I'm done defending coaches


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Nov 20, 2008
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That 1st half was absolutely the worst called half I've ever seen. Does every play have to be a long pass play. If we call plays like we did in the second half we win this game by two touchdowns. #2. We have a full-back who has had no negative yards in carries this year. Why not give him the ball on the one yard line ... give it to him four times if we have to. #3. Maybe we should make stickem legal again. Our DBs dropped at least three easy passes. Royston two and BPT one. #4 Our kicking game which is usually strong killed us in field position. One key shank by the punter & two out-of-bounds plays by the kicker. #5. Letting the runners get an extra 2 yards all the time. Ill. runners would be just about stopped so our guys would stand around and watch teammates finish the tackle. However, before they would finish the tackle the runner would grind out or spin for another two yards. They need to gang tackle. #6. We are always calling unnecessary timeouts. We do this in every game. Today it would have been nice to have some left at the end of the game.

This is a game we should have won but I put most of the blame on the Off. Cor. for a terrible first half that we just couldn't overcome. Ok ... that is my first rant. On a positive Iowa lost:):)

What do you expect? Fisch was nothing more than a glorified team manager at his previous stop and he never even played high school football.

Fisch's play calling, IMO, lost us the game. I agree, that was the worst play calling I have ever seen. I do not know what was going through Fisch's mind. I am really disgusted at Fisch. Brewster needs to interject himself in the play calling and start POUNDING THE ROCK!!!

Pound the rock? 36 carries for 50 yards today...although that counts the 8 sacks for -64.

28 for 114 without the sacks

Fisch's play calling, IMO, lost us the game. I agree, that was the worst play calling I have ever seen. I do not know what was going through Fisch's mind. I am really disgusted at Fisch. Brewster needs to interject himself in the play calling and start POUNDING THE ROCK!!!

The problem is Brewster cannot interject himself into the play calling and add much value because he has never put together an offensive gameplan or called plays himself. Now if there comes a need to talk to a recruit or setup blocking schemes for the tight ends then he is your man.

The problem is Brewster cannot interject himself into the play calling and add much value because he has never put together an offensive gameplan or called plays himself. Now if there comes a need to talk to a recruit or setup blocking schemes for the tight ends then he is your man.

He can interject himself in the play calling if he wants to, but it is not his coaching style. However, he should have interjected himself in the first half and told Fisch to run the ball.

8 sacks? yikes? That's not good.

Do you think part of the problem is that we have too many people stirring the chili? Do we still have two coordinators on both offense and defense? And should some of the blame go to Tim Davis, the assistant head coach and offensive line/running game coordinator. Yeah, how good have those two areas been this year?

Neither of them have any business being in their positions. Was a joke to hire Brewster or Fisch. Claim to fame? "Recruiting" a houston kid to play for mac brown at Texas. Holy crap! And a TE coach as our offensive coordinator? Oh man great calls Maturi and Brew! ha!

I agree...as head coach you need to take charge. Pound the Rock!! 4 plays from the 1/2 yard line and we try to pass the ball? Not sure I have left a quieter stadium after today. Let's regroup and get bowl eligible next week vs a wounded SDSU team.


He dialed Up open receivers almost every passing play in the first half. Weber missed almost all of them

He dialed Up open receivers almost every passing play in the first half. Weber missed almost all of them

More the reason we should be running and not throwing. Unfortunately, brewster is not going to bench weber so we have to deal with weber's horrible passing. In order to mitigate the damages from weber's passing game, we need to run the ball more.

Run and short passing plays set up the long pass

They have to realize that the run and short passes set up the long pass plays. It is ok to throw deep to loosen up the D but not every play. This is not Madden football when you go deep every play. Again ... no excuse when you have a tough, hard nose, fullback that you don't give it to him three or four plays in a row. If they stop you then you tip your hat to them and let them start at the 1/2 yard line.

My thoughts

Play calling was terrible in the first half....they were throwing lots of play action passes but that only works if you establish the run and get the corners to bite a bit which they did not. Second, where are the short passes to the wide receivers at the line of scrimmage and slant passes...again this gets the db's to bite so you can throw further. Finally, all time stupid plays on the play action pass at the one where Weber got sacked...dumb dumb dumb....give the ball to the full back if you can't run the ball one yard you don't deserve to win. That play and Weber's interception lost the game for us. Also, my biggest problem with Fisch is he changes everything every week and has to much movement...he needsto simplify the offense....football is a simple game pound the ball and use that to complete passes. Bottom line be really good at 15 plays rather than mediocre at a lot of plays.

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