LOL. Both Glen & M. Night had one big hit, and it was downhill from there.
Granted, Souhan's idea to bring back Mason is idiotic. I even wonder if he was serious, or just trying to make a point that
ANYONE would be an improvement over the current situation with Brewster. What I roll my eyes at, however, is that whenever one of the local columnists writes something deragatory about the UofM football program, there's a knee jerk reaction on this board:
A)the writer is a hack
B)he has an agenda
C)he has a pathological hatred of Brewster that clouds his objectivity
D)his paper is a commie pinko fag liberal publication that hates football and all things American
E)all of the above
In the case of a certain rotund scribe, maybe most of these are true, some of the time. What seems to be lost in this thread, though, is that Souhan makes three very valid points (IMHO):
- Brewster is going to be fired
- The sooner the better, particularly from the standpoint of finding a new coach
- There's not a high degree of confidence that Maturi can hire the right person (although Souhan didn't give Joel ANY credit for hiring Tubby)
- Waiting to pull the pin runs the risk of Timmy pulling something out of his azz and winning a couple of games, which will greatly complicate the firing process
That last point in particular is what I think Souhan was trying to get across in his column. What if we had S-canned Mason in early November 2006, after he had repeatedly crapped the bed? Or at least publically said he wasn't coming back. As I mentioned in another thread, there's at least a chance Dantonio would be on our sideline rather than MSU's. Instead we waited until Glen had poohed on the metaphysical bed one last time vs. TTech, and the candidate pool was a heckuva lot shallower. That's how we wound up in our current mess.
I agree that this wasn't one of Souhan's finest efforts (esp. the Glen redux part), but look past the paranoid initial reaction to anything in the local press that's perceived as anti-Gopher. Sometimes the truth hurts, and its time to face up to it. If you've got a decaying tooth, putting off going to the dentist doesn't help. And we need a root canal. And maybe a pair of pliers (or a door and a piece of string).