Kaler: U of M 'did the right thing' in suspending players, firing Claeys

Honestly, it would be better for the man if he would just take a vacation and disappear for about a month.

There’s no due process associated with athletic suspensions. You don’t have a constitutional right to play in a football game. It’s a privilege.”

He noted that the players dropped their boycott threat after a copy of the confidential investigative report was leaked to KSTP TV and posted online Dec. 16. The report, which was partly censored, included graphic details of the alleged sexual assault.
“Ironically, [that] was helpful,” said Kaler. “Because frankly, when people read the report, they understood why we suspended players...

Kaler noted that the accused students will have the right to a hearing and an appeal before any formal disciplinary action is taken. The university has recommended expelling some of the students, and lesser penalties for others...

Publicly, the debate has turned personal, with some praising Kaler for taking a tough stand and others calling for his ouster.

On Friday, Kaler appeared to shrug off the criticism.

“That comes with the territory,” he said. “If you don’t have thick skin and can’t weather a storm, then you can’t be an effective university president.

“In this particular case, we made all the right decisions,” he continued. “We wound up with a new football coach who will be tremendous. And we’ve stood up for the victims of sexual violence. If I get fired for standing up for victims of sexual violence, then so be it.”

- Is there really anybody out there now who doesn't believe that it was the Administration that leaked the report?

- They have no right to a hearing - they are going to get their hearing. :confused:

- He takes no responsibility for anything, but he never did for any of the other scandals, athletic or not.

Must be tough always being right?

Not a word from Kaler that he could have done more, but no hesitation to kick the previous while they are down. More of that great leadership on display.

When you hear that from Kaler, it is amazing that we got Fleck or anyone decent to come here. Nice of him to wash his hands of any responsibility for the things that have occurred during his tenure. If something like this happens again he will find another fall guy and not have any responsibility guarantee it. My opinion of him has really dropped. Yes players should be suspended and charged, but Tracy was a fall guy and an easy out for Coyle.

Bless this man. Anyone who thinks this boycott by the team played well across the country is out of the their damn minds. The whole situation was a disgrace and any coach with balls would have told the team to get on board or pack their bags.

Kaler is a smart man. Haters gonna hate. The U is in way better shape today than it was a month ago. People across the country are taking note.

Kaler is a horrible leader. He again used the terminology "sexual violence (assault) victim" when only the U's EOAA determined she was a victim. He is a disgrace and should be relieved of his duties

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Kale could have better stood up for victims of sexual violence by suspending all directly involved in the gang bang as soon as the woman went to the police in early September.

Complete and utter hypocrite.Doing this interview now just shows what a horrible man he is.

This is the dipsh*t who hired a sexual predator as AD and took absolutely no responsibility for the hiring.

this guy has no shame, how he still has a job after all this is amazing.

I'm sure he read the Elmore interview from the PP last night and thought he had to respond. Everytime he opens his mouth he adds a few more million to the settlements that many of the players will collect from the U after everything is said and done.

Bless this man. Anyone who thinks this boycott by the team played well across the country is out of the their damn minds. The whole situation was a disgrace and any coach with balls would have told the team to get on board or pack their bags.

Kaler is a smart man. Haters gonna hate. The U is in way better shape today than it was a month ago. People across the country are taking note.

How does that pillowcase look on you?

I haven't (won't) read the article, but would a good summary be that Kaler agrees with his decision?

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How does that pillowcase look on you?

You're out of your mind. Your rose colored glasses for the state of Minnesota and the U of M have completely inhibited your ability to think rationally. The program has been a joke, Claeys screwed up big time, and he was a mediocre coach at best. Check back with me two years from now once you've realized what real leadership (both from an administration and a coaching perspective) can do for a program. SKI U MAH!

You're out of your mind. Your rose colored glasses for the state of Minnesota and the U of M have completely inhibited your ability to think rationally. The program has been a joke, Claeys screwed up big time, and he was a mediocre coach at best. Check back with me two years from now once you've realized what real leadership (both from an administration and a coaching perspective) can do for a program. SKI U MAH!

Will do, at least two out of three of these clowns will not be here in two years.

I read the Pioneer Press interview with Gaelin Elmore. It is very clear that Coyle and Kaler started the entire fire by expelling and suspending 10 players while Claeys was in San Diego. They played the kids and created this entire mess.

There is no doubt that both Kaler and Coyle need to be removed from their position by the BOR. That kind of manipulation and conniving in order to fire the head coach is beyond the pale. The deceit and evilness needed to do what they did cannot be tolerated by any person with a conscience.

I read the Pioneer Press interview with Gaelin Elmore. It is very clear that Coyle and Kaler started the entire fire by expelling and suspending 10 players while Claeys was in San Diego. They played the kids and created this entire mess.

There is no doubt that both Kaler and Coyle need to be removed from their position by the BOR. That kind of manipulation and conniving in order to fire the head coach is beyond the pale. The deceit and evilness needed to do what they did cannot be tolerated by any person with a conscience.

I Agree.

What a ****ing tool. Jesus.

I read the Pioneer Press interview with Gaelin Elmore. It is very clear that Coyle and Kaler started the entire fire by expelling and suspending 10 players while Claeys was in San Diego. They played the kids and created this entire mess.

There is no doubt that both Kaler and Coyle need to be removed from their position by the BOR. That kind of manipulation and conniving in order to fire the head coach is beyond the pale. The deceit and evilness needed to do what they did cannot be tolerated by any person with a conscience.

You're out of your damn mind too. I hope and believe it's temporary though. Hear me out, these are not "kids," these are grown ass men who have been looked up to their entire lives. If they had a coach at this level with any balls they've wouldn't have found themselves in the precarious situation they were in. Claeys deserved to get fired, and those players deserve to be expelled. Good news for you is you're finally going to experience what winning looks like, and I'm happy I get to share that experience with you!

I read the Pioneer Press interview with Gaelin Elmore. It is very clear that Coyle and Kaler started the entire fire by expelling and suspending 10 players while Claeys was in San Diego. They played the kids and created this entire mess.

There is no doubt that both Kaler and Coyle need to be removed from their position by the BOR. That kind of manipulation and conniving in order to fire the head coach is beyond the pale. The deceit and evilness needed to do what they did cannot be tolerated by any person with a conscience.

It's interesting that Jon K. the AP sports guy tweeted tonight that many players believe that the EOAA reports were leaked by someone in administration. Kaler says in the article that it helped that the reports came out, which doesn't prove anything but certainly makes one think.

You're out of your damn mind too. I hope and believe it's temporary though. Hear me out, these are not "kids," these are grown ass men who have been looked up to their entire lives. If they had a coach at this level with any balls they've wouldn't have found themselves in the precarious situation they were in. Claeys deserved to get fired, and those players deserve to be expelled. Good news for you is you're finally going to experience what winning looks like, and I'm happy I get to share that experience with you!
Did you read the interview with Elmore?

Kaler and Coyle intentionally expelled and suspended these kids exactly during the time when Claeys was in San Diego. That was predetermined and manufactured to bring Claeys down so they had a ready made excuse to fire him.
What Coyle and Kaler didn't expect was that 18-20 year old kids would see through the lie they were weaving. However, being the snakes in the grass that they are, they also connived a way to spin the revolt to their advantage.
Both Kaler and Coyle need to be unceremoniously drop kicked out the door and left on the curb to rot.

It's interesting that Jon K. the AP sports guy tweeted tonight that many players believe that the EOAA reports were leaked by someone in administration. Kaler says in the article that it helped that the reports came out, which doesn't prove anything but certainly makes one think.
No doubt about it. Kaler and Coyle manufactured the entire thing.

No doubt about it. Kaler and Coyle manufactured the entire thing.

If what you say is true, these evil people should have no affiliation with the U. That is pure evilness.

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Kaler is a shameless scumbag.

Dean Johnson and the other regents should hand him his walking papers now before he opens his mouth again and further defames the players and causes more harm.

Pure CYA, power hungry slimeball.

You're out of your mind. Your rose colored glasses for the state of Minnesota and the U of M have completely inhibited your ability to think rationally. The program has been a joke, Claeys screwed up big time, and he was a mediocre coach at best. Check back with me two years from now once you've realized what real leadership (both from an administration and a coaching perspective) can do for a program. SKI U MAH!

Claeys may or may not have been mediocre as a head coach. He is not a bad man, and they did not run a renegade program. Less than 10% of the student athletes may have been involved with something terrible.

Despite all that, you have no concern that somewhere between 1-6 kids had their reputation forever damaged through this? There were 1-3 of those individuals who were never even in the building that night, yet you are willing to treat them the same as someone who may have been involved with a sexual assault?

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