good lord, there is no question. that is an easy a charge call you will ever see

Ok, I barely ever complain about the refs. But how many more blocking calls are going to get called before we finally get a charge called?

Wow, Watford tries to go Jordan on it, pretty clear charge to me, but whatever.

The refs have called 3 blocks now that should have been charges and they weren't even close.

Where's our man "Prolific" saying that the refs have nothing to do with this game? Without all the homer calls in the second half this is easily a single-digit ball game and IU would be sweating this out.

Where's our man "Prolific" saying that the refs have nothing to do with this game? Without all the homer calls in the second half this is easily a single-digit ball game and IU would be sweating this out.

If you felt like reading you could, you know, look a few posts up.

Okay, now it's getting a bit much, just in the last few mintues too. And now just ignore the push in the back....

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