Is GopherGod actually Loon?


Nov 20, 2008
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And if Loon is back on this board, wouldn't that mean that Wren is back on the board. I get the impression their are two people out logged in as several different gopherholers posting the same negative nonsense over and over and over again.

And if Loon is back on this board, wouldn't that mean that Wren is back on the board. I get the impression their are two people out logged in as several different gopherholers posting the same negative nonsense over and over and over again.

Why are you so threatened by someone who has a differing opinion than you. I am very positive on Tubby and just because I question the former car salesmans schtick, experience, and decisions you are threatened.

And if Loon is back on this board, wouldn't that mean that Wren is back on the board. I get the impression their are two people out logged in as several different gopherholers posting the same negative nonsense over and over and over again.

I disagree, Wren and Loon were over the top. Gophergod has some very realistic points and expectations for the football program. We'll see in a couple years who's right. I hope he's wrong but I can't say I disagree with his points or posts.

Never said I was threatened

But putting words into a response that aren't there is exactly what Loon would do. Welcome back buddy! Please at least no more racist remarks like last time.

But putting words into a response that aren't there is exactly what Loon would do. Welcome back buddy! Please at least no more racist remarks like last time.

You may not agree with my views which is fine and I can respect that but please don't try and lump me in with someone who posted racist remarks. You are clearly out of line especially since all I have done is share my opinions and concerns in a appropriate manner.

your correct

If you are not loon I am out of line, but reading through several of your other posts (not all) I have a question for you. You said you are a graduate of Minnesota and that you never rip on the team yet you have several negative posts and voice your displeasure on many things having to do with the U of M. Why is that, why do you dislike so much of what is going on there right now? And why do you come here and post such negative stuff, if your truly upset, mad or disappointed why do you continue to put yourself through the misery of posting time after time. Is that just your nature, a negative person, or do you have something specific against somebody and you think this is the best way to voice your displeasure with the U? Just curious

And if Loon is back on this board, wouldn't that mean that Wren is back on the board. I get the impression their are two people out logged in as several different gopherholers posting the same negative nonsense over and over and over again.

No way. GG is negative but he doesn't seem to have an agenda like those other freaks. I, myself, am prone to long bouts of negativity. Smiling at everything that happens like a happy robotic imbecile does not jibe with true fandom in my opinion.

If you are not loon I am out of line, but reading through several of your other posts (not all) I have a question for you. You said you are a graduate of Minnesota and that you never rip on the team yet you have several negative posts and voice your displeasure on many things having to do with the U of M. Why is that, why do you dislike so much of what is going on there right now? And why do you come here and post such negative stuff, if your truly upset, mad or disappointed why do you continue to put yourself through the misery of posting time after time. Is that just your nature, a negative person, or do you have something specific against somebody and you think this is the best way to voice your displeasure with the U? Just curious

I do not rip on the team and to be clear I do not have a beef with the university as a whole, nor have I never ripped on a player except for OL Alford once after I was frustrated when he got 4 holding penalties in a row one game. I am very positive about Tubby Smith and the other programs. I just am not convinced that Brewster has nor will provide the leadership that this program deserves, it is more than recruiting. I have also acknowledged that Brewster is a good recruiter but I fear it may end at that. I don't think that it is crazy to question whether a coach is ready to lead a Big 10 program after having never been promoted to even a coordinator position in 17 years. Standing by quietly and accepting the status quo is not how chance happens.

maybe pete but you dont seem to slam everything brewster. although it does look like GG is going to give our new OC a chance.

BTW - gotta love what his former players and bosses have to say about jedd

Why are you so threatened by someone who has a differing opinion than you. I am very positive on Tubby and just because I question the former car salesmans schtick, experience, and decisions you are threatened.

Threatened??? Please, don't give yourself so much credit. It's more like just annoying and tiresome:rolleyes:

Threatened??? Please, don't give yourself so much credit. It's more like just annoying and tiresome:rolleyes:

Very well then, I have simple solution for you, skip over my posts and don't read them.

I'm going to have to defend GopherGod

If you are not loon I am out of line, but reading through several of your other posts (not all) I have a question for you. You said you are a graduate of Minnesota and that you never rip on the team yet you have several negative posts and voice your displeasure on many things having to do with the U of M. Why is that, why do you dislike so much of what is going on there right now? And why do you come here and post such negative stuff, if your truly upset, mad or disappointed why do you continue to put yourself through the misery of posting time after time. Is that just your nature, a negative person, or do you have something specific against somebody and you think this is the best way to voice your displeasure with the U? Just curious

I've been reading his posts pretty closely, and not once, have I seen him use vulgar language, name call, or make racist, sexist or anti-Semitic remarks, as I saw with Loon.

I think you can be a Gopher fan, love the team, the players, and root hard for the school - but not wear maroon colored sunglasses. You are allowed to question hires, fires, strategy, personal, everything about the program you love.

A lot of his points, you may not like, but many of them are valid. Is he negative, yes. Does he know the program and college football in general, I'd have to say yes.

Regardless, this is a message board - and it would be pretty boring around here if we all had the same opinions, playing the devil's advocate keeps us on our toes.

Geez, in the last few days, I've seen GG rise to legendary (notorious?) status on this board - he's everywhere, or is at least being talked about everywhere.

GG, I don't sweat you; post as you wish - it's one reason this is the greatest country on earth, bar none (William Floyd reference).

Quote: "I've been reading his posts pretty closely, and not once, have I seen him use vulgar language, name call, or make racist, sexist or anti-Semitic remarks, as I saw with Loon.

I think you can be a Gopher fan, love the team, the players, and root hard for the school - but not wear maroon colored sunglasses. You are allowed to question hires, fires, strategy, personal, everything about the program you love.

A lot of his points, you may not like, but many of them are valid. Is he negative, yes. Does he know the program and college football in general, I'd have to say yes.

Regardless, this is a message board - and it would be pretty boring around here if we all had the same opinions, playing the devil's advocate keeps us on our toes

You couldn't be more wrong, Gopher Lady. What GG is doing is exactly the same thing that Wren and Loon were doing, and why so many posters were happy when they were banned. He shows up in almost every thread and endlessly repeats the same Brewster criticisms over and over again. GG rarely adds anything new to the discussion. If the discussion is about defense, he always finds a way to say something negative about Brewster. If the discussion is about offense, he will always find a way to say something negative about Brewster. If the discussion is about the coaching staff or recruiting, the same thing applies. We get it. GG doesn't like Brewster and thinks he was a bad hire. A lot of people in GopherHole agree with him and say so. But not every day in every thread. That is the difference. For the most part, the Brewster critics in GopherHole who post regularly have the good sense not to beat us over the head with their opinions every day. They try to mix it up a little bit. They post on different topics, they try to be funny, and not infrequently they are positive about the Gophers. We are not getting this from GG. He is a Johnny one note and could not be more boring and irritating. Rather than always posting about Brewster, it would be more interesting to hear about GG himself. Does he have a girl friend? Has he ever kissed a girl? Maybe he is not into girls and that would be interesting to find out too.

Quote: "I've been reading his posts pretty closely, and not once, have I seen him use vulgar language, name call, or make racist, sexist or anti-Semitic remarks, as I saw with Loon.

I think you can be a Gopher fan, love the team, the players, and root hard for the school - but not wear maroon colored sunglasses. You are allowed to question hires, fires, strategy, personal, everything about the program you love.

A lot of his points, you may not like, but many of them are valid. Is he negative, yes. Does he know the program and college football in general, I'd have to say yes.

Regardless, this is a message board - and it would be pretty boring around here if we all had the same opinions, playing the devil's advocate keeps us on our toes

You couldn't be more wrong, Gopher Lady. What GG is doing is exactly the same thing that Wren and Loon were doing, and why so many posters were happy when they were banned. He shows up in almost every thread and endlessly repeats the same Brewster criticisms over and over again. GG rarely adds anything new to the discussion. If the discussion is about defense, he always find a way to say something negative about Brewster. If the discussion is about offense, he will always find a way to say something negative about Brewster. If the discussion is about the coaching staff or recruiting, the same thing applies. We get it. GG doesn't like Brewster and thinks he was a bad hire. A lot of people in GopherHole agree with him and say so. But not every day in every thread. That is the difference. For the most part, the Brewster critics in GopherHole who post regularly have the good sense not to beat us over the head with their opinions every day. They try to mix it up a little bit. They post on different topics, they try to be funny, and not infrequently they are positive about the Gophers. We are not getting this from GG. He is a Johnny one note and could not be more boring and irritating. Rather than always posting about Brewster, it would be more interesting to hear about GG himself. Does he have a girl friend? Has he ever kissed a girl? Maybe he is not into girls and that would be interesting to find out too.

First off if you read my posts you will say that I have said numerous times that Brewster is a good recruiter. Also, be honest your problem with me is not that I am "Johnny one-note" but that my opinions of Brewster are different from yours. There are plenty of "Johnny one-notes" on the board who are pro-Brewster on everything and you don't seem to have a problem with them. So the real issue is that my opinions differ from yours. I also don't think that people want to hear about my personal life, but I am married if you would like to know. As GopherLady stated I have never made a vulgar, racist, or anti-semitic remark in any of my posts so you cannot lump me in with Loon.

Well then lets get some positivity out of GG.

Who is your favorite Gopher on the 2009 team?

What is your best memory of Gopher football?

How pumped are you for the new stadium?

I know theres some goodness left in ole GG!

I do love how you have become the conversation in every thread. Eventually everything comes back to a big argument with you. Gotta hand it to you for keeping it classy though!

Well then lets get some positivity out of GG.

Who is your favorite Gopher on the 2009 team?

What is your best memory of Gopher football?

How pumped are you for the new stadium?

I know theres some goodness left in ole GG!

I do love how you have become the conversation in every thread. Eventually everything comes back to a big argument with you. Gotta hand it to you for keeping it classy though!

My favorite gopher on the 2009 team will be Brandon Green, I think he has the potential to be great and we saw glimpses of it towards the end of 2008.

My best gopher memory is of us beating Penn State in Happy Valley to ruin their national title hopes. The best gopher game and performance I ever witnessed in person was in 1995 when Chris Darkins(one of my fav gophers) and Mike Alstott went back and forth in the dome and they both ran for close to 300 yards.

I am very pumped for the new stadium and cannot wait to be sitting there in the cold cheering on my gophers with my hot chocolate and dr. mcgillicuddys. In my defense I very rarely start the arguments, just share my opinions on the programs and then defend myself when attacked, but I am ok with that because this message board is about open exchange of ideas and opinions.

First off if you read my posts you will say that I have said numerous times that Brewster is a good recruiter. Also, be honest your problem with me is not that I am "Johnny one-note" but that my opinions of Brewster are different from yours. There are plenty of "Johnny one-notes" on the board who are pro-Brewster on everything and you don't seem to have a problem with them. So the real issue is that my opinions differ from yours. I also don't think that people want to hear about my personal life, but I am married if you would like to know. As GopherLady stated I have never made a vulgar, racist, or anti-semitic remark in any of my posts so you cannot lump me in with Loon.

You did make a comment to me about living in Iowa, and then said something about my wife and the metrodome bathroom. You have since apologized and I appreciate that. I doubt Loon would have done that.

You did make a comment to me about living in Iowa, and then said something about my wife and the metrodome bathroom. You have since apologized and I appreciate that. I doubt Loon would have done that.

That is true but I did not ever call you a name which is a lot less than several people can say in regards to me.

Can we please move past the whole "this guy must be either Wren or Loon" debate?? So GG has some different views than other folks on this board...what's the problem? If you don't like what he has to say, then don't read or respond to it.

Personally, I don't understand why people are so worked up about this. He has made some reasonable arguments in his posts and if he disagrees with some folks about certain issues, that is his choice and his decision. Not everyone has to have the same views about Brewster, the coordinator hirings or the direction of the program.

I will support Brewster, the coaches, the players and the program regardless, but I'll also question things if something seems a bit off. In the end, this is all I think GG is doing.

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