To preface, I don't want Kill fired. I think they have overachieved the last several years on the back of a tough defense and good special teams, and turnovers. It would be foolish to change course at this time.
However, it's easy to say we don't want him fired this year or next. That is because hope springs eternal in most diehard fans. However, the optimism has been dripping away game by game this season. Some of us saw the canary in the coal mine drop dead at Colorado State, because CSU was clearly not a good team. But the optimism persisted. Then Kent State happened. They weren't opening up the play book, playing it safe, some said. A few more hopped off the train. Ohio victory margin was 3 pts; all is well, we're saving it for the Big Ten season. Northwestern happened and most realized Houston, the cryo tank exploded, we might have a problem here. Still have some in the denial phase. Purdue, all is well again, we can run. Nebraska. The defense snoozes through the game, Mitch plays his heart out and throws for over 300 yards. Red is blue, up is down, mass hysteria.
It's safe to say that rationalizations and denial are still in effect for the diehards, while others recognize the real schematic and coaching deficiencies, compounded by injuries and a lack of developed depth at several positions.
IF the team loses in blowout fashion the rest of the season, psychology will indeed change leading into next season. Not for Killme, but for people unrelated to the coaches. If the team continues more of the same, in addition to the season ticket debacle, (excepting Supadupafly) it is not out of the realm of possiblity the fanbase will quit on this staff next season. Depending on the carnage it is possible he could be fired at the end of next season.
That is worst case scenario stuff, and I am optimistic about the young guys on defense and offense. If the coaches can develop the players, which we haven't seen enough of on the offensive side of the ball, they will have job security for a long, long time. If they can't, I don't see them lasting.