I'm not an offensive coordinator. That said, here's how I think about things.
Ibrahim's rushing stats were this:
-Mode: 2
-Median: 4
-1-in-3 carries: 6+ yards
So, in any given random grouping of 3 plays (leading up to fourth down), you'd expect the mode (because it comes up most often), the median, and a 1-in-3 result. So... 2 + 4 + 6 = 12 yards. In other words, a first down with room to spare.
Tyler (last year):
-Mode: 2
-Median: 3
-1-in-3 carries: 4+ yards.
2 + 3 + 4 = 9 yards. He hits home runs, but you can't organize an offense around him. (He had a good number of 40+ yard carries -- more than Mo.)
Darius last night:
-Mode: 2
-Median: 4
-1-in-3 carries: 6+ yards
2 + 4 + 6 = 12. This is identical to Ibrahim. Moreover, he never lost a yard on a single play. You can base a rushing attack on Darius.
With that knowledge, you know what you want out of your passing attack.
Make sense?