John Michael Schmitz: 12-29-21. The day she said yes. Can’t believe I am marrying my best friend I met in grade school

Impressive. I'm assuming they have been dating for a while? It's difficult to sustain a relationship through those formative years. People change so much from middle school to college.

Congrats to JMS! Hopefully that boot is very temporary.

Happy for JMS! As a long-time, one-time, and still, married guy, I hope they have as long and happy married life together.

Now, I can’t resist a little good-natured humor:
- I guess the days of him calling out the assignments are over. 😉
- save the walking boot for when the ankle gets sore from dragging around the “ol’ ball and chain” 😂 . . . I am100% JK!

Seriously, . . . Good Luck to them both, and congratulations!!

As a member of the "Century Club" (married to same person, worked at same company, living in same house = 100 or more years), I congratulate you JMS and wish you a long, happy and prosperous marriage!

As a member of the "Century Club" (married to same person, worked at same company, living in same house = 100 or more years), I congratulate you JMS and wish you a long, happy and prosperous marriage!
Wow … didn’t realize I was able to achieve the numbers necessary to be in this exclusive club … 105 and counting!

Congratulations JMS!

May you live a wonderful prosperous life and produce future Gophers.

As a member of the "Century Club" (married to same person, worked at same company, living in same house = 100 or more years), I congratulate you JMS and wish you a long, happy and prosperous marriage!

Do you still get this exclusive title if one or more of the three stops adding to the total?

As a member of the "Century Club" (married to same person, worked at same company, living in same house = 100 or more years), I congratulate you JMS and wish you a long, happy and prosperous marriage!
Huh. Never heard of this.... I'm sitting at 99.....

Congrats to JMS.

As a member of the "Century Club" (married to same person, worked at same company, living in same house = 100 or more years), I congratulate you JMS and wish you a long, happy and prosperous marriage!
I am at 90, would be 105 if I counted my first job instead of my second job out of college. 117 counting both jobs….but that doesn’t count….

I got married at 36 and have been going happily for almost 18 years. I can’t fathom how different my life would be had I gotten married at 21.

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