Is parking required with season tickets?


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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I'm on the waiting list and picking next Monday. Just curious if I must buy a parking pass. I'm leaning towards not getting it and trying for the street and hoofing it, even if that means a one mile walk.

I'm 99.9% sure it's not required, I was on the phone with my dad when he picked our seats, he mentioned he was skipping a parking pass.


One other question on seat selections. This is one example of some interesting available seat choices: In section 218 all seats above row 20 are full, but a lot of available seats in rows 15-19. Why would that be? I can't imagine people would take the higher seats. Maybe they are being held for the ticket office. I don't think the visitors section stretches over there, does it?

I'm on the waiting list and picking next Monday. Just curious if I must buy a parking pass. I'm leaning towards not getting it and trying for the street and hoofing it, even if that means a one mile walk.

What # are you on the waiting list? I am #84 and I have not been contacted by the ticket office. No you do not need to pick parking. I have two other seats that I picked back in mid April. I passed on the parking.

According to my season ticket info, the upper parts of sections 201-206 and 215-218 are set aside for the visiting fans. The UM has set aside the upper few rows of Sec 246 & 247 and lower Sec 145 and 146 for AD use.

Parking is not required.

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