In the meantime while watching the Queens


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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I am really getting sick of PA ripping the replacement refs. He fails to realize he is a replacement announcer and he sucks as bad as the refs.

To be fair, these refs are atrocious and they deserve all the criticism they are getting. They botched a penalty earlier in this game by 15 yards! They didn't botch the penalty. They botched the placement!! UNBELIEVABLE

WOW you guys are watching the Vikes!

Earlier in the game PA made a call for the Houston Texans, then he 'corrected' himself and said the Houston Oilers. - Really PA?

To be fair, these refs are atrocious and they deserve all the criticism they are getting. They botched a penalty earlier in this game by 15 yards! They didn't botch the penalty. They botched the placement!! UNBELIEVABLE

To be fair to the officials, these are guys/gals that will never work in the NFL again (after lockout) or at the D1 level. By crossing the line they ended their advancement future.

Queens. Still hilarious. Still misogynic. Good on ya.

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