Jack Brewer calls out Weber


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Nov 20, 2008
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I was listening to the post game show on the drive home and I was surprised to hear Jack
Brewer calling out Weber in no uncertain terms. He had two main concerns: One concern is all his misses on easy passes that would keep drives going. The other is not seeing wide open receivers .

I have to agree with his assessment. However, in my opinion this game came down to two plays. One when we had the taunting penalty and two when we called the passing play on the 1st down from the 1 yard line. We should have just run it up the gut. Those two plays were huge negatives for us.

I also don't know why they don't do some planned QB draws once in a while to keep the defense honest.

Weber missed on a sure TD in the first quarter when they had to settle for a FG instead.

I heard that. I agree with the missing open players. Green was streaking down the sideline on one play with nobody within 10 yards.

Brewer also commented a couple of times how our program has no identity right now. He challenged people to try to come up with our identity and no one could. One caller said that our identity is that we don't quit - Brewer shot back to him and said "Name me one Gopher team in the last ten years that did quit" and wouldn't take that as an answer to our identity.

Brewer does a nice job with the KFAN show - solid analysis and a great perspective.

Go Gophers!!

Good for Jack for speaking out. I love Weber's toughness and his heart, but what bothers me is his progression as a QB because he hasn't improved like you would expect from a starter in his 3rd year. He still telegraphs where he's going with the ball, he still holds on to the ball way too long, and he still misses way too many open receivers. These have been criticisms from day one and they are still valid today. That is a problem.

Now, am I saying that Weber should be benched? No. The coaches are responsible for putting the best players on the field, so I trust that Weber is currently our best option at QB. However, I do want to see one or two series per game where we give Gray some legit snaps to see what he brings to the table.

Well -- with Weber in mind -- maybe his throwing motion shouldn't have been messed with. He doesn't seem to have any 'touch' on the ball (especially on short passes) .. Maybe he's just not as comfortable throwing the ball compared to the past two years...

There's nothing wrong with Weber.........

that some good offensive line play wouldn't fix!

So running around in circles and holding on to the ball to long is OK? 17 yard sacks are what we are suppose to be accepting.

What about the 1st and goal from the 2 and he threw the ball and there was no Gophers there and threw it right at the Skonie player.

It's like they have a shock collar on Weber to keep him from running. A few times he should of just tucked and ran it. Instead he dances around and spins around or throws in to heavy coverage.

The play where he threw to Green and he fell in the end zone, last year's Weber would of had the first down running.

Calling Weber out is foolish and short-sighted IMHO.

In terms of identity, that usually comes from years of consistently winning or losing. Mid-tier results don't generally get enough attention or generate enough excitement to warrant an identity.

Regarding Weber, Adam is on the field because Brew & Staff believe he is the best QB option the Gs have at this time. It's on Brew. Call him out.

Why is Weber continuing to make repetitive mistakes so easily identifable by GHers, analysts and fans well into his third year of starting?

Is it poor or ineffective coaching? Limited ability...he's Peter-Principled out? Poor schemes? Poor play calling? Horrible OL support? Mental blocks?

Can Weber's problems be fixed and if so, how? I sure don't know. Does anyone here?

So running around in circles and holding on to the ball to long is OK? 17 yard sacks are what we are suppose to be accepting.

What about the 1st and goal from the 2 and he threw the ball and there was no Gophers there and threw it right at the Skonie player.

It's like they have a shock collar on Weber to keep him from running. A few times he should of just tucked and ran it. Instead he dances around and spins around or throws in to heavy coverage.

The play where he threw to Green and he fell in the end zone, last year's Weber would of had the first down running.

Exactly .. he is not allowed to do what he did in the past two years...Maybe that is holding him back and messing w/his head as well ...

Can Weber's problems be fixed and if so said:
I think that is the point. Most people do not think Weber's problems can be fixed because he has started for 3 years and he has not progressed as a qb. It is due to his lack of progression that has people calling for a change. IMO we need to get Grey in there A LOT more.

In terms of identity, that usually comes from years of consistently winning or losing. Mid-tier results don't generally get enough attention or generate enough excitement to warrant an identity.

Don't get me wrong, it was time for Mason to go, but at the very least, we were a running team with a good offensive line. The only thing to describe these Gophers is I sure hope Decker can make a play or I hope the opposing offense can give the defense a bone in the form of an easy defensive score.

Weber is the best we have for now, but people tend to forget that in the spread there are so many easy throws that make a guy look like a better passer than he probably is in another system.

I listened to Brewer on the long drive home. I agree. Problem is that Weber is not talented enough to build an offense around. Dunbar & Brewster put that load upon him as a Frosh with Dunbars version of the spread. Put him in the Badger system and he would be a better QB.

One caller said that our identity is that we don't quit - Brewer shot back to him and said "Name me one Gopher team in the last ten years that did quit" and wouldn't take that as an answer to our identity.

Can anyone say "Insight Bowl"?

weber has been making these bad throws for 3 years. But the new offense is worse than before.

I like the new Offense, very USC-ish, I'd give it a few years.......

You mean

. . .

The four points that actually mattered in determining the out come of the game, the Gophers could have gotten with slightly better execution? Put the 3+1 on at that time, and the results of the game are. . . Well we win by 1. The overall game was pretty consistant, which leads me to believe that predictive result would be accurate - though I usually caution against making leaps of faith in this one play would have changed everything - This series, would not change everything - - but would change just enough.

The early holding penalty, the unsportsmanlike (was taunting announced? that flag was really really late) and the next three flags cost the Gophs about a half-quarter of fighting against the officials. The stripers really struggled today. I'm not sure that they reached passible by a reasonable grading system. The players need to understand that getting tied up in poor officiating doesn't win games. Besides, that aspect of the game is my responsibility.

Weber missed on a sure TD in the first quarter when they had to settle for a FG instead.

Brewer also commented a couple of times how our program has no identity right now. He challenged people to try to come up with our identity and no one could.

That's what Studwell's been saying since day one!! Another person reading my posts and not footnoting me!!

Nothing--nothing!--works without a top-down identity.


(Poor Adam...too many coaches....)

In terms of identity, that usually comes from years of consistently winning or losing. Mid-tier results don't generally get enough attention or generate enough excitement to warrant an identity.

I think you're missing the point there. Plenty of mid-tier teams have an identity...do you already forget being a decidedly average team with the best running game in the country?

I think what Brewer was getting at (without having heard the show) that there isn't something that this team does well. We're not a good rushing or passing team. We don't have a special defense. Generally when a team can win some games, there's an obvious strength they have. Last year, you could have said ours was turnovers on defense. You could have even said it was Weber, either getting it done in the air or on the ground. Right now, our only identity is Eric Decker. And you can't build a team around a player that touches the ball maybe 10 times in a good game...especially when that player will be gone at the end of the season.

I agree that for a few years under Mase the Gs were identified as a "fluctuating" mid-tier team with a very strong rushing attack. That said, looking at the BT, can we say with any certainty that any of the mid-tier teams in Minny's general class...MSU, Purdue, IL, NW...have any special national identity? They may have some recognition built around one player...eg, IL/Juice; NW/Kafka etc...but I don't feel any of these teams...along with the Gs...have demonstrated enough dominating consistency week in and week out to warrant a national identity. In fact, throw MI in the pot...although they have a long history as top-tier...as a team that is also trying to build a new identity under Rod.

In terms of the Gs now, those that follow the team reasonably closely like GHers, BT/ESPN analysts, pundits and scribes of various competency etc know that they have a dangerous "one-trick pony" Deck/W offensive threat, strong interior D at tackle, a senior LB crew that is near the top of the BT in total tackling and very strong ST talent/performance. Is that a national identity? That may be a fair and accurate local identity, but it involves characteristics that are peculiar to this 2009 team, much of which will disappear with graduation...school is out in terms of replicating that in 2010.

In terms of a positive national identity that in the BT we associate with OSU, PSU, Iowa and Wisconsin...and arguably MI...that takes years of success at a high level to achieve. Minny did have it for a period of time in the 60s (and of course earlier) with the likes of Bobby Bell, Carl Eller etc on a dominant G defense. Since that period, in the Mid-W while the Gs labored in the Dome, Iowa and Wisconsin were commiting more university resources to building the type of national identity everyone on this board seems to yearn for.

Now that the U and state have made a similar commitment, only time will tell if Brewster is the Gs coaching savior out of the wilderness of modest achievement and the architect of prominent 21st Century G fb identity. Importantly, his boss JM seems to think so now, but is probably reserving extension judgment pending more data. Also, my reading of most posts here tell me that GHers have their fingers crossed for Brew because they know realistically that if he doesn't work out for whatever reason, the program could be in store for another painful setback of 5-10 years.

I could be wrong, but wasn't yesterday Weber's 30th start at QB? I'd guess the average number of starts for a college QB is 25 or so. When a guy has that much experience, you should be able to trust him wholeheartedly. I don't.

(there's nothing wrong with Weber) that some good offensive line play wouldn't fix!

agreed, a better line would mean a better running game, better balance, more time to throw...the line is the main culprit on this team.

I've got to be honest, I really don't think Brewer knows jack about this program or Gopher football beyond his playing years.
This team's identity is in question, but I do agree that it might be that they never quit, I would have called Brewer out right away when he said, name me one gopher team that did in the last ten years, and bring up the MANY meltdowns from the last ten years. BS.

We need bread and butter plays on O, plays we execute with sharp precision and can adjust and carry out under any circumstance. On D, we need plain and simple, more consistency from starters, we need to know what we can fall back on something and know the outcome 95% of the time. A corner that never gets beat, a DT that will take/beat a double team, a DE that will consistently be in the passer's face. Right now we don't have much, other than maybe we have linebackers that can plug holes and tackle inside from tackle to tackle.

Weber was bad yesterday, I bet he would tell you that himself, so were alot of players but I really don't want to hear Brewer say jack.

I've known Jack for a some time ... he knows plenty about the program, maybe too much; he's been over there enough talking to the team, etc...

I know you hold your QB to different standards, but Brewster's M.O. has been to pull backs and receivers if they turn the ball over. It'd be different if there wasn't anybody behind Weber, but the next time there's a pick or fumble clearly on him, that might be the time to give Gray a shot.

Hey Doogie,
Ok, good to hear, I just had heard one of his interviews with PA, he misnamed former coordinators and recent players, and held his tongue when PA said Mason was a really good game time adjustment coach(it may have been simply he wasn't going to criticize his old coach, it just didn't sit well with me since Mason was consistently outcoached after halftime)
He also said there could a quarterback controversy BEFORE the recent struggles.
Don't get me wrong,
I think a former player should be around the program, especially if he is a commentator. I just don't know what calling Weber out does besides stir up the sunday morning quarterbacks in the fan base and take a shot at a kid who probably had a nasty bad night after the game.

I will trust you on the interview w/ PA.
It's actually interesting to hear him go at Weber, who I still have a man-crush on, more the O-line's fault to me, but I did CH 9 w/ him after the Cal. game and I felt like he had more to say, but didn't let it out...maybe his frustration became too much yesterday.

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