It's a miracle! PSU gets below sanctioned 75 scholarship limit as 4 players leave.


Knows Less Than Coaching Staff
Jan 4, 2009
Reaction score
Miracles never cease!

"Penn State's roster just got a little bit smaller. Its scholarship crunch more manageable, too.

A university spokesman confirmed Friday that four players are no longer on the football team. Receiver Richy Anderson and quarterback Austin Whipple plan to transfer, and guard Anthony Alosi and receiver Jonathan Warner left the team but will remain enrolled in school...Before the defections, PSU would have surpassed the NCAA sanctions-imposed 75-scholarship limit by the start of camp."

Emphasis mine.

So "The Team That Should Have Received the Death Penalty" is pulling a Saban in order to improve their team?


Let me answer this in classic Highwayman style. It's easy to be rude and condescending but I'll make it short.

Are you suggesting that *gasp* coaches get rid of players to make room for new talent?

No Way!


Ah shucks! Franklin decided to keep Hackenberg. I thought we had a real chance to solidify the QB for just a moment. :rolleyes:

I can't believe they are allowed to have 75 scholarships after what they've done.

I may be wrong, but my expectation is that Franklin will give Meyer a real run for his money as the coach most running an SEC program north of the Mason-Dixon line. However, he probably will trail in the ratings for sanctimonious, self-serving statements about "doing the right thing", and "having values".

How will they ever get by with only 75 scholarships? Don't they know that there are 11 people on the field at ALL times!?!?

I can't believe they are allowed to have 75 scholarships after what they've done.

I agree. Pretty pathetic given what went down. They should give all those scholarships to the victims and their family and friends.

I don't think this set of players/leaders should be paying for the disgusting behaviors of their predecessors. The fact that PSU has a scholarship limit to pay for what they did 10 years ago doesn't really compute with me.

I do really like MNGoldenGophers1 idea of giving the families scholarships, that makes a lot of sense. Also striking results from the record books, eliminating any sort of aid/funding PSU receives from a conference/NCAA level (if there is any), utilizing the judicial system to punish those involved, those actions make more sense. to me But the 4 people that got punished today were guys that had absolutely nothing to do with this, and that's rather unfortunate.

I don't think this set of players/leaders should be paying for the disgusting behaviors of their predecessors. The fact that PSU has a scholarship limit to pay for what they did 10 years ago doesn't really compute with me.

I do really like MNGoldenGophers1 idea of giving the families scholarships, that makes a lot of sense. Also striking results from the record books, eliminating any sort of aid/funding PSU receives from a conference/NCAA level (if there is any), utilizing the judicial system to punish those involved, those actions make more sense. to me But the 4 people that got punished today were guys that had absolutely nothing to do with this, and that's rather unfortunate.

Almost every time someone is punished innocent people are incidentally punished for misdeeds they didn't commit. Children who lose parents to prison are more likely to become screw ups, civilians are casualties of war, etc. It's a pretty poor argument to say the punishment isn't justified because students and players who didn't do anything wrong will be punished. Players have the ability to transfer or pick a different school entirely. Players in this case had the ability to transfer without penalty. Moreover, how many students decide to go to a school for their football team? I would guess less than one percent. The football team is an ancillary benefit that students can enjoy, not their primary purpose of attendance.

Penn State deserved more than what it got. I don't feel any sympathy for anybody at that school, other than the victims of Sandusky and others who failed to act. In fact, you should be blaming Sandusky and the others for depriving the students and players of a fully equipped football team, not the people dealing out the punishment. You are misguided.

Almost every time someone is punished innocent people are incidentally punished for misdeeds they didn't commit. Children who lose parents to prison are more likely to become screw ups, civilians are casualties of war, etc. It's a pretty poor argument to say the punishment isn't justified because students and players who didn't do anything wrong will be punished. Players have the ability to transfer or pick a different school entirely. Players in this case had the ability to transfer without penalty. Moreover, how many students decide to go to a school for their football team? I would guess less than one percent. The football team is an ancillary benefit that students can enjoy, not their primary purpose of attendance.

Penn State deserved more than what it got. I don't feel any sympathy for anybody at that school, other than the victims of Sandusky and others who failed to act. In fact, you should be blaming Sandusky and the others for depriving the students and players of a fully equipped football team, not the people dealing out the punishment. You are misguided.

I don't disagree with much of what you said, all very relevant points, other than you stated that I'm blaming those that dealt the punishment or that I said punishment wasn't justified. I never did either, in fact I offered up a couple alternatives/additives to the punishment because I feel it was extremely justified.

So, you are the misguided one, read a post before you start banging out a reply.

I can't believe they are allowed to have 75 scholarships after what they've done.


And there is talk that the bowl ban could be lifted early, too.

People who suggest they were punished enough, don't really understand what they are being punished for. Allowing a reported rapist to roam free in your football program is a *symptom*, not simply the act deserving of punishment. In my opinion, they should have received the very worst penalty the NCAA could levy, which would be the death penalty.


And there is talk that the bowl ban could be lifted early, too.

People who suggest they were punished enough, don't really understand what they are being punished for. Allowing a reported rapist to roam free in your football program is a *symptom*, not simply the act deserving of punishment. In my opinion, they should have received the very worst penalty the NCAA could levy, which would be the death penalty.

Completely agree.

NCAA should have never dealt sanctions in the first place. A situation like this is just not in their domain. I would have been fine if the Pennsylvania state legislature would have handed out the sanctions but not the NCAA. PSU would have had a pretty good case in court as well regarding these sanctions.

NCAA should have never dealt sanctions in the first place. A situation like this is just not in their domain. I would have been fine if the Pennsylvania state legislature would have handed out the sanctions but not the NCAA. PSU would have had a pretty good case in court as well regarding these sanctions.

People say this a lot but rarely explain why it's not in their jurisdiction. It's a private enterprise, they can determine what is and what is not in their jurisdiction. They felt the culture of the program allowed for misdeeds to take place and they felt like bringing that culture to it's knees for the time being to teach some sensibility. If a 12 year old gets busted smoking pot should the parents not punish them because it's a legal matter and thus outside of their jurisdiction?

NCAA should have never dealt sanctions in the first place. A situation like this is just not in their domain. I would have been fine if the Pennsylvania state legislature would have handed out the sanctions but not the NCAA. PSU would have had a pretty good case in court as well regarding these sanctions.

Absolutely eligible for a dpodoll award.

Obviously there's no need for a criminal justice system, now that the ncaa is in charge.

The butt fucher Sandusky is in prison. I hope he is enjoying HIS showers.

And he will spend the rest of his life there thanks to the criminal justice system, not the ncaa.

Agreed, 19. But thanks to the NCAA some other things were covered.

Agreed, some things that weren't ncaa violations. The ncaa doesn't do a good job of enforcing their regulations so they might as well enforce laws that aren't under their jurisdiction.

I can't believe they are allowed to have 75 scholarships after what they've done.

And another set of misinformed malcontents spouts off.

Agreed, some things that weren't ncaa violations. The ncaa doesn't do a good job of enforcing their regulations so they might as well enforce laws that aren't under their jurisdiction.

As i already posted, it's a private org. Why do your ilk keep mentioning jurisdiction when that doesn't apply?

And another set of misinformed malcontents spouts off.

Or maybe he is informed, and you're being a troll because you don't actually understand that situation from what I've been able to gather from all your time trolling this topic.

Or maybe he is informed, and you're being a troll because you don't actually understand that situation from what I've been able to gather from all your time trolling this topic.

Using whatever search engine you use, type in the following phrase: Penn state ncaa overstepping

You will find a few articles that articulate the point quite clearly.

Not one single person on this board is saying that what happened isn't heinous, disgusting, and a life changer for those involved. I am the father of two boys (ages 9 and 11, who currently live and breathe football), and it appalls me what happened to those children. I have many women very close to me that have been raped. I've seen the faces and consequences of those actions.

Just because a poster does not show enough zeal, in your estimation, in their desire to burn down the institution, does not mean that person approves of those actions. This is a common problem on message boards; if a person does not prove that they detest the actions at least as strongly as I do, that means that they are complicit with those actions. It is often more complicated than that.

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