Iverson and Joseph are our weakest links in regular rotation

Why on earth would I have a personal vendetta toward a gopher basketball player? Once again, until you can come up with a reason for what I've said is incorrect or share why I have very little basketball knowledge, I will continue to think that you have very little basketball knowledge.

I am questioning your basketball knowledge because you appear to have very little. This Devoe/Iverson thing seems like more of a personal vendetta than a thoughtful criticism.

What have I said would suggest that I don't know a damn thing? Because I don't think two of our players are great players and that offends you because I said something negative about the team that you like?

You don't exactly have the greatest track record of posting anything to indicate you know any more than I do. I'll give you this though, you are good at trying to get on everyone's good side by kissing asss agreeing with everyone and then adding a smiley face.

Senior Member Join Date: May 2009
Location: St. Paul
Posts: 372

Again, why are you questioning my basketball knowledge?"""""

If I may be so bold as to answer your question...Here it is: Because from what you have been saying it appears to me that you don't know a damn thing!

You have an opinion, that is all. That does not mean you know as much as you think you do. But, then again, what do I know? I am only a retired proctologist. :)

Tubby on Devoe as twittered from Marcus Fuller-

Tubby said Devoe Joseph needs to settle down on offense and not take so many shots. He also said Joseph needs to focus more on his defense.

Why on earth would I have a personal vendetta toward a gopher basketball player? Once again, until you can come up with a reason for what I've said is incorrect or share why I have very little basketball knowledge, I will continue to think that you have very little basketball knowledge.


I have a million more things to say but none of them are nice. Let's just sit back and watch ho these guys career's unfold and we can revisit this if you're still around.

That's what I thought, you have nothing to correct.


I have a million more things to say but none of them are nice. Let's just sit back and watch ho these guys career's unfold and we can revisit this if you're still around.

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