Jerry Kill believes his QB "can be one of the surprise players in the whole country"

He'd certainly surprise BTN if this was true, considering they have MN QB's ranked 7th in the conference. The tone of Kill's comments feel like they are 180 degrees different than they were a year ago at this time. Last year he was all doom-and-gloom he looked pretty accurate mid way through the season. Then we could all easily see the improvement through the second half of the year. I hope Kill is as accurate about his preseason comments this year as he was last year. If so, this team will surprise people.

Jerry vs. the experts

I know Jerry doesn't put much stock in star ratings but does this mean he doesn't think that much of the BTN ratings of his QB and his offensive line?

I think Jerry is telling his guys that they need to believe in themselves because he does. I don't know what is going to happen this fall but I do know two things: (1.) I am looking forward to finding out how good this team can be. (2.) I trust Jerry's judgment about his team a lot more than most of the hacks that have written preseason articles about the gophers.

Go Gophers!

killjoy, well stated. No one, and I mean no one, knows the possibilities and potential of a young man like a coach. There isn't a talking bobblehead on ESPN that really knows anymore about any of these guys than the majority of posters on GopherHole, yours truly included. Most just drop names to sound knowledgeable.

Talk is cheap, it takes money to buy whiskey.


killjoy, well stated. No one, and I mean no one, knows the possibilities and potential of a young man like a coach. There isn't a talking bobblehead on ESPN that really knows anymore about any of these guys than the majority of posters on GopherHole, yours truly included.

Talk is cheap, it takes money to buy whiskey.

I think you have that quote wrong. Isn't it "Talk is cheap, it takes money for whiskey to get players."

Jerry vs. the experts - Part II

It seems that Jerry not only disagrees with the external experts but he also disagrees with the GopherHole experts who want to move Gray to wide receiver. That is too bad since that discussion could have helped us kill time until fall camp.

P.S. From my point of view that was one of the dumbest ideas and discussion that we ever had here. It may have had a slightly greater chance than a snowball in hell of happing but several people here were very passionate about it. Jerry never really entertained the idea and pretty much said so.

I've noticed the change in Coach Kill's tone as well. If he is optimistic, I am optimistic.

Go Gophers!!!

P.S. From my point of view that was one of the dumbest ideas and discusion that we ever had here. It may have had a slightly greater chance than a snowball in hell of happing but several people here were very passion about it. Jerry never really entertained the idea and pretty much said so.

+1. Only the GH experts would replace the highest recruited QB we've had in decades just prior to his senior year after he's finally gotten comfortable with a new offense. Although Highwayman's recent comments about how low attendance is due to poor marketing also has to rank up there...

Although Highwayman's recent comments about how low attendance is due to poor marketing also has to rank up there...

Excellent work bringing up an unrelated topic in a way almost guaranteed to result in a pissing match.

It only makes sense for Kill to say this. He and his OC have stated a number of times that Gray has made huge strides in seeing the field, picking up coverages and in throwing the ball. If this is really true, and I have no reason to doubt it, then when you throw in this threat as a runner and the fact that he is freaking huge, I am convinced that Gray is due for a breakout year.

It only makes sense for Kill to say this. He and his OC have stated a number of times that Gray has made huge strides in seeing the field, picking up coverages and in throwing the ball. If this is really true, and I have no reason to doubt it, then when you throw in this threat as a runner and the fact that he is freaking huge, I am convinced that Gray is due for a breakout year.


Considering that basically no one really knows who he is, if he makes any noise at all then he will be a huge surprise. When you're on a bad team and have a big year, it makes it easier to be a surprise player. That being said, if he continues to play like he did at the end of the year with even more improvement, I think we all will be pleasantly surprised with this team's record and his recognition.

Dude can be a first down machine if the o-line and his passing game are even a little bit better. Remember Vince Young against SC? It can be demoralizing when a guy spreads you out and takes a shotgun snap on 3rd and 5, you cover perfectly and he effortlessly scrambles for a first down. Gray could be that guy this year.

He'd certainly surprise BTN if this was true, considering they have MN QB's ranked 7th in the conference. The tone of Kill's comments feel like they are 180 degrees different than they were a year ago at this time. Last year he was all doom-and-gloom he looked pretty accurate mid way through the season. Then we could all easily see the improvement through the second half of the year. I hope Kill is as accurate about his preseason comments this year as he was last year. If so, this team will surprise people.

We will see. I think Kill is just trying to build his confidence but you are 100% correct.

Not to mention that Coach Kill has made it a point to be honest in his assessments...something to ponder. If he did not believe this, he would not have said it...

Not to mention that Coach Kill has made it a point to be honest in his assessments...something to ponder. If he did not believe this, he would not have said it...

+1. Coach Kill is not one to try and blow smoke up the fans' asses.

Not to mention that Coach Kill has made it a point to be honest in his assessments...something to ponder. If he did not believe this, he would not have said it...

This is true but I am not sure if Coach Kill has what it takes in the B1G. We will see this year.

This is true but I am not sure if Coach Kill has what it takes in the B1G. We will see this year.

You've made all 13 of your career posts today, and I'm already not liking your trollish tone.

This is true but I am not sure if Coach Kill has what it takes in the B1G. We will see this year.

As HC at NIU he was 2-3 against the B1G. I would accept that win % this year in the B1G this year. I think he can muster better teams at Minnesota than NIU

We will see if he has what it takes.

13 posts or 2,000, what does it matter?

We are all true fans.

However at the end of the day, the wins are the only things that count.

Diehard I like your Optimism. Thanks!

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