Yes. There is a lot of aid. Reparations are already being paid, and have been paid for a long time. In 2016, 41.6 % of African-American households were on some sort of federal government assistance. About 13% of white families were. Far more African-Americans, per capita, lived in poverty (not a good situation of course), but that also means that those households paid zero federal income tax. What that all demonstrates is that a massive transfer of wealth from one group to another is underway, and it has been that way for a long time. We can argue about whether it's right or wrong, but the fact is that a system to transfer funds is alive and well.
BTW, Asians have a higher per capita income than whites do in this country. Very low participation rates in public assistance. So they are funding even more of this than whites on a per capita % basis. I am glad for their success, and I agree with the assertion that their kids get hosed on admissions to selective schools. There should be more of them if you just went strictly by quantitative criteria.