
Those who don't like common just don't get it. Sports sports sports, does everything in your life revolve around sports??!! Most are the 7 out of 10 and just can't take what he says with a grain of salt. Common = pure genius. If he would read these posts, he could get a good two hours of material out of it (including elevator music and dead silence of course). IALWAYS!!!.........

Exactly. Just read this thread and do the math...


Since the absense of Dubay I only listen during commercials or changing channels. I would love a "Gopher Football" segment with Coach Brew & guests however there is on on-air talent to discuss this topic.

I'm just so glad I live outside the Twin Cities, and I get a quality radio station to listen to local sports (WSCR in Chicago, 670AM). If I were to move back to MN, I would instantly get an XM radio, because even the dopes on ESPN radio are better than the ones in the MN market. I was (and still am) surprised there isn't a 2nd sports station in the Twin Cities, just amazed.

Quote: "Those who don't like common just don't get it."

There is nothing to get with Common Man. He has been telling the same jokes for ten years. He wasn't very funny when he first started out, and he is even less funny now. There is nobody in Twin Cities radio who puts less effort into his show then Dan Cole. The main reason many people listen to Cole is because his competition in his time slot is Rush Limbaugh and MPR. If Cole was on during the morning or evening drive times he would get clobbered in the ratings. As a matter of fact that happened to him a few years back when KFAN moved him to mornings for awhile. His show was canceled after only a few months.

Common's 2 PM time slot is the highest rated on KFan. He's funny and he makes fun of pretty much everything. Sorry he's not like PA who kisses everyone's A$$ who lives in Minnesota or has to do with Minny sports. After listening to 3 hours of PA, Common is such a relief to my ears at work it's not even funny. Yea, he doens't talk much sports but ya know, I don't need a guy to give me his opinion on why he thinks the twins will turn it around soon. There's enough of that. If it's not your sense of humor, that's fine, but if you don't like him just cause he doesn't talk sports, sports, sports then thats your own fault.
And sorry, niether him nor anyone else on KFan are gonna talk Gopher football for 13, 14 months out of the year. There is nothing to talk about right now. Just look at the message boards right now. They are not going to talk about what seats they are getting for the upcoming year, which is all this board is right now. I agree, that during the season I wish they would talk more Gopher football, but PA is not a college guy, and he's basically the only one who talks sports, sports, sports. And pretty sure even when he does talk Gopher football, he still doesn't know what he's talking about.

I aaaalways.

I can't stand Dan Cole and his show. Sweet...inside jokes that have no expiration date. Boring beyond belief. It's been 5 years since I've listened to him for more than 30 seconds. KFAN won't get me to listen to the station during his timeslot. Also, why does KFAN call itself The Sports Leader if they rarely talk sports? If i wanted to listen to current events talk, I'd listen to MPR as they do it much better. KFAN does not have an identity other than they suck at what they do.

Sports sports sports, does everything in your life revolve around sports??!!

This is my most hated of all Dan Cole quotes. My life doesn't revolve around sports, but I do expect to hear sports talk when I turn into a sports talk radio show. Is that really so much to ask?

You KFAN haters are priceless. If you don't like the personalities, format, or content, that's a fair argument. But if you blame the station because they talk Vikings all the time? HELLO!?!? Why do you think that is? Perhaps because that's what the great majority of the fan base wants? Ratings would plummet if they made Gophers talk a more central theme of their programming.

The NFL is far and away the most popular, most followed, most profitable, most (insert superlative here) league in the U.S., and it's not even close. The Vikings own this town sportswise, and that's the way it will continue to be for as long as they exist here.

Gopher football isn't even a pimple on the ass of the Vikings in terms of interest or following. I've long since come to grips with the fact that it is currently a niche sport in the Twin Cities. Maybe some winning will change that. As of now, the great majority of people that follow are U alums who are such big supporters of the program that they don't mind sitting through all the losing. Hell, most of my friends that live here are U alums, and only a small handful follow any of the U sports teams on even a casual basis. I'd venture to guess that my situation is not unique.

Further, I'd like someone to explain to me what the football team has done to warrant increased coverage. Five winning conference records in 42 years? Please. Win and the media interest will come.

This is my most hated of all Dan Cole quotes. My life doesn't revolve around sports, but I do expect to hear sports talk when I turn into a sports talk radio show. Is that really so much to ask?

I actually don't mind the Common Man Program for what it is. I just wish it was on 830 or 1500 or some other station instead of Minnesota's "sports" talk radio station.

Common is the show I probably catch the most out of any of them, just cause really, he makes you laugh cause his show is so dumb. I love it. Some of his bits can get annoying, but for the most part, I like them, and the fact that he pisses people off, knows it, and still continues to do them makes it even better lol.

I love the progrum, but I could see how some people wouldn't get it, and therefore really think his whole show was kinda dumb. I think his show would be a lot better if he had a little more sports knowledge. This actually goes for all of the personalities on kfan. It would be nice to listen to someone who was a sports expert, instead of just an everyman's commentator. Besides Paul Allen, the rest of them aren't really sports experts, they are just regular joe kind of guys who try to offer a funny comment on what is going on.

The best Gopher Football programming the Fan does is Thursday mornings during the Fall, on the morning show, when they have Justin "The Fargo Flash" Conzemius, to talk about the gophers mostly, and touch on a few national college items. This segment is the highlight of the radio week, if you ask me. I wish they would give him his own show, he actually has in-depth knowledge and communication with the Gophers program, and as a former player, he really knows what he's talking about when realistically analyzing last week's game, and the upcoming one.

"I love the progrum, but I could see how some people wouldn't get it, and therefore really think his whole show was kinda dumb."

Why is it that everybody thinks that people who don't like Cole's show don't "get it". I for one "get it", it's just not really that funny or entertaining.

From what I've heard on kfan, most of time anyone says anything about Gopher sports, it's almost always negative (Hartman was the worst). Then again who cares? The football & basketball programs are on the rise, and winning will increase the talk. However most of the talk won't really be that informative. I just hope the "personalities" on kfan don't hurt themselves jumping on & off the bandwagon.:cool:

It would be nice if WCCO hired a real broadcaster for games to coincide with the new stadium. Dave Lee is just terrible. The U should strong arm WCCO to change who does the call. Maybe it should be a new thread "Radio Call replacement for Dave Lee suggestions"

I love the progrum, but I could see how some people wouldn't get it, and therefore really think his whole show was kinda dumb. I think his show would be a lot better if he had a little more sports knowledge. This actually goes for all of the personalities on kfan. It would be nice to listen to someone who was a sports expert, instead of just an everyman's commentator. Besides Paul Allen, the rest of them aren't really sports experts, they are just regular joe kind of guys who try to offer a funny comment on what is going on.

There it is. That's why the station is such a joke. I don't always mind how much they talk sports and all, but the problem is they don't know anything. If they actually knew what they weere talking about when discussing sports, the station would be fine.

And they don't have to be experts. Just do some fricking research, so you can give informed opinions. Most of them don't even like sports and don't follow them that closely, yet they are the main voice for sports in this town. It's a joke.

I love the progrum, but I could see how some people wouldn't get it, and therefore really think his whole show was kinda dumb.

I'm with Bisker82 on this. People who enjoy his "progr'um" assume those that don't somehow "don't get it." I get what he's trying to do. And there have been times where his show has made me laugh. But by and large, I don't find him nearly funny or entertaining enough to compensate for the fact that I'm tuning to a sports radio station and getting nothing. As a result, as I said near the top of this thread, I usually just listen to 690 AM. I'm not a huge Rome fan, but it's infinitely better than listening to Cole.

From what I've heard on kfan, most of time anyone says anything about Gopher sports, it's almost always negative

Once again, why wouldn't it be? The only positive/noteworthy thing that either of our "revenue" (BB/FB) sports have done in the last four years is when Tubby's boys made the tournament. And I heard a great deal of praise for the program on the station around that time.

What would you have them do? Pretend like the U is some kind of juggernaut in these sports and rave about all their recent successes? Gloss over 55-0, losing to a horrible Michigan team, pissing away the NU game, etc., etc., like they were anomalies?

I get when people get tired of constant negativity, whether from fans, media, etc. But when that's what the teams give you, what are you supposed to do?

Many of us are excited, obviously, for the direction the football program is headed. But I'm not going to expect someone else to suspend their disbelief until some proven results emerge, especially for a football program that hasn't done squat since the LBJ administration.

KFAN has turned into a "gossip station" where the hosts don't know more than that callers. It would be OK if I were into pure opinion and I liked provocative topics that jerked my emotions around. I want more information and insight, not a cheap rehash of what I already know. The KFAN guys don't want to work hard enough to deliver real value. They are like listening to "The View" for men. Not worth my time.

You want to know why KFAN is all Vikings, all the time?

Because KFAN paid them an a$$load of money for the radio rights. Ergo, it's in their best interest to drum up attention for their programming.

It has nothing to do with the ignorance (or lack thereof) of the hosts, and everything to do with return on investment.


No one spends more time preparing for a show in order to make it look like he has done no preparation than Common. And Tubby Smith is the second best time-out taker in the history of basketball (behind Phil Jackson of course).

Quote: "No one spends more time preparing for a show in order to make it look like he has done no preparation than Common."

If that is true Cole has achieved his goal. His show sounds like he just walked off the golf course and he wants to get through it as quickly as possible so he can go play another round. His fans are apparently really hard-up for entertainment in their lives.


So in your opinion, there was nothing positive for anyone on kfan to comment on in going from a 1-11 season to a 7-6 season and making a bowl game? I realize that coach Brew was a little over enthusiatic in making his Rose Bowl preditction when he took over but what would you rather have a cocach who would strive for mediocrity?

I wouldn't expect all positive analytical comments all the time from the kfan crew, but neither does it make them look very intelligent or sports saavy when all they can do is take cheap shots at a program on the rise.


When Common is going good, he is hilarious. When he is not going good, which is often, he is virtually unlistenable. He is better when he calls in as "Dan from Woodbury" on someone else's progrum.
Most of the Gopher coverage is taking easy pot shots at the program. Very rarely do they go beyond the surface.


So in your opinion, there was nothing positive for anyone on kfan to comment on in going from a 1-11 season to a 7-6 season and making a bowl game? I realize that coach Brew was a little over enthusiatic in making his Rose Bowl preditction when he took over but what would you rather have a cocach who would strive for mediocrity?

I wouldn't expect all positive analytical comments all the time from the kfan crew, but neither does it make them look very intelligent or sports saavy when all they can do is take cheap shots at a program on the rise.

You will note that I did not say anything about my personal feelings toward the program. I would much rather have Brewster and his optimism than Mason and his piss-poor attitude any day. Also, I think anyone slamming him for the Rose Bowl prediction is absurd, because he never once said, "we are going to win the Rose Bowl this year, or anything similar.

But you and I are a unique breed in that we are fans of the program, and we are biased when it comes to media coverage. KFAN may be biased in the opposite direction, granted, but I don't at all blame any of them for not getting excited about 7-6. At most BCS programs, going 7-6 consistently will get you fired pretty quickly. 7-6 is not going to get non-Gopher fans to hop on board.

This program is on the upswing, no doubt, and 7-6 is indicative of great progress over the previous season. I am on record as predicting 7-6 again, with a bowl victory, though it would show progress because of a much tougher schedule. But is there anything you have seen that would lead you to believe that a reversion to 2-10 or 3-9 is out of the realm of possibility?

Until the Gophers can prove, on the field, that they are on a consistent upward trend, I don't blame anyone for not getting excited and/or not giving them minimal coverage. They could start by winning 6 or 7 games this year, and then continuing to do that or better over the next few years.

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