Jerry Kill press conference - Kaler makes a strong statement by signing 7 year contra

7 year contra? That's one long video game :)

Thanks for the recap!

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Select, Start

I'm pretty sure that's for Tecmo Bowl, not Contra. I believe it allows for the cheerleaders to have a "wardrobe malfunction" every time you score.

7 year contra? That's one long video game :)

Thanks for the recap!

You silly boys! I had to work fast, and GH cut me off. I've never been known to be brief, even in my titles!

I'm pretty sure that's for Tecmo Bowl, not Contra. I believe it allows for the cheerleaders to have a "wardrobe malfunction" every time you score.

I thought it was generally the "Konami Code". And I thought the first application of it was indeed Contra.

Off to the googles!

Amazing how a simple mistype can lead to a conversation about video games haha

Amazing how a simple mistype can lead to a conversation about video games haha

Have you ever played "Simple Mistype"? Awesome game and I play it on my smart phone with an NES emulator. PWNAGE!

GopherSports on YouTube, what did you do????


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