Jimmy Williams wins again in state Court of Appeals against University

With this, the golf situation, the losing in football and basketball, plus everything else we've already beaten to death, HOW DOES MATURI STILL HAVE A JOB?

Does every thread have to turn into Maturi Bashing? Sickening.

Sorry I wasn't able to put a positive spin on the university losing a million dollars.

Sorry I wasn't able to put a positive spin on the university losing a million dollars.

Did you even read the whole article? At the end, the article said the Judge lowered it to the amount that insurance would pay. Hence costing the U nothing but the premium they pay anyway. Sheesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok...then what happens to that premium after the money is paid out by the insurer? Foot in mouth.

You tell me? How does a variety of claims on your homeowners or auto insurance affect you? Slight difference there.

do i really have to tell you this?...it increases your premium after you make a claim in which you are found liable.

do i really have to tell you this?...it increases your premium after you make a claim in which you are found liable.

Not if you have the right insurance company. That is what liablility insurance is all about, Mr. expert.

JM: "OH! And one more thing before I sign... How much for the 'in case my coach hires someone without approval and I have to shoot it down' rider??"
IA: "That's only $10. Our underwriters have determined that that one is an *extrememly* low risk. I really don't think you need it, but if you want to throw $10 away! Ha ha ha ha!!!"
JM: "Ha ha ha ha ha.....!"
IA/JM: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

You tell me? How does a variety of claims on your homeowners or auto insurance affect you? Slight difference there.

Dr. Don this isn't a 'hey you got in a fender-bender we see this all the time' type of claim. This is a 'you drove your car into your house and tried to out the fire with gas, how stupid are you?' kind of claim. Only this smooth-operating athletic department could be getting sued for multiple millions over hiring practices in two different sports at the same time. At least other schools just commit NCAA violations while winning a lot. Joel sure is special.

So we could have had a great recruiter in Jimmy Williams, but Maturi says "no" and instead the University/the University's insurer will now pay Jimmy Williams to NOT help the Gophers attract talent.

I have a serious question, that I'm way too lazy to figure out. Does anyone know the amount of $ we've paid to coaches not on staff in Maturi's tenure? From Monson to Mason, Dunbar, Brew, this, everyone. I'd be interested in seeing that total....I bet it would add up to a good chunk of the practice facility.

I have a serious question, that I'm way too lazy to figure out. Does anyone know the amount of $ we've paid to coaches not on staff in Maturi's tenure? From Monson to Mason, Dunbar, Brew, this, everyone. I'd be interested in seeing that total....I bet it would add up to a good chunk of the practice facility.

You might as well add Maturi's salary in that total too...it's not like the U is getting anything in return for that investment.

I have a serious question, that I'm way too lazy to figure out. Does anyone know the amount of $ we've paid to coaches not on staff in Maturi's tenure? From Monson to Mason, Dunbar, Brew, this, everyone. I'd be interested in seeing that total....I bet it would add up to a good chunk of the practice facility.

An article after Brew's firing in the STrib reported the total at $5.2 million in salaries for Mason ($2.2 mil), Monson ($2.25 mil)and Brewster ($775K) and that doesn't include a $1.4 mil payment to Mason's retirement account which was due for his service time or any other coaches or mis-hires like Williams.

An article after Brew's firing in the STrib reported the total at $5.2 million in salaries for Mason ($2.2 mil), Monson ($2.25 mil)and Brewster ($775K) and that doesn't include a $1.4 mil payment to Mason's retirement account which was due for his service time or any other coaches or mis-hires like Williams.

The article I found is here.

I read it a little differently. On page 2 it says that the University owed (still owes part of) $5.2 million for the Mason and Monson buyouts and would then owe another $750,000+ to Brewster, et. al. (there would be additional outgoing/incoming transition costs). The Mason/Monson buyouts were covered in part by raiding/borrowing from Central Administration funds.

If you have a different article that clarifies, let us know. Going back to Mason/Monson buyout articles in the Strib from the time of Mason's termination, it does appear that the costs ended up much higher. It was initially reported as closer to $4 million. I wonder if the $1.4 million retirement fund dollars might be included in the $5.2 million reported in the post-Brewster termination piece. Is the $1.4 million exclusively for service time in which Mason did not serve on the remainder of his final contract? Or is it inclusive of his entire time at the U?

But taking just what the linked article puts out there, we'd be looking at around $6 million minimum for the Monson/Mason/Brewster buyouts.

Add in Jimmy Williams' $1 million award (even if covered by insurance) and we're up to 7 million (and counting; the Brenny matter is working its way through the court).

If the $1.4 million retirement piece mentioned by GopherinPhilly is credited exclusively to time not served by Mason and was not part of the $5.2 million reported by the Strib, one could say the total is at or above $8.4 million in payouts for time not served as Gopher coaches.

The article I found is here.

I read it a little differently. On page 2 it says that the University owed (still owes part of) $5.2 million for the Mason and Monson buyouts and would then owe another $750,000+ to Brewster, et. al. (there would be additional outgoing/incoming transition costs). The Mason/Monson buyouts were covered in part by raiding/borrowing from Central Administration funds.

If you have a different article that clarifies, let us know. Going back to Mason/Monson buyout articles in the Strib from the time of Mason's termination, it does appear that the costs ended up much higher. It was initially reported as closer to $4 million. I wonder if the $1.4 million retirement fund dollars might be included in the $5.2 million reported in the post-Brewster termination piece. Is the $1.4 million exclusively for service time in which Mason did not serve on the remainder of his final contract? Or is it inclusive of his entire time at the U?

But taking just what the linked article puts out there, we'd be looking at around $6 million minimum for the Monson/Mason/Brewster buyouts.

Add in Jimmy Williams' $1 million award (even if covered by insurance) and we're up to 7 million (and counting; the Brenny matter is working its way through the court).

If the $1.4 million retirement piece mentioned by GopherinPhilly is credited exclusively to time not served by Mason and was not part of the $5.2 million reported by the Strib, one could say the total is at or above $8.4 million in payouts for time not served as Gopher coaches.

Good question...from memory, the buy out of Mason included time served for retirement contributions...so a portion of the $1.4 mil was for the remaining 3 years on the deal that got bought out...so figure 20% of the 1.4 or $800K was included in the total Mason buy out...so Mason was $1.4 mil would have been included in the $5.2 total...add in the Million to Jimmy and transitional/search costs and we are looking at an easy $7 million during the Maturi years in pissed away money...and it aint over yet.

Good question...from memory, the buy out of Mason included time served for retirement contributions...so a portion of the $1.4 mil was for the remaining 3 years on the deal that got bought out...so figure 20% of the 1.4 or $800K was included in the total Mason buy out...so Mason was $1.4 mil would have been included in the $5.2 total...add in the Million to Jimmy and transitional/search costs and we are looking at an easy $7 million during the Maturi years in pissed away money...and it aint over yet.

It is a stunning figure, especially considering that we're looking at payouts to multiple coaches (or would-be coaches) for a variety of issues. It's a comprehensive failure of management. Assuming the Brenny discrimination matter results in yet another payout, Maturi might as well fire some other coaches (Borton, for starters) to hit that $10 million mark. Just as well he aspire to diamond certification in something.

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