Joel Maturi Spoke at a class

So, are you two going to start a new thread about "professionalism in college sports" or just continue to hi-jack this one?

I've been following Gopher sports closely for 40+ years and, without doing research, can't remember a time when neither the football, men's basketball, or men's hockey teams have collectively been so inept. None of them are even close to sniffing a championship and none are even sniffing upper division finishes in their respective leagues. Thanks Joel.

You have a very short memory. Other than the period when Herb Brooks and J Robinson were winning championships there hasn't been a helluva lot to brag about the Gophers during the last 40 years. Why are you singling out Maturi for special mention?

I was also in the class today listening to Maturi speak and reading many of the responses in this thread just reinforces what he talked about. A lot of people have just used it as another opportunity to take a shot at him. I'm not about to say Maturi has been a great AD because he certainly has made plenty of mistakes, but during his tenure we did build a brand new football stadium and he brought in a top-tier basketball coach with a national championship on his resume. Not as important, but we have also won multiple national championships in other sports (hockey, golf, wrestling). It certainly hasn't been all bad under his tenure, but everyone hates him and he constantly gets ripped in the press.

These are college players, not professionals. They don't get paid (most never will) and we shouldn't be judging them like they are, major media market or not. That is all Maturi was saying in the class today. It was not whiny, apologetic, or self serving in any way. He said flat out he deserves blame for many of the decisions he's made. But the main point was that the media here isn't the same as other big ten schools and he is absolutely correct.

Maturi partially gets big bucks for taking heat, but you'd hope folks would at least listen to what he says when he's sticking up for his athletes.

Good post. Thanks.

I know I shouldn't be but I am surprised at how most of you are so willing to buy into Maturi's bull. It is pure scapegoating. Win games and build a competitive football program and people come around quickly. Be glad you don't live in a small college town where all there is is college sports and all the small time media outlets swallow all the cr@p that is shoveled their way. It is nauseating. I know, I moved to Madison after I got married. The local sports people have absolutely zero perspective and anything negative is spun or barely covered. I had to bite my tongue, hard, after Beilima's @ssbaggery last season going for two and running up the score while speaking to inlaws. At least with media in the Twin Cities you can get both sides of the story. They are like mindless drones here. If that is what you want out of your media and fanbase then I know just the place for you. There are probably more than a few legitimate reasons for the football programs woes but the media is not one of them. They are just an easy target and Maturi needs to go back to being Becky's assistant AD if all he wants to hear is how great he is.

Do people actually think that the media will warm up to the U after Maturi leaves?

Of course not, unless they are extremely naive or have no sense of the history of the media in this market. The cynicism and negativity of the TC media predates Maturi by a long time and is not limited to the U of M. I firmly believe the media does negatively impact recruiting as they continue to perpetuate people's negative perception of the U - especially for local athletes.

That said, the media isn't to blame for the U of M's lack of success and winning would do wonders to mute their criticism. However, I don't think it will eliminate the negative slant many of our media members choose to present. They are who they are regardless of the subject matter.

I've never had a problem with the TC media ripping bad gopher teams or bad gopher games. I do have a problem when they rip the gophers after a win claiming the only reason they won was because the other team was bad or played poorly. This is something you don't see in Madison or Iowa City.

That being said I believe the TC media is merely a reflection of the passive aggressive nature of our state as a whole, which I can't stand.

Getting a free education is not getting pad.

It's not? So you mean that my wife and I can stop making payments of nearly a grand per month on our student loans? That would be sweet! Why has no one ever told me this before? I feel as though a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders! What am I going to do with all this extra money from now on? Oh, the possibilities!

Of course not, unless they are extremely naive or have no sense of the history of the media in this market. The cynicism and negativity of the TC media predates Maturi by a long time and is not limited to the U of M. I firmly believe the media does negatively impact recruiting as they continue to perpetuate people's negative perception of the U - especially for local athletes.

That said, the media isn't to blame for the U of M's lack of success and winning would do wonders to mute their criticism. However, I don't think it will eliminate the negative slant many of our media members choose to present. They are who they are regardless of the subject matter.

The media is negative towards the U for the most part. Backhanded support, punchlines, etc.
The situation has reached a point recently(last 5 years)that borders on stupidity largely due to the lack of winning, but mostly IMO due to the adminstration/major coaches' lack of either A)Balls, or B)shrewd planning/execution of plans.

Anyone NOT think Maturi has f'd up big time many many times over the past several years?
Should I list the idiotic/spineless moves he's made?
Not firing Monson
Extending Monson
Firing Monson midseason(cost of ?)
Not firing Mason
Extending Mason
Firing Mason(cost of ?)
Hiring Brewster
Poor execution of TCF Bank gameday(the empty tailgating lots are dumbfounding to me, keep the price low, fill them up and THEN raise the price, gameday atmosphere is better, buzz is better)
Completely fing up the BBall coaching search, then having Tubby fall into his lap
Williams lawsuit(1mil)
Royce White/Mbakwe suspensions(I don't disagree with Royce, but it was handled so spinelessly)
Extending Brewster
Firing Brewster(cost ?)
By all accounts fing up FBall coaching search, falling ass backwards into Kill who seems right now to be really good
Golf coach hiring guy who EVERYBODY told him not to hire
Golf coach discrimination lawsuit(wait for this one, it could be HUGE)

THEN there's the media soundbites/quotes
the CONSTANT badger loving
the CONSTANT non revenue sports/directors cup bragging(yes this is bragging for Joel)
the "I'm not having any fun anymore" quotes
the "Tubby smith hiring for Fball coach"

Anyone NOT think this has negatively affected the U's athletic media coverage in this town?

It at least has the chance to get better under a competent and gritty/ballsy/media savvy new AD

ole, I agree with your post...

and I have posted MANY, if not ALL of the points you now FINALLY make about macturi's incompetence in past posts . I long ago called for the "ditching" of badger joel maturi... The battle cry was and has been " macturi NOW..." and it was right on the money during the past four years and it still is on the money today. Ditch maturi NOW!

Has prexy b. extended badger joel maturi in an outlandish 12th hour lame-duck act of desperation so that b.j. m. might someday receive a large buy-out from the cash-strapped University of Minnesota General Fund when Prexy K takes over and brings in his own AD and fires the failed and incompetent badger joel, a d character?

I warned ALL of you about badger joel macturi and what he was and was not doing.

I'm pleased to see that you finally got the message ole! That is a very good thing.

"...DUMP maturi NOW..."

; 0 )

The guy is a bean counter and a cheerleader. Probably a likelable guy. Lets just leave it at that.

Anyone NOT think this has negatively affected the U's athletic media coverage in this town?

It at least has the chance to get better under a competent and gritty/ballsy/media savvy new AD

Sorry, Buddy. It has been said many times before. The people who run the U love the way Joel Maturi runs the Athletics Department. The new guy is going to keep him and Joel will be AD until a time of his own choosing.

You better get another school to cheer for because things are not going to change at the U. Read the newspaper. From now on balanced budgets are the order of the day at the U.

By the way, you don't know what the hell you are talking about. The misinformation in your post would take another thread to dissect it all.

macturi is SO old, his next stop will be assisted living...The clock is ticking pretty loudly for both he and prexy b.

macturi is SO old, his next stop will be assisted living...The clock is ticking pretty loudly for both he and prexy b.

wren - Hey I got an idea! Why don't you and Joel get a room together? You are both about the same age or are you older?

And also wren, ask not for whom the clock ticks, it ticks for thee. It is the sound of you being banned from posting your agenda over and over and over. It is so boring.

To the pope:

The people who run the U need to start being a bit more humble because the state legislators are going to gut the state funding of both the state college system and the U of M. And don't try to shoot the messanger. Do you watch the news on tv or read the Wall Street Journal. From Murdoch's "fair and balanced" spin to the CNN take, with a little MSNBC thrown in there, money issues are going to be fair game and if this country is going to keep any where near status quo, it will be "cut, cut, cut AND tax, tax, tax. The U of M leaders are going to find out that they have come to the state house entirely too often with their hands out. They have not managed their money wisely over at the U. Too many contract buy outs. Too many new stadium and practice palace requests. Too many big buck coache's salaries. Too few Big Ten Basketball wins. Too few WCHA wins. Too many early contract extensions (borton.) with NO positive results. Too little good fiscal management coming from the administration at the U of M. It will get a lot tougher before it ever starts to get much better re; money from the legislature for the U.

As I stated, I am just a casual observer in the process that is going to play out. But, the U of M will be humbled when they come begging for money. Tuition prices are going up boys and girls. And it won't make the leadership at the U of M one bit sorry.

The people who run the U need to start being a bit more humble because the state legislators are going to gut the state funding of both the state college system and the U of M. And don't try to shoot the messanger. Do you watch the news on tv or read the Wall Street Journal. From Murdoch's "fair and balanced" spin to the CNN take, with a little MSNBC thrown in there, money issues are going to be fair game and if this country is going to keep any where near status quo, it will be "cut, cut, cut AND tax, tax, tax. The U of M leaders are going to find out that they have come to the state house entirely too often with their hands out. They have not managed their money wisely over at the U. Too many contract buy outs. Too many new stadium and practice palace requests. Too many big buck coache's salaries. Too few Big Ten Basketball wins. Too few WCHA wins. Too many early contract extensions (borton.) with NO positive results. Too little good fiscal management coming from the administration at the U of M. It will get a lot tougher before it ever starts to get much better re; money from the legislature for the U.

As I stated, I am just a casual observer in the process that is going to play out. But, the U of M will be humbled when they come begging for money. Tuition prices are going up boys and girls. And it won't make the leadership at the U of M one bit sorry.

You should use "i", not "I".

I am a Gopher football fan. My family has had seats going back to Memorial Stadium. I have donation seats now. So, I'm into all of this. But to expect happiness and sunshine from the media, you have to have some happiness and sunshine to report. Otherwise, it is like Snowball's reports in Animal Farm, or like reading the Albanian People's Gazette.

Things are great! We are going to the Rose Bowl every year! This is not now, nor has it been reality for 40 years. Yes, these are young men, but we don't do the program or the players any favor by pretending things aren't what they are. I might even say that there is a chance that the constant supply of bulletin board material might finally be having an effect.

This isn't a college town, and the sportswriters don't have to kneel at doors of the only story in town. I like that we aren't Iowa City, Lincoln, Madison, or even Green Bay. The idea that monopolies lead to a better product is antithetical to every economic theory known. The amazing thing is in a competitive market, that someone hasn't figured out how to right the ship since 1967.

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