Jim Souhan: Look for Kill to keep his word; he's that kind of guy


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Souhan:

Jerry Kill has said he’d walk away if he couldn’t do his job.

In August, Kill told the Star Tribune, “You can’t be the head football coach and miss half of a game. I mean, I’m not stupid, I realize that. If I was doing those things, the university wouldn’t have to fire me. I’d walk away if I didn’t think I could do it.”

Kill is being paid $1.2 million a year, a sum he couldn’t have imagined when he entered coaching, to be the face of a massive university. He knows he has to be on the sideline, and in front of recruits, to do his job well.

If he can’t find a way to perform his duties, and if his doctors can’t find a way to more effectively help him, I do believe he’ll eventually walk away.

He’s that kind of guy.


Go Gophers!!

I don't hate many people, but if I could light Soupcan on fire I would.

I know what kind of guy Souhan is.

coach kill can still run the program, recruit, discipline etcc. Being at the game would be nice, but it's not a must if he can do all the other things a head coach has to do. Kill is fine get off his case.

coach kill can still run the program, recruit, discipline etcc. Being at the game would be nice, but it's not a must if he can do all the other things a head coach has to do. Kill is fine get off his case.

Today proved otherwise.

coach kill can still run the program, recruit, discipline etcc. Being at the game would be nice, but it's not a must if he can do all the other things a head coach has to do. Kill is fine get off his case.
I am a huge fan of Jerry Kill, but he is not "fine", not by a long shot. That said, Souhan's article could have just as easily said, "I told you so", as that's all he's really saying here.

Wait, so people are still reading Souhan's articles??? How about just ignoring him?

Ruh roh Scooby,

Connect the dots here. A guy like Souhan wouldn't write a conciliatory piece like this unless he had inside information. My guess is Souhan and Kill talked after the last Souhan column and Kill told him off the record if it happens again he would walk away. Look for Kill to make an announcement in the next few days.

Triple D - right on Leidner starting today, right on Predict the Score, right on Kill?

coach kill can still run the program, recruit, discipline etcc. Being at the game would be nice, but it's not a must if he can do all the other things a head coach has to do. Kill is fine get off his case.

We have an athletic director, we need a head coach. I think Kill is a great coach, but Souhan is right this time.

I don't know if Kill will step down, but I do know he wouldn't have a 1 on 1 with Souhan and tell him his plans on or off the record (about this or where he was going to dinner). Triple D - dead wrong on this.

coach kill can still run the program, recruit, discipline etcc. Being at the game would be nice, but it's not a must if he can do all the other things a head coach has to do. Kill is fine get off his case.

I have no clue how this is all going to play out but it baffels my mind that we have fans that can put forth ideas like the one quoted here. "Being at the game would be nice"....are you kidding me? Is there more to being a head coach than being on the sideline on Saturday's....of course but it is vital that he is there.

Look around the country, tell me how many other teams have spent at least 6 quarters this season without their head coach. The situation sucks for Kill and the University but people in here need to stop pretending like this is not a big deal.

I don't know if Kill will step down, but I do know he wouldn't have a 1 on 1 with Souhan and tell him his plans on or off the record (about this or where he was going to dinner). Triple D - dead wrong on this.

Jerry and Souhan did talk after the first column. Zulgad asked Soupcan about the conversation and was told that Kill asked Superfit to keep the conversation between them.

Jerry and Souhan did talk after the first column. Zulgad asked Soupcan about the conversation and was told that Kill asked Superfit to keep the conversation between them.

Crap. That means I was wrong. Bound to happen eventually.

I have no clue how this is all going to play out but it baffels my mind that we have fans that can put forth ideas like the one quoted here. "Being at the game would be nice"....are you kidding me? Is there more to being a head coach than being on the sideline on Saturday's....of course but it is vital that he is there. Look around the country, tell me how many other teams have spent at least 6 quarters this season without their head coach. The situation sucks for Kill and the University but people in here need to stop pretending like this is not a big deal.

Well said!

coach kill can still run the program, recruit, discipline etcc. Being at the game would be nice, but it's not a must if he can do all the other things a head coach has to do. Kill is fine get off his case.

Are you serious?

Great article in the New York Times about Kill. Way better reading than the garbage that Poohan writes.

Doesn't matter if Kill resigns, freaking dies from a seizure or scares little kids at the mall (all things Douchan suggested).

Don't link to that dink, don't click his links. He is a bigoted, ignorant ass_wipe and I wouldn't piss on Souhan if he was fire.

Doesn't matter if Kill resigns, freaking dies from a seizure or scares little kids at the mall (all things Douchan suggested).

Don't link to that dink, don't click his links. He is a bigoted, ignorant ass_wipe and I wouldn't piss on Souhan if he was fire.

I agree yet look at this Bleed links ANOTHER article. It's pretty ridiculous.

I strongly doubt Kill will resign in the middle of the season, but if the team continues to struggle and he has another game day seizure, I'm betting he steps down at the end of the year, sad as that is. On the other hand, maybe he stays if there are no more problems the rest of the year or if the team somehow turns things around and wins 2 or 3 Big Ten games.

I like Kill and don't think he should step down. But going 0-8 in the Big10 this year means he's gone after 2014 unless his team gets a minimum of 3 Big10 wins next year. So unfortunately odds are he probably aint going to be around a whole lot longer, seizures or no seizures. More's the pity he wasn't hired back a few years instead the incompetent Brewster. Maturi should be publicly horse-whipped for hiring a TE coach to be a head coach of a BCS program.

In August, Kill told the Star Tribune, “You can’t be the head football coach and miss half of a game. I mean, I’m not stupid, I realize that. If I was doing those things, the university wouldn’t have to fire me. I’d walk away if I didn’t think I could do it.”

What Kill is saying is that he would walk away if he didn't think he could be an effective coach. He would only be breaking his word if he didn't think he could be an effective coach yet didn't walk away. He didn't say "If I have another seizure again, I'll walk away."

A number of people seem to want to declare the Big Ten season to be 0-8 after two games. There are still 6 games left, far too soon to assume that the Gophers will go winless in the Big Ten.

Also, whether Kill could effectively coach with his condition was only part of Souhan's article that got him in such hot water. The other part was crocodile tears about Kill's health (apparently coming from Souhan's medical expertise) and Souhan's complaints that it is objectionable for people to see someone having a seizure.

I dont think the school will have anything to worry about. They can simply fire him based on his Big Ten record and his illness will have nothing to do with it. I feel bad for Jerry Kill but something has to change this is becoming to big of a problem far to often. If the team was winning Big Ten games one could live with the situation and it would prove the players and the coaching wasnt changing when he is gone. Sure we could say we should lose anyway we are not good enough but that is also part of the problem.

Things could ugly if the school thinks Jerry Kill can't do the job and he thinks he still can.

I seriously doubt that will happen.

The tough part could be down the road if Teague thinks he is not doing the job while not factoring in the seizure issues.

It is a difficult position for Kill to be in. He has had game day seizures at least 5 Saturdays now (out of 31 games), and those are just the ones reported. If he says the stress of game day has no impact on his epilepsy, then that implies his game day seizures mirror the overall frequency, which would be more than once a week.

That seems unlikely. Hence, the more likely possibility is that the game day stressors do
somehow exacerbate his condition. However, unless he misses another game which forces the AD to remove him, this decision will be up to Kill.

Here's what it's going to boil down to:

We are 1-3 in games in which he's missed time due to a seizure, with losses to New Mexico State, Michigan State, and Michigan. Am I missing any?

It's not just the fact he's having the seizures, it's that we are losing games when he has had the seizures. You can argue we may have lost them anyway but 1-3 ain't going to cut it, even if he says the Coaching staff is prepared to carry on in his absence they are then responsible for being 1-3 in these games. Sad but true.

I don't think it's going to be Jerry Kill's call. It isn't going to be Teague's call. I think Rebecca is going to tell Jerry he is done for now.

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