Is Brock coming back next year?

This is intriguing. Some poster's depth chart prediction had theret moving to SS, which some believe to be his natural position. It sure is nice to have a Big Ten HM player moving into that spot if that is the case. This is assuming someone steps up and takes the FS spot.

Brock coming back for summer?

On the radio this morning Dave Lee read the story as Brock leaving school for this semester, but added that Brock intends to be back for summer session. I know lots of guys say that they'll be back and I have no idea why Brock is leaving school or, if it's academics, whether he could resolve whatever his issues are in time to do that, but just thought I'd pass along a ray of hope that he might try to make it back.

***Edit***Sorry, didn't see the other thread.

The 2 posters who are saying that this is no big deal are wrong. Brock was a very solid player for us and we will miss him. Brewster said he expects him back this summer, so hopefully that pans out. Brew is a very optimistic guy, but he did get all 29 of the guys he wanted from the 2008 class - and the 2 that didn't get into school right away were ultimately admitted as he predicted (though he was predicting based on ACT scores that weren't a sure thing).

You guys are also missing naming Rallis as a key guy who will step in if Brock can't play. Rallis grew into his role and played better as the season progressed. I do agree with certain posters that we have much more depth to handle this loss than we did in the last few years, but losing Brock (if it happens) would still hurt.

Our bad defense just got worse. No way to sugarcoat this--Losing Brock will hurt a lot. Hope someone else steps up. Better yet, maybe Brock does come back as the rumor stated. Big bummer for sure.

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