Is traffic congestion a real problem at TCF Bank Stadium?

I have been to games in Athens, Tuscaloosa, Auburn, Knoxville, Oxford, Madison, Ames, IA City, Lincoln, and many others. Traffic was worse than TCF at pretty much all of them. Not a valid excuse for our horrible attendance.

Exactly. Traffic is actually apart of the experience. Some how, people up here are retarded in thinking that they can take 5 minutes to get to/from the local stadiums/parks/arenas without any sort of traffic issues. What I tell people who plan on going to games in person is this: ALWAYS arrive early, and ALWAYS stay late. Make the 3 hour game into a 7 hour event. Plan accordingly. If you can't, then don't even bother, you'll ruin your mood and possibly others' around you.

It's just another example of how the mainstream in MN is pretty clueless when it comes to college athletics.

Well that's more the fault of the U's treatment of their own program for decades, and the city of Minneapolis' draconian regulations than the fans themselves.

One thing that I also think doesn't help, is the total cluster**** that resulted with the U2 concert last year. Transportation of any kind for the biggest event in stadium history could not possibly have been more screwed up, and it was widely publicized as well. If I were a casual sports fan thinking of attending a game, and I'd been at that concert (and I was) I could see thinking twice about dealing with that mess.

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