Kicked our butts from the cheerleaders to the coaches to the players

Replacement Gopher

Well-known member
Aug 29, 2009
Reaction score
Coaching? Advantage NDSU (see countless Gopher penalties and last ten seconds of first half)
Cheerleaders? Advantage NDSU (see NDSU cheerleaders wearing their skimpy outfits in the 4th quarter while ours were bundled up)
Band? Advantage NDSU (When is the last time we traveled that many band members to an away game?)
Hometown kids? Advantage NDSU (more kids in the two-deep from MN than on our own team)
Players? Advantage NDSU (scoreboard)
ADs? Advantage NDSU (nobody can argue this point - props to station19 for pointing this out)
Radio play-by-play? Advantage NDSU (still have image of Gaard wearing his Iowa jacket while doing pre-game shows)

If they had vendors they probably would have been better than ours too. My god, it is amazing how far we have fallen. For those of you who ask, "why don't you just cheer for NDSU", I will answer you with, "good question, I just might have to start doing that".

Just when you think it can't get any lower the sun rises in Gopher land, and sure enough, somehow, we are worse. I may turn to heroin.

Coaching? Advantage NDSU (see countless Gopher penalties and last ten seconds of first half)
Cheerleaders? Advantage NDSU (see NDSU cheerleaders wearing their skimpy outfits in the 4th quarter while ours were bundled up)
Band? Advantage NDSU (When is the last time we traveled that many band members to an away game?)
Hometown kids? Advantage NDSU (more kids in the two-deep from MN than on our own team)
Players? Advantage NDSU (scoreboard)

If they had vendors they probably would have been better than ours too. They probably had better play-by-play on the radio too. My god, it is amazing how far we have fallen. For those of you who ask, "why don't you just cheer for NDSU", I will answer you with, "good question, I just might have to start doing that".

Just when you think it can't get any lower the sun rises in Gopher land, and sure enough, somehow, we are worse. I may turn to heroin.


The MN kids just want to root for a good program.

I don't blame them.

If the UofM ever becomes semi respectable, I know..., they will come back.

If games like this continue to occur this season and people keep reacting like you, I have to be honest, I'll take it. If we get rid of enough "fans" like you maybe our season tickets will go to people who actually use them. Don't let the door hit you.

If games like this continue to occur this season and people keep reacting like you, I have to be honest, I'll take it. If we get rid of enough "fans" like you maybe our season tickets will go to people who actually use them. Don't let the door hit you.
You' be one lonely guy then!:clap:

maybe a lot of fire Maturi signs at the next home game (held up high by the 110 fans who show up) will convince the new prez to act sooner rather than later.

If games like this continue to occur this season and people keep reacting like you, I have to be honest, I'll take it. If we get rid of enough "fans" like you maybe our season tickets will go to people who actually use them. Don't let the door hit you.

Right, because we have so many fans we can easily afford to throw off those die-hards who not only watch and support the team financially, but also have enough of an emotional investment in them to be compelled to to visit an internet message board on a Sat night.

I'm gonna flip the coin and say the problem is people like you, who see us lose each and every freaking aspect of the game to North Dakota State and you say, "If games like this continue to occur .... I'll take it".

In no way, shape, or form do I want to continue 'taking' games like this. I can't even believe I am responding to you as you are clearly living in some sort of different reality where left is right, up is down, and I-AA teams roll Big Team teams on the road. I didn't think I'd run into people like you until I was a few weeks into this heroin binge that I am seriously contemplating because that is the only thing I can think of that will make me smile right now.

On the other hand, you are smiling because this game will bring in 'real fans'? I mean, you actually said "our season tickets will go to people who actually use them?" Do you see a freaking wait list?

@replacement gopher you are assuming that I am ok with us continuing to lose to teams like this. The thing is I understand that it is going to take time for us to get to where we need to and want to be, whereas you people want to fire another coach 4 games into his inaugural season. I and every other sane person on this board knew we were not going to be more than a 3 win team at best. The problem is people chose to convince yourselves that we would magically take some jump forward without doing the requisite work. This only got worse with our MORALE BOOSTING loss to USC.

However, you did point out a poorly worded sentence of mine which apparently caused you to post an exhaustive tirade attacking me. What I should have said was if we could take a positive from this game it is that season tickets will no longer go to these fair weather fans who sell tickets to opposing fans at the drop of a hat diminishing any possible hope for a home field advantage at our own stadium. Keep it up.

Edit - And while I'm at it, for everyone who is trying to find a scapegoat to hang this loss on. It isn't Kill's fault and as much as i dislike Maturi, he didn't play a part in this loss either. We just suck right now. Kill will get this sorted out, but it won't happen overnight so just sit back with a bottle of jack and chill out.

We are the complete laughingstock of the B10. Have been for years, will be for many years. Sweet life for us all.

For the first time ever, I really can't argue that point. I always used to have some counter to that, but right now, even Iowa State is looking down on us.

Why did he fire Mason with absolutely no clue on who he was going to hire for his replacement?

Coaching? Advantage NDSU (see countless Gopher penalties and last ten seconds of first half)
Cheerleaders? Advantage NDSU (see NDSU cheerleaders wearing their skimpy outfits in the 4th quarter while ours were bundled up)
Band? Advantage NDSU (When is the last time we traveled that many band members to an away game?)
Hometown kids? Advantage NDSU (more kids in the two-deep from MN than on our own team)
Players? Advantage NDSU (scoreboard)

If they had vendors they probably would have been better than ours too. They probably had better play-by-play on the radio too. My god, it is amazing how far we have fallen. For those of you who ask, "why don't you just cheer for NDSU", I will answer you with, "good question, I just might have to start doing that".

Just when you think it can't get any lower the sun rises in Gopher land, and sure enough, somehow, we are worse. I may turn to heroin.

I 'enjoyed' the vendor comment, but you left out one other comparison:

ADs......advantage NDSU:)

There is absolutely no excuse for NDSU having better cheerleaders!

Why did he fire Mason with absolutely no clue on who he was going to hire for his replacement?

This has been discussed countless times in GopherHole over the years. Maturi did NOT fire Mason. Bruininks ordered Matui to fire Mason after he witnessed Mason's "couldn't care less demeanor" after the Texas Tech bowl game. Bruininks wanted Mason fired immediately regardless of the difficulty of finding a suitable coach and finishing the recruiting in less than five weeks.

And while we are setting the record straight - Brewster never promised us a Rose Bowl.

Muturie is doing a fine job!!! When there is a time out on the field we kick butt. We have the National Champ Dance team and the National champ Mascott. Its when the clock is going that they break my heart.

There is absolutely no excuse for NDSU having better cheerleaders!

They were probably from MN high schools.

The U of Minn wants more out-of-state kids because they pay higher tuition rates. It looks better on the budget bottom line.

It almosted seemed that the fans for NSDU were louder too.. It was rediculious.

It almosted seemed that the fans for NSDU were louder too.. It was rediculious.

Which makes sense... After the first series and one 10 play 95 yard drive what did we have to cheer about? Can't really cheer when there is nothing to cheer about...

If Dr Don and I were in charge of selecting cheerleaders TCF Stadium would be sold out for every game.

If Dr Don and I were in charge of selecting cheerleaders TCF Stadium would be sold out for every game.

I gotta admit. The highlight of last Saturday was the Cheerleaders walking through lot 37 having pictures taken w/ fans etc. It's a good thing I was wearing sunglasses or my wife would have slapped me silly. When you hit a certain age they all look pretty good.

This has been discussed countless times in GopherHole over the years. Maturi did NOT fire Mason. Bruininks ordered Matui to fire Mason after he witnessed Mason's "couldn't care less demeanor" after the Texas Tech bowl game. Bruininks wanted Mason fired immediately regardless of the difficulty of finding a suitable coach and finishing the recruiting in less than five weeks.

And while we are setting the record straight - Brewster never promised us a Rose Bowl.

Technically no, but he also didn't schedule UCLA or a neutral site game in the town of Pasadena, so that only left one other way to get there...

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