Jon Hoese to the Green Bay Packers

Would love to have a Gopher on my Packers! Hoese definitely fits the mold of FB that McCarthy loves, see John Kuhn, Korey Hall, etc.

I hope he does well as the Pack lose every game.

Bear Down!

Was really hoping he'd sign with the Vikings. Ah, well. Glad to see someone signed him!

Would love to have a Gopher on my Packers! Hoese definitely fits the mold of FB that McCarthy loves, see John Kuhn, Korey Hall, etc.

I read today that Kuhn might test the free agent waters. Perfect chance for Hoese if he does.

Would love to have a Gopher on my Packers! Hoese definitely fits the mold of FB that McCarthy loves, see John Kuhn, Korey Hall, etc.

True story! Good to see Hoese is going to get a chance with the Packers!

I'm torn. I'll hope and cheer for Hoese to be enough of a success there to warrant getting cut.. then I can TRULY pull for the kid.

BTW, posted this video on another site.. first time I've seen it.

Good luck to a fantastic man and football player. Here's to hoping many years of success are headed your way, and hoping that you come home to play for the Vikes!

Headed up to practice yesterday for the World Champion Packers. Saw Hoese wearing #35 and gave him a SKI-U-MAH. He looked at me kind of weird then noticed my Gopher hat and came over and shook my hand. With Kuhn resigned and Spencer Havner (TE/FB) on the roster it's going to be a tough hill to climb for him to make the roster, but McCarthy loves to keep FB on the practice squad and hopefully this can translate to some special teams work for Hoese.

I also asked Jason Wilde who is a beat reporter for ESPN Milwaukee and the Journal Sentinel about his chances and he said, "Pads go on soon, will know more then. No (Korey)Hall, so a chance. Depends on how many TEs they keep. I think Quarless might be in trouble. But if they keep four RBs, four TEs, they'll only keep two FBs."

Was just listening to Madison local sports radio and they had a Packers reporter on. The guy said Hoese was one of the two most impressive players so far, the other being rookie TE DJ Williams. He said Hoese looks very sharp, has done a good job receiving the ball and hasn't made many mistakes.

Hoese working out with Raiders


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