

Jan 8, 2009
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I just picked through the Fan on demand section of KFan looking for Gopher football chatter over the past few months and can't really find anything out there, whether it is team admin, players or just Maturi hyping the new stadium. It appears they like to talk to Lou Nanne and Kevin Gorg.

Winning is the only thing that will push aside those horrible Lou Nanne interviews.

I just picked through the Fan on demand section of KFan looking for Gopher football chatter over the past few months and can't really find anything out there, whether it is team admin, players or just Maturi hyping the new stadium. It appears they like to talk to Lou Nanne and Kevin Gorg.

Winning is the only thing that will push aside those horrible Lou Nanne interviews.

Speak for yourself buddy . . . I love Lou

I also love Lou Nanne, but I do agree that the lack of Gopher coverage on KFAN is startling. I'll spare my rants on KFAN, especially my complete disbelief that personalities are being fired but Dan Cole still has a show, but I will say that you'll generally find better sports talk on 690 AM, which picks up a collection on national shows from Fox Sports and ESPN.

I also love Lou Nanne, but I do agree that the lack of Gopher coverage on KFAN is startling. I'll spare my rants on KFAN, especially my complete disbelief that personalities are being fired but Dan Cole still has a show, but I will say that you'll generally find better sports talk on 690 AM, which picks up a collection on national shows from Fox Sports and ESPN.

I second everything you said. I cant believe that he still has a show!!! I sure miss Chad Hartman. I would trade Hartman for Common and Danny B.

It doesnt help with KFAN that Dubay is not on talking Gophers all the time.

and has absolute zero Gopher Football talk...

690 I mean. So that doesn't really answer the point made eariler. It's worse up here in Duluth, were you can't get Gopher games on the radio, but Every Badger game is on more than one channel.

KFAN is horrible. On the rare occasions that they are actually talking about sports, it's all Vikings, all the time.

690 I mean. So that doesn't really answer the point made eariler.

True, but my point was that you're not getting Gopher talk on KFAN anyway, so you might as well turn to a station where they'll at least be having some intelligent discourse on sports once in a while.

GopherSports.com shows a station in Duluth, WGEE-AM 970. Don't know how strong a signal it is.

I listened to Brewster's speech when he was officially made the coach of the Gophers. It was during Commode Man's show. Commode Man kept making stupid mocking noises during the speech. It appears he resented his show on a sports station being interrupted by an important event in sports.

Can't blame KFAN for Doobers or Hartman being gone. Those were corporate decisions. I don't get how people don't like Common. His shtick is great. Always good for a laugh. As far as common interrupting Brew's initial speech. I doubt it was because his show was being interrupted. That notion is laughable. As is this boards hatred of the FAN. Maybe if some of our programs start winning they will start talking about us. TUbby is winning and they talk plenty about the basketball program in season. They also talk a lot of Gopher football IN SEASON. The only team the station talks about year round is the Vikes, but you can't blame them for that. They are the radio home and we live in an NFL nation. I will now step down from my soap box.

Gopher games were on in Duluth last year...

I listened to a few of the road games....This year not so certain, as Duluth has had a huge turnover in station formats....The Duluth newspaper does a terrible job covering Gopher sports. There is never a game boxscore, just a 2-3 paragraph summary. They do a good job covering womens' hockey for the 25 fans who pay attention. ..I like radio that covers local and state issues, whether sports-related or not...The national stuff gets beat to death, especially on ESPN.....

Yeah a top 3 football finish in the B10 will create more chatter on the radio, but this year is a bit different with the new stadium and re: sports the U is only behind Stanford in student/athlete success.

I figured KFAN would be part of the vehicle used by the U to trumpet the opening. Seems like KFAN would be right up Brewster's alley re: platform.

I don't hate kfan, but the city is big enough for a rival sports station. (matt thomas on 1500 doesn't count - he is awful)

It's Vikings, Vikings, Vikings, 24/7/365. The day of the NFL Draft i didn't think it was possible to talk about ONE player for 8 hours straight, but I think they actually did it.

There should be a place for funny shtick on KFAN. However, Dan Cole is not funny and never has been. A total waste of air time. The only show worth listening to on KFAN is Barreiro's show. And his show is interesting for less than half the time it is on the air. Lou Nanne is the best of the regular guests on KFAN but I can only take so much hockey talk.

I love Common. I agree with the poster that said once we start having some winning programs we will get more coverage. The day after the Gopher/Badger bball game in Madison it was all Gophers for the better part of 9-12 with PA.

Common = best show on the fan..EASILY!

what would happen if the vikes only won one game this season, and continued losing in future seasons? would KFAN stop talking vikes because they will only dedicate talk when the vikes "start winning"?

the gophers are a big ten football program and it is ludicrous to say that they should only be discussed on the twin cities major sports talk radio station if the "start winning", whatever that means.

common and dan b are hacks. if one can't talk about major college football on a regular basis, the one shouldn't be a sports talk radio host.

I think the Fan does talk gophers during the gopher sports season(s) quite a bit. It's not necessarily for the reasons or the topics I would like, but they do talk about them. They just recently spent a good amount of time ripping brewster for the twitter thing, so that should still be on there. Also, they did talk about the loss of FB scholarships and the Travis Busch leaving thing. Once again, not the topics I wish they would talk about, but they do talk about them. Hopefully winning will breed "feel good" stories, rather than looking for "the next scandal" stories.

We're just in a dead period right now since none of the major sports have anything going on. Louie is the only guy that they have as a regular guest with any ties to the U, so I think that he's obligated to talk U and that's why you're mostly finding stuff with him. In the fall they have on the guy from Fargo every thursday morning for an hour. Last year after games they started to do a gopher fan line like they do with the Vikings. I'm not sure if that will carry over to this year though.

In general , right now, I can't really think of anything for a radio station to talk about for the gophers. Recruiting? the average listener doesn't care until signing day. The stadium? It's still a few months from opening and there's really nothing else to add until closer to that date. The average listener doesn't care that they just put the flag poles up. Obviously, they could pump up the baseball and track teams, but the average person could care less about the non-major sports.

They do talk a lot of Vikings, but I don't think it's completely their fault. If talking Vikings is what their demographic wants, that's what they'll give them. They would talk all day about horseshoes and darts if it got them higher ratings.

what would happen if the vikes only won one game this season, and continued losing in future seasons? would KFAN stop talking vikes because they will only dedicate talk when the vikes "start winning"?

the gophers are a big ten football program and it is ludicrous to say that they should only be discussed on the twin cities major sports talk radio station if the "start winning", whatever that means.

common and dan b are hacks. if one can't talk about major college football on a regular basis, the one shouldn't be a sports talk radio host.

Exactly. KFAN is 40% vikes, 25% Twins, 15% Wild, 15% Wolves, and 5% Gophers (all sports). The only time they talk about Gopher sports out of season is for negative items. How can they talk year round about ALL of the pro sports teams yet they can't dedicate a small portion to the U. That station is absolutely terrible and I wouldn't miss a minute of sleep if they went away. By the way, I think the Sludge and Lake show went away too.

No doubt that they are infatuated with all things Vikings and talk about them at length for what seems like endless amounts of time. As other posters have said, not exactly surprising considering they advertise themselves as the "radio home of the Minnesota Vikings" so much, it makes me want to vomit.

This is mostly due to PA and his over-analyzation of anything the Vikings do. And in that regard, he's kind like the babbling heads on ESPN who obsess about anything remotely related to the NFL. I actually like PA most of the time and I get a kick out of Common as well. Barreiro I could do without and I never listen to the Power Trip.

Overall, I kind of consider them a nice diversion while driving around during the day. I certainly don't rely on them for good insights. But if they make me laugh at some point during the day, then they've served their purpose. That's about all I'm hoping for while listening.

I like common. i try to make sure I listen regularly just to catch up. Once every six month usually does the trick. But I think he's actually pro-gophers unlike some.

I like common. i try to make sure I listen regularly just to catch up. Once every six month usually does the trick. But I think he's actually pro-gophers unlike some.

Common called TCF Bank Stadium a "Tinker Toy Stadium that only seats 50k" Enough said.

I personally love the power trip show. Not much gopher talk on their but on a side note this morning Mike Morris did say that while seantrel was at Morris's gym this weekend he struggled to bench 225 and that his highest weight he can rep is 185. Kind of surprising for a 330 pound left tackle that is the number 1 recruit in the nation, but I guess I'd still take him.

Sentreal was coming off of basketball

He probably didn't do a lot of lifting during the basketball season.

I always...............

i always loved that one.

I enjoy the Common Man, his shtick is a nice break from the sports and politics on the station. Not everybody gets it and that's okay, I tend to like most of his bits.


Those who don't like common just don't get it. Sports sports sports, does everything in your life revolve around sports??!! Most are the 7 out of 10 and just can't take what he says with a grain of salt. Common = pure genius. If he would read these posts, he could get a good two hours of material out of it (including elevator music and dead silence of course). IALWAYS!!!.........

Presets in the car

I made the move over a year ago. No WCCO, No KFAN. KFAN was useless out here after 6 PM. In the morning its FM, during the day 660 AM The Home of Johnnies Football. Its ESPN during the day. And in the evening WGN 720 Cubs Baseball. I made a conscious decision that I no longer would listen to station claiming to be The Home of Gophers, while Minni Me blasted the program, and Coach Brewster at will. The arrangement with Dave Lee and the U is suspicious to me and I won't listen. If the Gophers are on the road and I want to catch the game it Big 10 Network or nothing. If I am out I will record it and watch when I get back. No radio broadcast. I just cann't do it. Not knowing is better than listening to Gopher Football with Dave Lee.

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