Kiffin a "flat-out liar"...

Unregistered User

Wild animal with a keyboard
Jan 17, 2010
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... and said he was guilty of "bringing disgrace to the organization."

And that was from Al Davis. How effing blind can people be?

I knew Kiffin at Jefferson (in his baby blue sweat suit, chains hanging out, hat in "locked" position), total poser.

Davis is human refuse so I'd take anything the old man says with a big 'ol grain of salt.

Anyways, if you're going to pull out that lantern and wander college football looking for an honest man you're going to be at it for eternity.

Well said Khaliq. Just trying to vent some pent up anger.

I also knew kiffin in high school. kiffin was what he is now...All about Lane. On the other hand show me any big time D-1 coach that isn't. Lane still has a few very loyal friends from high school in the area, which says something for him. His Dad has always been his ticket. Anybody that knows his Dad knows HE is the real deal. Unfortunately Lane needs to get it together before he destroys his Dad's reputation.

The references to Lane's time at Jefferson are pretty entertaining.

Davis is human refuse so I'd take anything the old man says with a big 'ol grain of salt.

Anyways, if you're going to pull out that lantern and wander college football looking for an honest man you're going to be at it for eternity.

And yet another unsupportable statement. What a surprise. I'm not in college football and I know at least two people who are who would disprove this graceless exaggeration. No, I'm not going to drag their names through the muck that is GH.

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