Johnston: Has anyone heard from PJ Fleck? That guy never shuts up, yet I don’t recall the last time I heard a Fleckism


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Johnston:

I went on a journey for the purpose of today’s Flakes. I wanted to do an update on spring football across the entire Big Ten.

It was not a long journey.

There is an eerie quiet across the conference about spring football. At first I thought it was just Minnesota not talking, but it’s... most everyone. It’s quiet everywhere.

Penn State has their annual Red-White Spring game this weekend. Kind of-ish. It’s more of a spring practice, and it’s certainly not listed on the CBS Sports master schedule of all spring game everywhere. The only news I’m aware of about Penn State is that the seniors are irritated they can’t see the glorified practice (link below).

According to the master schedule, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan State, Nebraska, Ohio State, and Rutgers are the only schools having spring games. Compare that to the SEC where only Florida and Kentucky are listed as doing nothing.

Maybe I’m off base, but it’s normally not like this, it it?

Has anyone heard from PJ Fleck? That guy never shuts up, yet I don’t recall the last time I heard a Fleckism. On the other hand, there are other pressing matters currently happening in the Twin Cities, so perhaps it’s best he’s mute.

Go Gophers!!

Oh no Mr. Johnston. Don't tell me you are having a Fleckite Withdrawal.

Why don't you give him a call and ask to eat difficult conversations for breakfast with him? Report back to us.

If we are patient, the Spring Game is around the corner...

Maybe, this is the reason why he is so busy in Spring Practices. The Gophers finally have team depth that PJ Fleck is comfortable with to pose a challenge in the Big Ten West. They will definitely surprise a few people.

More importantly, they are preparing a surprise for tOSU. This may be trap game with an upset in the making.

First game of the season, rabid hungry fans in the stands, and players that are eager to let loose - all are dangerous ingredients.

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per Johnston:

I went on a journey for the purpose of today’s Flakes. I wanted to do an update on spring football across the entire Big Ten.

It was not a long journey.

There is an eerie quiet across the conference about spring football. At first I thought it was just Minnesota not talking, but it’s... most everyone. It’s quiet everywhere.

Penn State has their annual Red-White Spring game this weekend. Kind of-ish. It’s more of a spring practice, and it’s certainly not listed on the CBS Sports master schedule of all spring game everywhere. The only news I’m aware of about Penn State is that the seniors are irritated they can’t see the glorified practice (link below).

According to the master schedule, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan State, Nebraska, Ohio State, and Rutgers are the only schools having spring games. Compare that to the SEC where only Florida and Kentucky are listed as doing nothing.

Maybe I’m off base, but it’s normally not like this, it it?

Has anyone heard from PJ Fleck? That guy never shuts up, yet I don’t recall the last time I heard a Fleckism. On the other hand, there are other pressing matters currently happening in the Twin Cities, so perhaps it’s best he’s mute.

Go Gophers!!
I think some Spring Games have already happened. Iowa has a couple open practices.

Johnston apparently has no life at all. Meanwhile Fleck no doubt is reaching out to his players, coaches, recruiting, preparing speeches for the future and never stops. Doesn't Johnston realize that many parts of Fleck's job is behind the scenes?

Again, ignore nonsense like this especially from someone who lives in hillbilly heaven.

Most of the big news that might happen to a program in April is bad. Recruiting is about the only good thing and Fleck can’t speak of that.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm waiting for Nebraska football fans and writers to stop talking. Man, they NEVER shut up...

Fleck has dialed it down a few notches. From 11 to about an 8 IMHO.

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