J.J. Watt Quote

Aug 31, 2010
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"No one on their team has touched the Axe," Watt said. "We hope to keep it that way for a long, long time to come."

Didn't even think about this, puts it into another perspective.

Well to be accurate, several classes have now come through without touching it.

Pretty sure Horton, Cosgrove, and Lee have all touched the axe also.

"Pride comes before the fall" is what MSU coach Dantonio said after a similar smart-alecky comment by MI RB Mike Hart concerning the Michigan- MSU rivalry. Interestingly MI had won their "Paul Bunyan Trophy" six straight times when he made that comment. State has not won it the past three years.

Let us hope we get someone in place like Dantonio who can do something about such comments.

For reference - http://www.greenandwhite.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071106/GW01/711060333/1023/gw

How did Dantonio cause Michigan to start sucking?

Dantonio didn't cause it, but he is sure making sure that they pay for their arrogance and will not let them up.

Us? We're still going to come crawling back into the locker room with an axe on our backs at some point, apparently.

If nothing else, this points to the most important lesson Brewster needs to learn: Talk softly and carry a big stick vs. talk big and deliver nothing.

watt talks better than he plays. isn't he brent enema's kid?

I would be apprehensive about getting my hands on the axe when we get it back next year. With all the things that go on in Wisconsin and Madison it would have to be sanitized and sterilized. Can you imagine, you have all of those sexual deviants having sex with corpses and animals. You wonder just where that axe has been.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know if Watt is hurt or not, but I thought Olson held up well against him for the most part yesterday. Watt had the one big sack, but I didn't see him or hear his name all that much.

He's a good player, but another one of these guys who runs around like his hair is on fire.

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