Kiffin at it again

He will have to win and win big at Tennessee. IF he has the audacity to NOT win big at Tennessee within the first three years, they will stick a fork in him and he will be gone... merely another brief footnote, a brief twittering footnote in the Tennessee Football Program's long history . He doesn't have a name and a history of success like that richrod dude at Michigan does. And, if that richrod dude doesn't start winning big time...and fast, he will start being hounded. He had better beat OSU in 2009. this youngster at Tennessee doesn't have very many reasons to stick around there unless he can turn his dirty tricks and bending of the rules into a LOT of Game Day Saturday wins. It just that way...regardless of the conference. In fact, this kiffin had probably best win a LOT of conference games at Tennessee early on...

So, he will try to bend every rule. You said yourself "..all coaches bend the rules..." Does that mean our guy, this brewster bends the rules? After all he is one of the "all" isn't he? Is that really what you think of football coaches? That's a pretty bold statement on your part TCF=united we stand. You may be correct though...

My hunch is that Tennessee may have made a mistake in picking their coach, like some other schools have done. They won't have a very long "honeymoon" period. I have a hard time liking a lot of these young coaches. The NU coach seems to be a cut above most of the other's close to his age.

AD's around the country had better put a stop to this twitter nonsense by their coaches. More than one of the coaches who twitter have shown the world what low-rent dudes/dudettes they really are. There will be some that twitter themselves right out of jobs. It would actually be poetic justice to see that happen at a place or two.

Whether he did it or his assistant, the guy stinks - all coaches bend the rules, but some more than others and he seems to already be crossing the line. He sure comes across as a d-bag.

My thoughts are that this is not big deal for him--doesn't appear to be his fault. However, with some of the past violations, I'm thinking that USC probably didn't teach him very good ethics and probably bent the rules quite a bit. It appears the SEC schools maybe follow the rules better than SC.

sounds like it wasn't even lane kiffin who posted the tweet about the tennessee recruit on his twitter account. rather it was an assistant in the football office (logged in under kiffin's account) who did not first ask for permission to do it. oh wait, that's right there is no way that someone other than the head coach himself could possibly be twittering under said coach's account right?!?! :rolleyes:

that is unless you are coach brewster and the masonites, becky & hogeye fans out there who hate you are the ones you ask if that is possible in relation to the whole stupid reusse twitter-gate "scandal" they tried to concoct. i can guarantee that brewster was not the one who made the alleged tweet about reusse - although reusse deserved it nonetheless.

How are you going to guarantee that, anyway bronko?

I think coaches are stupid to even have a twitter deal going. I don't want a coach who is either a quitter OR a twitter! No more Big Ten 55-0 losses! That shows signs of quitting. No more gossip column garbage material re: reusse...That shows signs of twitting... ; 0 )

How are you going to guarantee that, anyway bronko?

I think coaches are stupid to even have a twitter deal going. I don't want a coach who is either a quitter OR a twitter! No more Big Ten 55-0 losses! That shows signs of quitting. No more gossip column garbage material re: reusse...That shows signs of twitting... ; 0 )

because regardless of the crap you spew about him brewster is actually a stand up guy. that is "my guarantee" wren. kiffin, crean, YOU on the other hand.....not so sure

as usual your garbage posts are quite enthralling wren :rolleyes:

i am going to bed now. suggest you do the same old man.

How are you going to guarantee that, anyway bronko?

I think coaches are stupid to even have a twitter deal going. I don't want a coach who is either a quitter OR a twitter! No more Big Ten 55-0 losses! That shows signs of quitting. No more gossip column garbage material re: reusse...That shows signs of twitting... ; 0 )

Welcome to my ignore list you a$$hat

Who cares what you like?

How are you going to guarantee that, anyway bronko?

I think coaches are stupid to even have a twitter deal going. I don't want a coach who is either a quitter OR a twitter! No more Big Ten 55-0 losses! That shows signs of quitting. No more gossip column garbage material re: reusse...That shows signs of twitting... ; 0 )

We all know what posters are d-bags no matter what their tags.

Just like every other Gopher fan, Coach Brewster couldn't probably give a F less about your thoughts on him or the program. Nice exlamation points!!!!!!!!!

Blog tough-guys are sooooo cool!!!!!!!

bend the rules, skirt the rule line, whatever - I didn't say they break the rules, but yes, I believe nowadays just about every coach tries to determine how far he/she can go when it comes to recruiting. Again, the point is that they aren't necessarily breaking rules, but they try to maneuver around or bend in order to gain an edge, and this isn't limited to big-time D-1 coaches - this occurs in D2, D3, NAIA, you name it.

It's just part of the deal; not illegal, but part of the deal.

So, let's get this straight: our official talking point is that we are incredibly critical and like to bash another coach for doing what our coach may do, but since he is our coach it's very undrstandable that he can do anything he darn well pleases and we will criticize anyone who even points out their guy is just dong what our guy may be doing. We don't want discussion. We don't want to look at things in a fair and balanced way. We only want to stay with our talking points and we don't care about anything else?

I am a Gopher Football fan. I have questions about some of the things I see here. So I comment. I think that is a very logical thing to do. I think it helps add to "conversation" here. Do we all have to agree on everything? Is it ok for some to take shots at others but not ok for the person the shots are directed at to respond?

Give and take. Take and give. It's a good thing. Differing points of view on a subject help to form a fun and interesting board.

I'm not a fan of coaches twittering and it appears to me the it will prove to be very problematic for a fair number of those coaches. Whether they are from Tennessee...or...Minnesota.

What will this brewster have to do at Minnesota? Will he have to win big in a fairly short period of time? Will winning big here at Minnesota include how well he will do in the Big Ten standings by year number three? Four? Five? Ten or more? Or, do we have no expectations here? That is the obvious question maxie...don't you make that connection? Or, are we satisfied with less than Mason-type results? There are so many honest questions to be asked.

Just remember, maturi was wanting to extend this brewster's contract before the bowl game. The qustion will HAVE to come up during the 2009 season. What do you think? Should maturi extend this brewster's contract during the 2009 football season? I think it is a huge question that will have many implications, regardless of the action...or...inaction.

Personally, I'd rather have maturi extend this brewster than to fire him and hire a new football coach. maturi is far too old to do that. He should not influence the direction of this program for very long after he has retired from this job or has left this job for what ever reason. maturi is approaching 65 years of age. He has 3 or 4 years left on his contract. He must NEVER hire for the football program my opinion... ; 0 ) Extending is not like making a new hire. An extension can easily be bought out at the mere cost of 1 to 5 million dollars. "An extension is not forever..." An extension doesn't mean you never have to say goodbye!

So, let's get this straight: our official talking point is that we are incredibly critical and like to bash another coach for doing what our coach may do, but since he is our coach it's very undrstandable that he can do anything he darn well pleases and we will criticize anyone who even points out their guy is just dong what our guy may be doing.

What Kiffin's assistant did is a violation of NCAA recruiting policies, although apparently a minor one.

What Brewster did is not. He just offended a colossal prick who despises anything U of M.

What will this brewster have to do at Minnesota? Will he have to win big in a fairly short period of time? Will winning big here at Minnesota include how well he will do in the Big Ten standings by year number three? Four? Five? Ten or more? Or, do we have no expectations here? That is the obvious question maxie...don't you make that connection? Or, are we satisfied with less than Mason-type results? There are so many honest questions to be asked.

Suddenly you have expectations? Mason didn't win big in 10 seasons, yet nobody complained more than you when he was fired. "Less than Mason-type results?" Last season Brewster produced exactly Mason-type results. (Although I was embarassed by 55-0, too.)

We all want to win big. You wanted to give Mason more than 10 years. At least give Brewster five.

Personally, I'd rather have maturi extend this brewster than to fire him and hire a new football coach. maturi is far too old to do that. He should not influence the direction of this program for very long after he has retired from this job or has left this job for what ever reason. maturi is approaching 65 years of age. He has 3 or 4 years left on his contract. He must NEVER hire for the football program my opinion... ; 0 ) Extending is not like making a new hire. An extension can easily be bought out at the mere cost of 1 to 5 million dollars. "An extension is not forever..." An extension doesn't mean you never have to say goodbye!

I LOVED the process in which Mason was paid millions and millions of borrowed money to take a hike after maturi and prexy b had extended his contract! I wanted Mason kept around while they were fighting to get the stadium. I thought maturi was incredibly foolish when he let Mason's contract run down to nothing and the stadium deal was not completed. Then, after letting Mason's contract run down to nothing, it was as though a "light went on" for prexy b and maturi and they gave him a long-term extension. (After the fiasco of letting his contract run down to nothing, and then realizing that they NEEDED Mason, the two foolish administrators were forced to go long term by Mason and his agent, Neil Cornrich who by then realized that they had maturi and prexy b by the short ones and between a rock and a hard-place! It was pretty funny to see the administrators get it handed to them that way... ; 0 )

So, I would much prefer to have maturi extend this brewster than to fire him. I don't trust this prexy b and maturi to make a new hire for the football program. They will be gone before the new coach they would hire would complete a five year contract...a contract that would need to be extended after only two shor years. (You can't ever let a coache's contract run down to less than 3 years in the Big know.) And, prexy b is over 67 years of age right now. He can't and won't continue on forever as the prexy of the U.

I think the years of Mason were so totally different because he was battling to get the football stadium. We now HAVE the stadium. Now, we must operate based upon accomplishment in terms of Big Ten wins vs. Big Ten losses. We must have expectations now that we have our stadium. And, it is our stadium. It is not the house that prexy b and maturi built. It belongs to the players and "we, the people..."

See you later. ; 0 )

Now, you demand 10-win seasons. But you had totally different demands when Mason was here. If Mason was still here, you wouldn't be demanding 10-win seasons. I believe your pants are on fire.

I do wish Mason would take another coaching job so that people who are Mason fans first and Gopher fans 874th can just follow after him.

I think the years of Mason were so totally different because he was battling to get the football stadium. We now HAVE the stadium. Now, we must operate based upon accomplishment in terms of Big Ten wins vs. Big Ten losses. We must have expectations now that we have our stadium.

So let's disregard Mason's record because he wasn't working with the new stadium? If you really feel that way then Brewster should be afforded the same luxury. You keep ripping Brewster for his 3-13 conference record but according to your newly found logic it doesn't matter anymore. Brewster is 0-0 by the logic of this wren.

What ever you say, your darren-speak is all greek to me! So, instead of 3-13, after two seasons, this brewster is 0-0 in the Big Ten headed into year number three. If that's what you want you've got it darren. I'll give him that 55-0 bashing as a mulligan. The Michigan loss, the wisky loss and wisky, NU and Kansas losses too from the 2008 season. He didn't really have any significant wins in 2008 any way, so we can ditch those. He threw the 2007 season away himself, so, I guess it is very appropos that he has a 0-0 Big Ten record headed into the 2009 season. The ooc games don't count for any thing significant any way.

So: he starts at 0-0 in his third season! I like it. Now, if he can just win 6 Big Ten games in 2009, he will kick Mason's butt all to heck. And, since he has the stadium that Mason could only toil for in his hopes and dreams, it is only appropos that the expectation of 6 big Ten wins in 2009 should be placed upon his head and shoulders! We have totally forgiven the 2007 and 2008 seasons and we are letting this brewster start ALL OVER again with the benefit of THREE recruiting classes! (Sometimes it seems more like he has had seven or eight recruiting classes. He certainly has packed a lot of coordinators into his 0-0 Big Ten career record.) It's ALL good though.

I've been waiting for a 6 win Big Ten season for a very long time! We haven't seen a 6 Big Ten win season since 1960, 1961 and 1967. And then the Big Ten only played a 7 game schedule.

Ok darren! You drive a hard bargin, but, we can go with this brewster being 0-0 in Big Ten play. The 2009 season is going to be incredibly interesting! The sky is the limit for this brewster in 2009.

Remember, I am pulling for this brewster to outlast this maturi. maturi must NEVER hire for the Football Program again.

PS: I'm more familiar with a few of the other THE Greek know Jimmy and Zorba. They were some real characters...especially Zorba!

Star Trib.closes down and now we have to put up with Birdy over here! Different moniker but same crap day after day.

Brewster has not had three recruiting classes. He was hired very shortly before players sign their letters of intent. It would take a miracle for any coach to steal recruits in that situation. He's had one class that he has recruited that has seen the field.

Brewster has not had three recruiting classes. He was hired very shortly before players sign their letters of intent. It would take a miracle for any coach to steal recruits in that situation. He's had one class that he has recruited that has seen the field.

We all know you're correct, but it's a waste of breath trying to argue with this dickhead. I (among others) have asked him for his rationale in ascribing 3 recruiting classes to Brewster, but he refuses to respond coherently/logically and just veers off time and again on his same tired nonsensical ramblings.

It's best just to pretend like his posts aren't even there.

Brewster has not had three recruiting classes. He was hired very shortly before players sign their letters of intent. It would take a miracle for any coach to steal recruits in that situation. He's had one class that he has recruited that has seen the field.

Ok! "... Poor, poor, pitiful brew...Lord have mercy on you..." So we won't count that first recruiting class that he happened to be drawing that check for at all. In fact, we will go one further and put the blame on Mason for having had the audacity to be fired when he was fired! So, that one was all Mason's fault.

Since we haven't seen too many players step up from that second recruiting class either YET, we won't count that one against this berwster either! What the heck...we won't even count the third one against the brewballmachineman either. So, here he is, entering his third season with a 0-0 Big Ten record and he has not had any recruiting classes! And, we won't count any of the first three coordinators (2 defensive c's and 1 offensive c) against brewman either.

It just doesn't get any better than this. NOTHING is either the responsibility or the fault of this brewster! Any thing that has not gone right is ALL Mason's fault, and always will be. Now we're cooking!

And the twittering foul ups are all Mason's fault too! Darn that darn Mason for that, any darn way!

So, now we can get down to it and see how this 2009 season goes! I'm hoping for at least 5 big Ten wins. But, I will be mindful of the fact that any Big Ten non-wins will ALL be the fault of Mason in 2009. I won't use the term Big Ten loss without prefacing it with the Mason brand-name attached to it.

As long as people don't start thinking about how long it has been since Mason was around, we should be able to get by with that around here for a few more seasons. And if anybody says anything different, we can just complain.

So, are we all on the same page now? Blame Mason. Complain about anyone who tries to give brewster any responsibility for anything. And...always call anyone who thinks differently an enemy of the program and a wisky or iowa flamer. That should keep working pretty well!

Please ban 4starrecruit

Ok! "... Poor, poor, pitiful brew...Lord have mercy on you..." So we won't count that first recruiting class that he happened to be drawing that check for at all. In fact, we will go one further and put the blame on Mason for having had the audacity to be fired when he was fired! So, that one was all Mason's fault.

Since we haven't seen too many players step up from that second recruiting class either YET, we won't count that one against this berwster either! What the heck...we won't even count the third one against the brewballmachineman either. So, here he is, entering his third season with a 0-0 Big Ten record and he has not had any recruiting classes! And, we won't count any of the first three coordinators (2 defensive c's and 1 offensive c) against brewman either.

It just doesn't get any better than this. NOTHING is either the responsibility or the fault of this brewster! Any thing that has not gone right is ALL Mason's fault, and always will be. Now we're cooking!

And the twittering foul ups are all Mason's fault too! Darn that darn Mason for that, any darn way!

So, now we can get down to it and see how this 2009 season goes! I'm hoping for at least 5 big Ten wins. But, I will be mindful of the fact that any Big Ten non-wins will ALL be the fault of Mason in 2009. I won't use the term Big Ten loss without prefacing it with the Mason brand-name attached to it.

As long as people don't start thinking about how long it has been since Mason was around, we should be able to get by with that around here for a few more seasons. And if anybody says anything different, we can just complain.

So, are we all on the same page now? Blame Mason. Complain about anyone who tries to give brewster any responsibility for anything. And...always call anyone who thinks differently an enemy of the program and a wisky or iowa flamer. That should keep working pretty well!

His cynnicism and absolute lack of respect for other posters is not welcome here. He puts words in people's mouths and negatively spins everything.

Assuming my call for his banishment falls on deaf ears, I can't wait to see what he says about me. I'm already the most violent person on the face of the earth for suggesting that the top seven rows of 219 could be a trouble spot... he totally misinterpreted and misrepresented my post.

Better yet 4starrecruit, leave under your own power and keep what little pride you may have left, intact....

Brewster has not had three recruiting classes. He was hired very shortly before players sign their letters of intent. It would take a miracle for any coach to steal recruits in that situation. He's had one class that he has recruited that has seen the field.

That may be true but I would like to know how many classes the gopher fans want to give a coach before holding one accountable, not advocating firing but it is atleast fair to start asking questions about the direction and stability of the program. As was shown with the 10 years given to Mason, many gopher fans are the most patient bunch ever with low expectations who build in excuses for the coaches on why they are not winning. Low expectations leads to poor results. At the bigger successful programs, coaches are expected to win right away and the excuse of he needs more time doesn't fly. I am not saying that the coaches are fired after one or two seasons but they are atleast held accountable. It is also possible for a coach to do well in their first season on the job without "their" recruits if they have an idea of what they want to run and are able to adapt their scheme slightly if necessary around the talent that they have. A good example you can look at, and a guy who was very interested in the gopher job would be Bo Pelini. In his first season at Nebraska he came in and took a 5-7 team from the previous regime and went 9-4 with a bowl win in year one and with a tougher schedule than we had. He had none of his recruits and in fact had anywhere from 4-6 walk-ons starting during the season, and a QB with 4 career starts and only saw action in 6 total games prior to the season yet was still able to be successful.

We get it troll, you hate the Gophers.

This so-called "First" recruiting class was recruited by Mason, not by Brewster, by any honest measure. No coach is going to be able to perform miracles with recruiting starting just a new position just a couple weeks before signing day.

He's had one of his recruiting classes that has seen the field. Mason here ten years here. No one is saying that Brewster is beyond criticism. But that criticism ought to be factual and honest, which yours is not.

We get it troll, you hate the Gophers.

This so-called "First" recruiting class was recruited by Mason, not by Brewster, by any honest measure. No coach is going to be able to perform miracles with recruiting starting just a new position just a couple weeks before signing day.

He's had one of his recruiting classes that has seen the field. Mason here ten years here. No one is saying that Brewster is beyond criticism. But that criticism ought to be factual and honest, which yours is not.

You are right, I wasn't being fair and honest, comparing a coach with zero recruiting classes of his own and more wins in one season with a tougher schedule to our coach with 1 recruiting class and less wins in 2 seasons. I am a fan of the gophers whether you believe it or not doesn't really matter, I just am not one to go along and add in excuses for lack of performance for any coach.

That may be true but I would like to know how many classes the gopher fans want to give a coach before holding one accountable, not advocating firing but it is atleast fair to start asking questions about the direction and stability of the program. As was shown with the 10 years given to Mason, many gopher fans are the most patient bunch ever with low expectations who build in excuses for the coaches on why they are not winning. Low expectations leads to poor results. At the bigger successful programs, coaches are expected to win right away and the excuse of he needs more time doesn't fly. I am not saying that the coaches are fired after one or two seasons but they are atleast held accountable. It is also possible for a coach to do well in their first season on the job without "their" recruits if they have an idea of what they want to run and are able to adapt their scheme slightly if necessary around the talent that they have. A good example you can look at, and a guy who was very interested in the gopher job would be Bo Pelini. In his first season at Nebraska he came in and took a 5-7 team from the previous regime and went 9-4 with a bowl win in year one and with a tougher schedule than we had. He had none of his recruits and in fact had anywhere from 4-6 walk-ons starting during the season, and a QB with 4 career starts and only saw action in 6 total games prior to the season yet was still able to be successful.

what you don't understand is you can't compare two different programs the differences are to great. The differences between bigger more successful programs is that they have the talent there already and when coaches get fired it's because of coaching blunders. A new coach can come in and already has talent. Mason sucked at recruiting and selling the program at the end so the players that brew got were not athletic AND] were meant for power running football which does not fit well with the athletic required spread offense. The only thing you can blame brewster for is not keeping stable coaching which some of it was beyond his control. It was obvious from the turnaround last year what brew can do with some time to coach. did you really expect the gophs to have 10 big wins after the 1 win season???? i think the gophs exceeded expectations abundantly last year so there is no need to rag on a guy that still isnt using all his players so go away

what you don't understand is you can't compare two different programs the differences are to great. The differences between bigger more successful programs is that they have the talent there already and when coaches get fired it's because of coaching blunders. A new coach can come in and already has talent. Mason sucked at recruiting and selling the program at the end so the players that brew got were not athletic AND] were meant for power running football which does not fit well with the athletic required spread offense. The only thing you can blame brewster for is not keeping stable coaching which some of it was beyond his control. It was obvious from the turnaround last year what brew can do with some time to coach. did you really expect the gophs to have 10 big wins after the 1 win season???? i think the gophs exceeded expectations abundantly last year so there is no need to rag on a guy that still isnt using all his players so go away

The thing you don't understand is the example I gave of Nebraska is that they didn't have the talent there already, especially to compete in the Big 12. Their talent level was not much if any better than ours. They started 4-6 walk-ons every game, did the gophers do that? Add to the fact that they had a much tougher schedule and still had more wins in 1 season than we have had in 2, with not much better if any better talent level. The difference being the ability of a coach to adapt his scheme to the talent already there to put a competitive product on the field.

as much as you would like to you can't compare programs in regards to new coaching there are way to many differences. you didnt answer my question though. did you have higher expectations coming into the season than what the gophers accomplished this last year???? So he had a crappy year with none of his players and then the team had a big improvement the next year. you sir are very impatient

Nebraska doesn't have anything to do with this. The idea that Brewster has had 3 recruiting classes is simply a lie. One recruiting class was simply far, far to late in the process for any coach to add recruits: the best he could possibly do would be to retain those who were already recruited. This year's recruiting class obviously doesn't even begin play until this fall.

I'm not making excuses, just stating facts.

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