It would be crazy to build a new arena

I'm watching from the rafters of Williams so yes, a toilet stall would be an accurate description.
Your toilet stall isn't going to become more affordable in a new arena.

That new scoreboard needs to be re-replaced. The current one is unable to show replays.
This is a very good point, but I'm concerned that technology hasn't progressed to the point that we are allowed to review controversial replays.

I prefer to keep the barn and renovate it if possible, but I could get behind a new arena if it creatively incorporated some of the uniqueness of the Barn. Raised floor, mostly brick exterior, locker rooms below the arena floor, etc. I'm sure a top notch architectural firm could come up with some really cool ideas. But we don't really have to worry about this debate too much until we get our $190 million athletics facilities paid for.

ETA: I'd hate to lose our home court advantage for a couple of season while the arena is built though. The Target Center would be to Gopher basketball what the Dome was to Gopher football.

I had heard that they are going to build the court out of glass, and have a student section bowl under the court. When I ran into Kaler in the Airport in Baltimore, he told me they are working on getting the permits.

Finally something concrete instead of just rumor.

I wouldn't mind sitting in an arena that actually had seats that comfortably sat the audience. I like the Barn, but I am not opposed to thinking new could be very useful. First, charm can be replicated. Second, history is charming but not a sufficient reason to report on a school. The next time a national broadcast comes to town, nobody will repeat the story of the Barn. The story will be all about the game. So, if a new place got built, the story at the first national broadcast will be about the new place. But, I would much prefer it to be about the U and the great success of the team that goes with it.

Location would be key. Williams is in the perfect spot on campus, where would the new one be? How many years would we have to play in that dreadful Target Center. How much could be done renovation wise? Look at what they did to that crap pile in Ann Arbor. I love Williams and it's history/"charm", and would need some pretty incredible complete and funded plans for a new place to be on-board. I would think these newer engineers could come up with some pretty special renovations.

Since we are so into nostalgia, maybe we can have the basketball team practice outdoors!!!! That way, no competition from cheer, Borton, etc!!

Xcel Center over Target during the 'renovation process' would be my choice.

Well at least no one has told the damn kids to get off their lawn in this thread yet. I get the love for the Barn, but it's approaching 100. Are we really going to go for 150? A new arena can replicate as much of the old arena is you want it to. Look at Yankee Stadium. A major renovation can work too, but sometimes that ends up worse than starting over. See Soldier Field.

Tell that to the people of Seattle.

Now to address the BIG ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM. Every time we disagree on a subject you come up with a new name to call me. First it was questioning what my problem was. Next I was obtuse. Now it is naive or contratian.

Let's just say 'charming' is not one of your virtues. This seems obvious, but probably not to you.

You'll notice I didn't call you anything, I asked you a question.

As for charming, well, I'm married, so I'm not looking to pick you up. If I get divorced though, I'll let you know. ;)

Either way you slice it I think that renovating would be the most favorable (maybe not money wise) to most. The raised floor needs to stay no matter what. I think that is a really cool appeal to recruits and players

Well at least no one has told the damn kids to get off their lawn in this thread yet. I get the love for the Barn, but it's approaching 100. Are we really going to go for 150? A new arena can replicate as much of the old arena is you want it to. Look at Yankee Stadium. A major renovation can work too, but sometimes that ends up worse than starting over. See Soldier Field.
Went to three games at the new Yankee Stadium. Terrible atmosphere. Too many amenities. No one sits in their seats and watches the game. Target Field is the same way.

Went to three games at the new Yankee Stadium. Terrible atmosphere. Too many amenities. No one sits in their seats and watches the game. Target Field is the same way.

Do you think this has anything to do with MLB games taking 4 hours to complete, 30 seconds between pitches and 12 minutes between innings? Game pace is practically non-existent in MLB. And I LOVE baseball.

I've got some great ideas (that I just thought of). :rolleyes: I think there should be a rule that catchers have to wear blinders and each time they turn their head toward the dugout, a ball is assessed. Pitcher can pitch if batter is in box. Batter may step out of the box, if he likes, but a strike will be assessed. Stepping off the rubber is a ball. A batter who unhitches and rehitches the batting gloves he just unhitched and rehitched one pitch ago is ejected.

Do you think this has anything to do with MLB games taking 4 hours to complete, 30 seconds between pitches and 12 minutes between innings? Game pace is practically non-existent in MLB. And I LOVE baseball.

I've got some great ideas (that I just thought of). :rolleyes: I think there should be a rule that catchers have to wear blinders and each time they turn their head toward the dugout, a ball is assessed. Pitcher can pitch if batter is in box. Batter may step out of the box, if he likes, but a strike will be assessed. Stepping off the rubber is a ball. A batter who unhitches and rehitches the batting gloves he just unhitched and rehitched one pitch ago is ejected.

And...whatever gear you need to wear to the plate, you have to run the bases with it on.

Nothing says NBA arena more than ribbon boards and flashing court-side video boards like I noticed during the Indiana/Northwestern game......YUK

I don't think there is room for a new arena on campus. It could not sit where Williams is now. It would be better for Mariucci to become the Pavillion and incorporate the Pavillion into the new arena.

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