Joe Paterno taken off respirator, near death

Very, very sad. This is usually a consequence of when you take away a man of his age from something he loves.

Very unfortunate ending to a awesome career. I hope going forward he is not remembered solely for the incident that led to him being fired and instead for the totality of his career and life.

Great man who made a horrific mistake and was rightfully punished.....but who is still a great man.

When he was forced out, I said I didn't think he would make it past New Year's - unfortunately, I'm not going to be wrong by much.

I'll always remember Glen Mason going with the suit on gamedays vs. Penn State out of respect for Joe Pa.

He did a lot for Penn State outside of football. Indeed a very sad moment for all of college football.

I hope all of the a$$holes on here who said he was faking having lung cancer so he could deflect criticism are feeling really proud of themselves now.

I hope all of the a$$holes on here who said he was faking having lung cancer so he could deflect criticism are feeling really proud of themselves now.

Ha. Agreed.

You were a great man Joe Pa. I hope people don't define you by one mistake.

I freaking hate cancer. Godspeed JoPa!

Unconfirmed reports now that he has, in fact, passed.

Shameful. I can understand jumping to conclusions over some news pieces in order to try and be the first. But reporting a death without confirmation is just shameful.

Shameful. I can understand jumping to conclusions over some news pieces in order to try and be the first. But reporting a death without confirmation is just shameful.

A few years back the Pioneer Press and a couple of national outlets reported that the Vikings Orlando Thomas had lost his battle with ALS, well fortunately he is still alive and battling to this day. The desire to be first often too often gets in the way of the desire to be right.

God bless him.

I am curious how Penn State will handle this. I know they've been trying ti "distance" themselves from every part of the old regime, but come on.

A Letter from the Managing Editor of Onward State

Earlier this evening, Onward State reported that Joe Paterno had passed away; however, the mountain of evidence stacked opposite that report became too much to ignore. At this time, I would like to issue an official retraction of our earlier tweets.

I never, in a million years, would have thought that Onward State might be cited by the national media. Today, I sincerely wish it never had been. To all those who read and passed along our reports, I sincerely apologize for having mislead you. To the Penn State community and to the Paterno family, most of all, I could not be more sorry for the emotional anguish I am sure we at Onward State caused. There are no excuses for what we did. We all make mistakes, but it’s impossible to brush off one of this magnitude. Right now, we deserve all of the criticism headed our way.

In this day and age, getting it first often conflicts with getting it right, but our intention was never to fall into that chasm. All I can do now is promise that in the future, we will exercise caution, restraint, and humility.

I can only hope and pray that the outstanding work our writers and photographers do on a day-to-day basis is not overshadowed by the events of tonight. I understand that our reputation is in serious question, but I hope you will continue to stand by us as we do everything in our power to make amends.

To begin that process, I will be stepping down from my post as Managing Editor, effective immediately. I take full responsibility for the events that transpired tonight, and for the black mark upon the organization that I have caused.

I ask not for your forgiveness, but for your understanding. I am so very, very, sorry, and we at Onward State continue to pray for Coach Paterno.


Devon Edwards

Go Gophers!!

Well, regardless, @Undeadpaterno has now been created on twitter by someone.

AP now reporting it's official from the family

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