I’m out of the loop, what’s the story on this?
This is what I've picked up on Bryce.
1. Was a very early #1 target for Fleck. Dad and Bryce or Dad (Gene) and or Bryce didn't like the sales tactic. Too salesy.
2. Was recruited by Nebraska and Wisconsin as well as many other teams.
3. Eventually dad Gene tells Bryce it's time to make a decision and seems to suggest that Nebraska and Scott Frost are the answer. (WI would have been the better answer we see now). They select Nebraska.
4. In interviews, he's asked who offered first. (Minnesota) In same interview he's asked who the worst fans are (Minnesota). Also says Wisconsin is his 2nd choice.
5. Says he chose Nebraska because it was no-BS. Inference to Fleck being BS. (I don't think it's necessarily BS, just the fact Fleck was too smart for Bryce and Gene).
6. Gene evidently has a big mouth in social circles. Still proudly talking smack about Minnesota despite how his son plays. Gene was a frequent tweeter online about how his son should play more and they should run the ball more. This season he has gone quiet however around the time his son got benched. From what I can infer, he's still chattering inside football circles about the U of M.
Bryce should transfer out because he isn't getting better and if Wisconsin would still take him that's where he should transfer to because he's getting worse, not better at Nebraska.
We are used to players leaving Minnesota, but none have done so in such a low-class way has the Benhart's have talking trash back as much as they have along the way.
That's what I can pick up from watching online interviews and reading tea leaves.
From a fan perspective, it's quite incredible because not only has Nebraska not done well, but Frost's trust in Benhart has become one of the most notable shortfalls of that program. It's to the point you would feel bad for the kid if they hadn't made their own bed on this thing already. It's also why I say he should transfer to WI at this point. They could maybe salvage what's left of his career. He would definitely not be a fit here at Minnesota. Not a culture fit at all.