past 20 or 30 years knows nothing about sports. To me, you sound like the jerk in this post man. His radio show is the highest drive time rated show on the AM dial. Weekly, he has the best guests on his show, from Lou Nanne to Mase to Rosenbaum to hopefully Jerry Kill. Nothing but good things can come from Kill being on his show every week. The publicity our program can get from him being on this show will be huge.

Is this post for real? Seriously? Do you honestly believe his only reason to have mase on was to piss us off? Get off your high horse! How can you say that a man, who covered sports as a journalist, for the past 20 or 30 years knows nothing about sports. To me, you sound like the jerk in this post man. His radio show is the highest drive time rated show on the AM dial. Weekly, he has the best guests on his show, from Lou Nanne to Mase to Rosenbaum to hopefully Jerry Kill. Nothing but good things can come from Kill being on his show every week. The publicity our program can get from him being on this show will be huge.

Settle down, pal. I didn't insult you. I criticized a very highly paid member of the local sports media who has spent his entire career going after local sports figures in a very personal and destructive manner. The way Barreiro tried to destroy Kevin McHale on almost a daily basis was absolutely disgusting. Barreiro had a personal vendetta against McHale because Kevin wouldn't go on his show, and he liked Chad Hartman better.

Barreiro has also made great sport out of ridiculing the failures of Gopher athletic teams (especially football) over the course of his career in Minnesota. It was never enough for him just to stick to legitimate criticism of the coaches and teams. Until Kfan acquired the rights to Gopher football Barreiro always made sure his listeners understood that Gopher sports are irrelevant and should not be taken seriously.

You are clueless if you don't think Barreiro invited Mason on his show to provide another platform for him to make fun of Brewster, Maturi, and the football program. You need to take your nose out of Barreiro's butt. The brown smear isn't very becoming on you.

I thought DB did a nice job with the questions. I was impressed that he asked if Kill thought about the 2pt conversion that UW/BB tried on us and if that bugged him even though he wasn't the HC. I was even more impressed with Kill's answer. I expected Kill to say "well I've known Bret for over 20 years (which he has) and he's a good guy that wouldn't intentionally rub it in and we're not worried about last year any more" or some coach speak like that, but instead, his answer went something like this (paraphrasing) "I've known their coach for a number of years and we are both very competitive. I am a firm believer that what goes around comes around and it is important for the entire state of Minnesota to win rivalry games. I will certainly remind our guys about that and use it for extra motivation." No coach speak, no defending BB and not over the top. Solid response to a good question.

Go Gophers!!

I haven't listened, but this part is great to hear, and really, just goes to his competitive aspect.

Settle down, Pal. I didn't insult you. I criticized a very highly paid member of the local sports media who has spent his entire career going after locals sports figures in a very personal and destructive manner. The way Barreiro tried to destroy Kevin McHale on amost a daily basis on his show was absolutely disgusting. Barreiro had a personal vendetta against McHale because Kevin wouldn't go on his show, and he liked Chad Hartman better.

Barreiro has made great sport out of ridiculing the failures of Gopher's athletic teams (especially football) over the course of his career in Minnesota. It was never enough for him just to stick to legitimate criticism criticism of the coaches and teams. Until Kfan acquired the rights to Gopher football Barreiro has always made sure his listeners understood that Gopher sports are basically irrelevant and should not be taken seriously. You are clueless if you don't think he invited Mason on his show to provide another platform for him to make fun of Brewster, Maturi, and the football program. You should take your nose out of Barreiro's butt. The brown smear isn't very becoming.

I think that the making fun of Mchale, and it was making fun NOT a vendetta, was well deserved. He was an awful GM he made 2 good draft picks over 10+ years and made an illegal contract signing. His criticism is usually is justly deserved. Gopher football has sucked for a really long time. You are the clueless one PAL!

I thought it was a good interview. I continue to be amazed at how nearly everything here bogs down into a pissing match. Can't we just be friends... say... like these two guys?


It is interesting to me that no one here seems to be talking about anything Kill said. All you can talk about is Barreiro's slant. Not that I disagree with much of what's being said about DB (I don't particularly like the guy), but did Coach Kill really talk for that long and not say anything that put a new light on his thinking about the team? Interesting.

I didn't get to listen live, but will try to pick it up on their "on-demand".

Barreiro is easier to stomach once you accept that his negative slant is his bit. Just go in knowing that you will hear negative stuff. His thin skin is what bugs me but it is his show.

I haven't listened to KFAN for years. PA and Dubay and Power Trip were OK. The broadcast and production for the Spring Game was great. Especially since they are just getting started. The interview yesterday was a very interesting hour of conversation with Coach Kill. So far I think KFAN and media overall has taken well to Coach Kill. I do not listen to DB. However, I have no complaints from yesterday. I don't get why people are complaining now.

I thought it was a good interview. I continue to be amazed at how nearly everything here bogs down into a pissing match. Can't we just be friends... say... like these two guys?


O.K. Which one had cancer?

one little nugget. When the subject changed to gipper speeches in the locker room. It wander and found Coach Miller, the linebacker coach who was on the staff when they beat Michigan on Chip's field goal. Coach Kill did mention he might have Miller address the team at Michigan with the history of the Rivalry. I only hope Coach Miller can bring it like Butch Nash.

DB is a proven Gopher-hater and likely will remain such.

Funny what the KFAN suits threats of water torture and pulling out fingernails will do.

Maybe he's coming around. I noticed that while making a comment, Barreiro said 'we' when referring to the Gopher team. Not huge, but the closest I've heard him talking like a fan for a long, long time.

One comment I found interesting was Kill discussing Gray. He wondered what Gray would look like now if he had played since he was a freshman. Kill sounded a bit wistful at the thought. Kill was then asked if he would start a freshman QB. He noted that he once played a freshman TE at QB when he had two senior QBs and a junior QB because the TE was the best of the lot. He then said he would not have this job long if he didn't play the best guys.

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