Jerseys vs Western Illinois


Active member
Dec 25, 2020
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It's no full banana, but I like them. I'm sure there's some elders out there that absolutely hate them though.

I've seen these somewhere before. s-l300.jpg
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Black for a home game - must be a funeral. As bad as anthracite. On TV, I couldn't tell which team was Minnesota. PLEASE use some combination of the school colors, MAROON and GOLD, with WHITE - plenty of combinations there. Send these black uniforms to West Virginia or some other coal-mining region. Yuck.

Love the anthracite.

These are AWFUL.

Yes these suck.
I want our colors.

Definitely not my favorite, maybe with Shiney maroon helmet but not the white. Liked the anthracite better than black. Think a dark maroon would be better!

I liked them I thought they looked sharp. And I know the players like all these different uniforms so I'm all for it.


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