Just got back from Vegas, some national perspective on the Gophs

Wow, I think it was the Badger weekend when we were making fun of a troll having 300 posts on a board, now you've surpassed 400!!!

D-Bag of the Year anyone??????

Man you gotta have something else going for you, no???

I was out in Reno last weekend. Was talking to a few fans from Arizona that used to live in Big Ten country and they were really complimentary of the Wisconsin program and the direction is has been going. Thought that the level of play over the last twenty years has been tremendous and they don't see it changing any time soon.

I also bumped into some people from North Carolina. Got around to talking about Punky and what windbag he is. Said the way he acted in town was a joke and they never thought he would become a head coach, let alone a winning head coach. Met someome from Denver that said the same thing. Windbag with no substance. Could never see him being successful as a head coach. Interesting what you hear when talking to fans around the country.

My god, you identified yourself as a Badger fan and then they had complimentary things to say about the Badgers!!!:eek:

Then you bumped into not one but two fans from, as you identified him, Punky's previous coaching stops, and they proceeded to confirm your very thoughts about him. :eek:

Methinks you're either a country bumpkin of the highest order, Golden Valley residence not withstanding, or engaging in some type of satirical jab at the innocent Mr. Ole!:confused:

"Damn your eyes" Mr. GVBadger!!:horse:

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