Jackson: Big-time colleges care more about money and winning than black athletes getting degrees

Yes. There is a lot of aid. Reparations are already being paid, and have been paid for a long time. In 2016, 41.6 % of African-American households were on some sort of federal government assistance. About 13% of white families were. Far more African-Americans, per capita, lived in poverty (not a good situation of course), but that also means that those households paid zero federal income tax. What that all demonstrates is that a massive transfer of wealth from one group to another is underway, and it has been that way for a long time. We can argue about whether it's right or wrong, but the fact is that a system to transfer funds is alive and well.

BTW, Asians have a higher per capita income than whites do in this country. Very low participation rates in public assistance. So they are funding even more of this than whites on a per capita % basis. I am glad for their success, and I agree with the assertion that their kids get hosed on admissions to selective schools. There should be more of them if you just went strictly by quantitative criteria.
Some of us were born on third base and swear we hit a triple. - Glen Mason and others

I’m afraid it won’t be that easy. There is close to zero leadership out there - anyone that even hints at looking inward is quickly labeled an Uncle Tom by Oleboy types. There is already an enormous amount of aid for low income and disadvantaged. All we can (fairly) do is try to maintain a pathway for upward mobility for those that genuinely want to do that and I’m of the opinion those opportunities are there although youth mentorship to take advantage is apparently lacking.

Not true.

Not true.

I don’t mean to belittle yours and other efforts on a local level particularly if you’re volunteering to help kids (bravo) but on a national political level the rhetoric isn’t helpful IMO.

I do think most people should be able to achieve whatever they want in life if they want it bad enough. There've been some pretty insane stories throughout American history of people doing incredible things when they started out with nothing.
There have been some great stories of people going way above and beyond the average. And good for those people.

That of course shouldn't be -- and physically can't be -- the expectation of all people. You can't magically just pick up the true average outcome for most people and just waive your hands saying "well these few exceptional outliers did it on their own, so you should be able to".

Read some of Oleboy’s post or the original article and tell me who’s gaslighting. I’ll back off if someone can give me a rational explanation of what concrete steps can be take to rid our society of privilege, prejudice. We never get that far, do we?
Therefore we should give up and never try?

What concrete steps can be taken to rid our society of people speeding on highways? Nothing. Therefore, remove all laws and enforcement of speed limits? Nonsense.

On the imprisonment issue above
I must've skipped over posts talking about imprisonment, and I'm glad I did. That would be going wayyyyy beyond the scope of the OP, which is just barely connected enough to college football to warrant the thread living in this forum, and would be solidly in the OTB topics.

Yep, I hope the mods send this to the Off-topic forum where it has now gone.
Agreed. I skimmed through the rest of the posts on pages 4, 5, and 6. This is clearly an OTB thread.

Some of us were born on third base and swear we hit a triple. - Glen Mason and others

Anyone born in America was born on second base. Too many then make decisions that cause them to die in the gutter. Sadly, at the taxpayers expense.

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