Jim Souhan: Look for Kill to keep his word; he's that kind of guy

This column would carry a lot more weight if it was coming from any columnist in the Twin Cities not named Jim Souhan. It rings rather hollow and seems pretty self-serving considering the backlash he received locally (and in some places nationally) for the last column he wrote about Kill. Not saying Souhan doesn't have some valid points, but it has all the makings of a smug, "See, I was right and you were wrong" kind of opinion piece.

Last year the Colts were without their HC for more than 6 GAMES. Hmm...

The Colts had an assistant coach, Bruce Ariens, take the head coaching reins when Pagano went down. He came down from the booth and took on the Head Coach persona. No one is doing that on the Minnesota sideline when Kill goes down during (or before) the game. Claeys and Limgrover stay in the booth, and the head coach on the sideline falls to our tight ends coach, who is more focused on the TE's than anything else. No leadership on the sideline, no one to rally the troops, no one to make the important decisions. Say that Kill's health shouldn't be an issue...fine...but let's make sure we have a better contingency plan if/when the next health scare should come.

This column would carry a lot more weight if it was coming from any columnist in the Twin Cities not named Jim Souhan. It rings rather hollow and seems pretty self-serving considering the backlash he received locally (and in some places nationally) for the last column he wrote about Kill. Not saying Souhan doesn't have some valid points, but it has all the makings of a smug, "See, I was right and you were wrong" kind of opinion piece.

Agree. Souhan has basically disqualified himself in the minds of many because his previous column on his issue was rightfully torn apart. This is nothing more than Jim trying to politely tell everyone he was right and everyone else was too dumb to realize it.

Clearly, there is an issue with Kill's seizures that needs to be addressed, more from a medical standpoint than anything else. I sincerely hope that he can keep on coaching, but I'm not sure how much longer he can go if things continue this way.

I don't think it's going to be Jerry Kill's call. It isn't going to be Teague's call. I think Rebecca is going to tell Jerry he is done for now.

Breakin' - that's the smartest thing written in this thread to date. Though SelectionSunday is a strong runner up.

Another game day seizure and it becomes a fair question on whether or not he should continue. The fact that we did not really improve our competitive position in the first two games of the conference indicate a likely long run of losses. A victory or two would be a step backward.

The Colts had an assistant coach, Bruce Ariens, take the head coaching reins when Pagano went down. He came down from the booth and took on the Head Coach persona. No one is doing that on the Minnesota sideline when Kill goes down during (or before) the game. Claeys and Limgrover stay in the booth, and the head coach on the sideline falls to our tight ends coach, who is more focused on the TE's than anything else. No leadership on the sideline, no one to rally the troops, no one to make the important decisions. Say that Kill's health shouldn't be an issue...fine...but let's make sure we have a better contingency plan if/when the next health scare should come.

They did. The TE coach was acting as the head guy on the field.

Souhan has some of you played on this. He's mocking Kill by saying, "he's that kind of guy".

What Kill went on to say after talking about "they wouldn't have to fire me, I'd walk away if I didn't think I could do it" was "But that won’t happen because you’re talking to a guy that wasn’t supposed to be here anyway."

Kill is a stubborn guy. I don't believe for a second that he will walk away. Now, it may eventually appear that way... for example, a release may say, "it's time to focus on my health, yada yada yada, so I must step down" (much like the release the U wrote a couple of years ago, putting words into Kill's mouth that he never said re: checking himself into Mayo to figure his health things out because the time has come to do so)... but that would only occur after the U tells him, "look, we're going to have to fire you if you don't resign."

Not an enviable position for the U to be in, but they have begged to be placed where they now sit.

Souhan has some of you played on this. He's mocking Kill by saying, "he's that kind of guy".

What Kill went on to say after talking about "they wouldn't have to fire me, I'd walk away if I didn't think I could do it" was "But that won’t happen because you’re talking to a guy that wasn’t supposed to be here anyway."

Kill is a stubborn guy. I don't believe for a second that he will walk away. Now, it may eventually appear that way... for example, a release may say, "it's time to focus on my health, yada yada yada, so I must step down" (much like the release the U wrote a couple of years ago, putting words into Kill's mouth that he never said re: checking himself into Mayo to figure his health things out because the time has come to do so)... but that would only occur after the U tells him, "look, we're going to have to fire you if you don't resign."

Not an enviable position for the U to be in, but they have begged to be placed where they now sit.

I'm glad you know for a fact that the U put words in Kill's mouth and he never said he was checking himself into Mayo to figure his health things out. Thanks for clearing that up for all of us lowly posters who don't read minds.

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