K-fan Chad Abbott response


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Nov 20, 2008
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Here is the response I got back from Mr. Abbott. In my note I just said there are a lot more Gopher football fans out there than the folks at KFAN think. I added that if he wanted to increase their audience they could have their hosts be informed about the Gopher players and quit taking constant shots at the program.

He gave a polite response and sounded like they may be looking to address this issue in some way.

"Thanks for taking the time to send me your feedback. As you may or may not know our hosts talk a lot about the other Gopher Programs and recently have had many of the U of M coaches on KFAN. We hope that availability will be extended with the Football program as soon as this Spring. In the meantime we will address any misinformation or confusion there may have been in the content discussed this week and hope when the topic of Gopher Football arises again to sound more informed for listeners like you, and also welcome you to call and join in. Thanks for your feedback and suggestions."

Chad Abbott
KFAN/KFXN Program Director
Minnesota Vikings Radio Network
[email protected]

I'll give PA some credit here, he has had Gopher baseball, volleyball, hockey, and wrestling coaches on his show recently. I just wish he would make an effort to get to a college basketball game once in the last 6 years, that might be a start to be becoming more informed.

If KFAN starts covering Gopher football because of this board, I wil laugh my apples off. Who says jackasses cayn't make a difference.

I think we can

If enough people e-mail the station they will realize that there is a viable audience out there. Why not have a guy like Justin Conzemius who is somewhat of a homer but is objective as well have a weekly college football show.

Abbott's response is nonsense

What a load of s**t. Abbott's "answer" doesn't say anything and implies that the Gopher football program is preventing KFAN from covering it.


I think it implies that they will work towards resolving the problem. Hopefully they will.

This is a pro sports town. Pro sports talk draws an audience not Gopher Sports.

If enough people e-mail the station they will realize that there is a viable audience out there. Why not have a guy like Justin Conzemius who is somewhat of a homer but is objective as well have a weekly college football show.

Justin Conzemius was on last week mispronouncing players name left and right. Hes just like the rest of us checking out recruiting services. Mentioning how Beau Allen got away and acting like he had no ties to Wisconsin and we "lost em"

Just out of curiosity, how long did it take him to respond? Just wondering because I sent him an email and I'm wondering when I can expect to hear back.

response time

It took him about two days for his response to arrive. I thought that was an acceptable time. Especially if he was getting a bunch of e-mails.

I emailed him yesterday and recieved a response yesterday. Very professional of him, I was impressed.

If enough people e-mail the station they will realize that there is a viable audience out there. Why not have a guy like Justin Conzemius who is somewhat of a homer but is objective as well have a weekly college football show.

I could recommend a lot of people that have greater knowledge of Gopher football than Justin Conzemius.

Chad Abbott

I emailed him on Saturday and received a response today. Very professional response but nothing much said. I hoped KFAN would understand that I'm not looking for blinding homerism like the vikings get but at least gopher information form a reliable person who has actual first hand knowledge of the program and less personal shots from every on air personality. I won't expect anything to change, the nice thing is they have about as many listeners as the seating in TCFBank stadium. Maybe a change in personalities would be a good thing!

Just win baby!

If the Gophers start winning signifcant games they will get more exposure and better treatment. When Mase was coach the Masonites cried all the time about the media being unfair. They were signing petitions, going on hunger strikes, and planning marches down University avenue to protest how the media was unfairly treating our Gophers.

The best way to shut the media up is to win. If we win and win significant games things will change. They say winning cures a lot of ills. Winning would greatly help with the media treatment of the Gophers.

If the Gophers start winning signifcant games they will get more exposure and better treatment. When Mase was coach the Masonites cried all the time about the media being unfair. They were signing petitions, going on hunger strikes, and planning marches down University avenue to protest how the media was unfairly treating our Gophers.

The best way to shut the media up is to win. If we win and win significant games things will change. They say winning cures a lot of ills. Winning would greatly help with the media treatment of the Gophers.

Not necessarily correct. The 2003 squad under Mase went 10-3 and 5-3 in the Big Ten. They beat a rival in UW and won at Penn State (they are a name program even when down) as well as winning a thriller in the Sun Bowl against Oregon. The team lost games to Michigan (nightmare meltdown), MSU and Iowa. If you recall that season, the fans were supportive, but the media focused only on Penn State being down so that win doesn't count, and the Michigan debacle. I remember it well because a friend/co-worker who is an Oklahoma alum was here for meetings and remarked how he couldn't believe how brutal the local media was on the team despite the fact they were ranked and on their way to a 10 win year. He specifically mentioned how the media was making a big deal about PSU being down so it wasn't a quality win, yet they also discounted a Tulsa team that went 8-4 (6-2 in conf) and to a bowl as a non-factor because they didn't have a "name". Almost verbatim he said; "so do they want to beat a name or a quality team, they seem like they shape their argument to make the team look bad". I'm not sure anything short of an unbeaten, national championship season will please the larger part of the local media. Not saying its a conspiracy, but, lets not pretend the media is some pure entity with no agenda (business or personal) that is above smearing a program or the people involved for their own reasons (business or personal). I hope we can get another 10 win year again in the next two years so we can see who is correct.

I could recommend a lot of people that have greater knowledge of Gopher football than Justin Conzemius.

Agreed, Justin Conzemius is a poser, he wants to like the Gophers but he also wants to be one of the KFAN "guys" so he has to also rip them to be accepted by the other hosts.

Not necessarily correct. The 2003 squad under Mase went 10-3 and 5-3 in the Big Ten. They beat a rival in UW and won at Penn State (they are a name program even when down) as well as winning a thriller in the Sun Bowl against Oregon. The team lost games to Michigan (nightmare meltdown), MSU and Iowa. If you recall that season, the fans were supportive, but the media focused only on Penn State being down so that win doesn't count, and the Michigan debacle.

The media was completely on board the week leading up to the Michigan game. Of course they were skeptical prior to that...beating Ohio, Tulsa, Lafayette and Troy isn't exactly the best way to judge a team. After the Michigan game, the media jumped off the bandwagon as fast as the fans did....64,000 fans to 38,000 fans (tickets sold) for MSU. The humiliation at Iowa didn't help either.

"Gopher football program is preventing KFAN from covering it. "

Learfield communications controls the media in regards to Gopher football. I could be wrong but KFAN can't just wheel into the complex and set a broadcast. They could do a lot more inviting to their studios and requests for interviews.

It took him about two days for his response to arrive. I thought that was an acceptable time. Especially if he was getting a bunch of e-mails.

When you think about the fact that it's Abbott's job to blow Barreiro, coupled with Dan's abnormally small penis size, two days isn't too bad...

The media was completely on board the week leading up to the Michigan game. Of course they were skeptical prior to that...beating Ohio, Tulsa, Lafayette and Troy isn't exactly the best way to judge a team. After the Michigan game, the media jumped off the bandwagon as fast as the fans did....64,000 fans to 38,000 fans (tickets sold) for MSU. The humiliation at Iowa didn't help either.

Not my recollection, if you can link something from Barriero, Ruesse, Souhan or their ilk to prove me wrong, I'll give you part of your point. That said, in the rest of your post you've made my point for me (Thanks! :p ). With our media, its a moving target. Starts as... "Win games (2003 non-conf start- check), then morphs to beat someone with a name (2003 PSU win- check) then moves to beat a rival for crying out loud (2003 win over UW- check), then beat pick a team on schedule (lose to Michigan- miss) now you can scream "SEE! I KNEW they were frauds" and you can go back to the same old schtick. Life ain't fair, we all get it, but our media can spare all of us the sanctimonious holier than thou act that they have any modicum of fairness in either their opinions and treatment of the football program. When the "Love Boat" hit the Vikes, we got equal parts... some guys bad, but remember there are so many wonderful guys on this team coverage, especially from KFAN. That is fine with me and I don't take issue with it. What I take issue with is that the same standard is not applied equally across the board. In fact, I can even accept the fact, they don't want to treat the program fairly, it's not in their business interest to do so. But if you choose to go in that direction, be intellectually honest enough to say, "We don't like Brewster and want to see him fired, we also don't want the program to succeed because it might hurt a competitve entity that we partner with/represent or help a competing station.

As for the fans comment, don't get me started on how bad our fanbase sucks.


I know the Masonites get especially excited about that 10-3 season and they think Mase should have been hailed as the second coming of Christ but the media still was not kind. That year most of MN's wins were agianst putrid teams. Tulsa, Lousiana Layfette, Ohio, and Troy were terrible. Illinios, Indiana, and PSU were terrible. Northwestern and Wisconsin were just okay they both won about half their games. Oregon was the only win to write home about.

If the Gophers had beaten Michigan then the media and the state would have been behind them. It was a devasting loss for Mason and for the program.

I know the Masonites get especially excited about that 10-3 season and they think Mase should have been hailed as the second coming of Christ but the media still was not kind. That year most of MN's wins were agianst putrid teams. Tulsa, Lousiana Layfette, Ohio, and Troy were terrible. Illinios, Indiana, and PSU were terrible. Northwestern and Wisconsin were just okay they both won about half their games. Oregon was the only win to write home about.

If the Gophers had beaten Michigan then the media and the state would have been behind them. It was a devasting loss for Mason and for the program.

Just something to think about: we won 5 BT games in 2003. Those 5 teams won a total of 19 games that year, and won a total of 10 games in the BT. This past year we only beat 3 teams in conference, but those 3 teams won a total of 19 games, including 13 in the BT.

No doubt the 2003 schedule was very easy.

Not necessarily correct. The 2003 squad under Mase went 10-3 and 5-3 in the Big Ten. They beat a rival in UW and won at Penn State (they are a name program even when down) as well as winning a thriller in the Sun Bowl against Oregon. The team lost games to Michigan (nightmare meltdown), MSU and Iowa. If you recall that season, the fans were supportive, but the media focused only on Penn State being down so that win doesn't count, and the Michigan debacle. I remember it well because a friend/co-worker who is an Oklahoma alum was here for meetings and remarked how he couldn't believe how brutal the local media was on the team despite the fact they were ranked and on their way to a 10 win year. He specifically mentioned how the media was making a big deal about PSU being down so it wasn't a quality win, yet they also discounted a Tulsa team that went 8-4 (6-2 in conf) and to a bowl as a non-factor because they didn't have a "name". Almost verbatim he said; "so do they want to beat a name or a quality team, they seem like they shape their argument to make the team look bad". I'm not sure anything short of an unbeaten, national championship season will please the larger part of the local media. Not saying its a conspiracy, but, lets not pretend the media is some pure entity with no agenda (business or personal) that is above smearing a program or the people involved for their own reasons (business or personal). I hope we can get another 10 win year again in the next two years so we can see who is correct.

You forgot to add, by a team that is comprised entirely of Minnesota boys who only played top 10 ranked teams, and beat them all soundly, but not too soundly so as to make them look bad because that would have made them look bad.

Reusse's article the day after the Twins won the World Series in 1987 was basically, congrats, but what are you going to do next year? You got lucky.

The local media will never, ever fully embrace sports, period. The biggest problem with sports coverage in the Twin Cities is the lack of a diverse approach. We have Sid and then the rest. As a way to reverse all of their fortunes, maybe they can form a band -- Sid and the Cynics.

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