Fields clearly has a right to be upset with Adam Sasser, the baseball player. I’m not so sure he has a case that the school itself has provided a harmful atmosphere. Sasser was released from his scholarship immediately and from the reports I’ve seen the school is either in the process of expulsion or already did so. Obviously nobody should have to endure racial epithets but the offender is apparently gone. It would be different if the school took no action.
Also, it’s not clear the epithet was spoken directly to him. It was a (likely drunk) idiot in the stands at the stadium. Perhaps Fields heard it, perhaps not. It seems like he was made made aware of it after the fact.
Thirdly, the Fields family will place his sister on the UGA softball team this academic year and haven’t yet rescinded that (to my knowledge and the incident was months ago). Obviously if the older brother feels unsafe and threatened no father would subject also subject his daughter to that.
This incident, Tate, Shea, etc unfortunately confirm some of the stereotypes of Gen Z.