Isaac Hayes - Defensive Tackle???

John Galt

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2011
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With Brian Bobek on board at Center for 2013 and the current depth we seem to have on the O-line, is there a chance Isaac Hayes ends up at defensive tackle? I remember when he was being recruited there was mention of Limegrover and Claeys having to fight over him, and the staff really liked his potential on either side of the ball. I never watched STA play, but would be interested to know from anyone who did if he played some defense in high school and if so, what your impressions were. With the loss of Hinojosa from the 2012 class, it seems that depth on the D-line is currently a greater issue than the O-line.

I've seen him play a couple of times and I think he could be a D1 player on either side of the ball. However, it seems pretty clear that our staff views him as a OG/OC. He's extremely athletic but not nearly as strong as a guy like Tommy the Tank coming out of HS.

I don't think Isaac Hayes would really solve any depth issues this season, I would be shocked if he's not a automatic RS. We recruited two DTs already for this class (Ekpe and Timms), and I wouldn't be surprised to see Plsek end up at DT as well (supposedly showed up at 265).

I recall Hayes saying around signing day that the coaches told him to be ready to compete immediately at center. That doesn't mean he's lock into that position, but of all the linemen coming in I think he's the most ready to play. He seems like a really great get.

I recall Hayes saying around signing day that the coaches told him to be ready to compete immediately at center. That doesn't mean he's lock into that position, but of all the linemen coming in I think he's the most ready to play. He seems like a really great get.

Yeah, they have been saying that since he was signed. I am, by no means, an expert, so my opinion means next to nothing. I just thought he looked really good in space, he's extremely athletic but I didn't think he dominated (the way Tommy dominated) in the trenches. If the coaches think otherwise once camp begins. . .good, we have another ready-to-play OL.

I'm saying this in honesty--who's "saying" it? Everything I've read or heard is that Hayes and Pirsig are lock redshirts. Links?

I'm saying this in honesty--who's "saying" it? Everything I've read or heard is that Hayes and Pirsig are lock redshirts. Links?

So you're questioning who's "saying" it, but everything you've "read or heard" is gospel and you're asking for links? You're kidding, right?

No one is a lock to redshirt on a team that was 3-9. At this time last year, who predicted that Levine, Wells, Thompson, Shortell, Cobb, DCT and others would all see the field?

I'm saying this in honesty--who's "saying" it? Everything I've read or heard is that Hayes and Pirsig are lock redshirts. Links?

I don't know why I can't get to it, the link is broke, but I think people are referring to his interview with Chris Monter after committing. It sounded kind of like "coach speak" to me, in that it was more like "come to camp prepared and we will play the best player" sort of thing. But, if I recall correctly, there was a blurb by Isaac where he talked about his chances to play right away.

I haven't heard or read anything concerning Hayes or Pirsig, but from seeing Isaac play and watching clips from Pirsig, I agree they will/should both RS.

I am just as excited as everyone is about Bobek, but lets not get out of control and annoint him the second coming of Eslinger and Hamilton. I read somewhere on twitter or this site that the reason why he is transferring is because he came out of spring ball as tOSU's 3rd string center. I would like to think we are a better program, or are at least recruiting better players, that can at least compete and offer competition to a 3rd stringer from Ohio State and not automatically make him a starter.

I am just as excited as everyone is about Bobek, but lets not get out of control and annoint him the second coming of Eslinger and Hamilton. I read somewhere on twitter or this site that the reason why he is transferring is because he came out of spring ball as tOSU's 3rd string center. I would like to think we are a better program, or are at least recruiting better players, that can at least compete and offer competition to a 3rd stringer from Ohio State and not automatically make him a starter.

He dropped to 3rd string when Urban Meyer became coach because his size didn't fit Urban's scheme's. He is a bit undersized and Meyer prefers larger centers in his system.

I am just as excited as everyone is about Bobek, but lets not get out of control and annoint him the second coming of Eslinger and Hamilton. I read somewhere on twitter or this site that the reason why he is transferring is because he came out of spring ball as tOSU's 3rd string center. I would like to think we are a better program, or are at least recruiting better players, that can at least compete and offer competition to a 3rd stringer from Ohio State and not automatically make him a starter.

I think him being 3rd on the depth chart had more do to with not being compatible with Meyer's big lineman system than lack of skill. Speculation though.

I read somewhere on twitter or this site that the reason why he is transferring is because he came out of spring ball as tOSU's 3rd string center. I would like to think we are a better program, or are at least recruiting better players, that can at least compete and offer competition to a 3rd stringer from Ohio State and not automatically make him a starter.
He played a little last season as a true frosh and was expected to be the starter before Urban was hired. Urban prefers a different type of center (he loves 300-310+ centers) and Bobek was never going to fit in that mold. Limegrover prefers centers who can pull, which makes MN a much better fit than the new OSU offense. He was Scout's #1 center in the whole country (and was #3 for both Rivals and ESPN) coming out of HS. So while you can never assume how he'll turn out, I don't think people are out of line being excited. This is not a "normal" 3rd string center transfer situation.

I HOPE both Pirsig & Hayes red-shirt & neither see any real time until their R-Soph years.

Bobek is a half-empty/half full argument. Half Empty = He's 3rd string & sees the writing on the wall. Half Full= He played as true Freshman at OSU, was a major recruit one year ago & is way too young to be writing off as a washout.

highwayman said:
I'm saying this in honesty--who's "saying" it? Everything I've read or heard is that Hayes and Pirsig are lock redshirts. Links?
Everything you have read - Links?

So you're questioning who's "saying" it, but everything you've "read or heard" is gospel and you're asking for links? You're kidding, right?

No one is a lock to redshirt on a team that was 3-9. At this time last year, who predicted that Levine, Wells, Thompson, Shortell, Cobb, DCT and others would all see the field?

Everything you have read - Links?

If Hayes redshirts next season, there will be two years separation between Bobek and Hayes. Meaning, Hayes will have at least two seasons to start. Just because Hayes is a good recruit doesn't mean he has to start from day one or switch positions.

If Hayes redshirts next season, there will be two years separation between Bobek and Hayes. Meaning, Hayes will have at least two seasons to start. Just because Hayes is a good recruit doesn't mean he has to start from day one or switch positions.

Exactly. O-Line is not a position you usually want young guys starting at. It is a rare player who is truly ready to play before at least their RS Soph year on the O-Line.

I'm saying this in honesty--who's "saying" it? Everything I've read or heard is that Hayes and Pirsig are lock redshirts. Links?

"For now the Gopher offensive staff wants Hayes at center, while the defense hopes to get him at defensive tackle."

From Hayes: "The defensive coaches tell me they want me as a tackle."

"Northwestern sees Isaac Hayes as a defensive lineman in college."

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