Jim Delany will officially conclude his term as Big Ten Commissioner in June 2020


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Nov 11, 2008
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Go Gophers!!

:clap: He did a nice job of making the B1G a financial juggernaut! (struck out on Notre Dame though)


Would expect Northwestern AD Jim Phillips to be the frontrunner for the job.

Good to see Delaney leave. I see he is a North Carolina grad. It explains my distaste for him. That and the debacle of last year's B1G basketball tournament in New York City.

Commissioner Country Jer’ . . . . . . thought everyone needed some levity. :D

Commissioner Country Jer’ . . . . . . thought everyone needed some levity. :D

ol jer' is a ball coach. it's who he is, it's in his blood. if he had the opportunity to be big ten commissioner, i'm sure he'd take the role as it would be a way to impact the boys. he turns boys into men and this would be another avenue for that.

:clap: He did a nice job of making the B1G a financial juggernaut! (struck out on Notre Dame though)

Not completely, they Irish are in the Big 10 Hockey Conference.

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