Kill and his staff are running against the wind recruiting in the B1G.

Nov 20, 2008
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Combined, Ohio State and Michigan have 28 committments, mostly all 4-5 star recruits. Even the debacle at Penn State hasn't curtailed their recruiting, having several top committments. Our two biggest rivals, Iowa and Wisconsin have 12-13 committments between them. Some of them with 4**** ranking. Nothing new here guys, just pointing out what a tough road it is for coach Kill and his staff, especially this year with limited scholarships available.

Ruppie it's not the wind, it's a hurricane. I believe Kill and staff plugged the hole in the dike last year and this year will be able to get a few more highly rated recruits. I've liked what I've read so far, but it's still a long road. As you know, just because we decided to revitalize the program doesn't mean our friends in the B1G are going to wait up for us. I just hope Kill and staff are being given everything they need. To consistently get to fringe bowl games and then deal with our rivalries as they deserve is still in the future.

Go Gophers!

Ruppert, I read an interesting article that I linked into at Coaching Hot Seat. It was a study of each conference, and their teams finishes, relative to their recruiting ranks. I don't have the link anymore, but basically what it said was, that teams generally recruit within 3 places of their finish and finish within three places of their recruiting. So that a bottom tier team that finishes above it's recruiting, and then recruits above it's finishes can steadily rise. It also means ITS NOT DONE OVERNIGHT! SO QUIT WHINING. Let Coach Kill and his staff do their work.

The hopeful side is that some coaches can coach players above their ratings - as we have seen here at times. Hopefully, the Gophers will be more competitive whatever the record, maybe get to a bowl, and earn more respect. One brick at a time...

Ruppert, I read an interesting article that I linked into at Coaching Hot Seat. It was a study of each conference, and their teams finishes, relative to their recruiting ranks. I don't have the link anymore, but basically what it said was, that teams generally recruit within 3 places of their finish and finish within three places of their recruiting. So that a bottom tier team that finishes above it's recruiting, and then recruits above it's finishes can steadily rise. It also means ITS NOT DONE OVERNIGHT! SO QUIT WHINING. Let Coach Kill and his staff do their work.

Recruiting rankings don't mean anything.

He agrees with you. He writes things like this to mock those who think they don't. Unless my memory is faulty.

Nope, not faulty, it's part of his bit haha

But yeah, it's not like we're exactly recruiting against OSU and Michigan, they're kind of their own league compared to us. But Becky and Iowa, as long as they haven't lost too many of those battles so far, then it's not that concerning. It's clear their net has not been cast nearly as broadly as last year, since they are limited on schollies this year. This recruiting season should be very interesting in how it turns out.

Nope, not faulty, it's part of his bit haha

But yeah, it's not like we're exactly recruiting against OSU and Michigan, they're kind of their own league compared to us. But Becky and Iowa, as long as they haven't lost too many of those battles so far, then it's not that concerning. It's clear their net has not been cast nearly as broadly as last year, since they are limited on schollies this year. This recruiting season should be very interesting in how it turns out.

I've got a good guess. A number of folks here will be saying he can "coach them up". Others will be very skeptical of the MAC offers. I'll just wait and see how they look in 3 years.

As Gopher fans don't we go through this "OMG THE SKY IS FALLING BECAUSE MICHIGAN & OSU ARE GETTING RECRUITS WITH HIGHER STARS" thing pretty much every single year?

As Gopher fans don't we go through this "OMG THE SKY IS FALLING BECAUSE MICHIGAN & OSU ARE GETTING RECRUITS WITH HIGHER STARS" thing pretty much every single year?

Pretty much for the past 45 years anyway!

Is it not like the parable, the tortoise vs the hare. It is not as important how you start the race but how you finish it! Hopefully we become great finishers under this new regime.

The key to the next 4 years is keeping each recruiting cohort on track for graduation. We need this team to hold together and graduate together in order to win more games. We know the problem with input but we also need to produce output.

Dean S said:
The key to the next 4 years is keeping each recruiting cohort on track for graduation. We need this team to hold together and graduate together in order to win more games. We know the problem with input but we also need to produce output.
So we need to produce input and output?

A couple thoughts here. 1) I'm glad these helmet schools are filling up early, it lets us focus on who's worthy AND available. 2) We have so few schollies available this year (MV had a nice piece on this, btw) that we HAVE to be selective & sort of ensures that the staff won't offer until they see kids with their own eyes at summer camp. I expect several commits post-camp & then we'll be able to lock in on the last handful of spots & give all our effort to land our top choices.

I thinkthe best case scenario is these classes are the foundation of the turnaround, and three or four years from know the team is pushed over the top by the more talented classes.

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