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Nov 12, 2008
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Why cant the gophers return punts? Almost every single punt all year long resulted in a fair catch. Are we not putting blockers back for the runner? Is Allen not lining up far enough back? Are we not putting pressure on the punter? If not we should have some blockers back there. Is Allen not running when he can? Something needs to change drastically on the punt return team. I have never seen a team that can really never run a punt back. Whats the problem? Anyone knowledgeable of special teams out there? It cant be that we face a great punter every time. PS Allen seems to have great hands and doesnt fumble.

I got the sense that we were trying to block punts/protect against fakes rather than block the gunners. Since Allen was a freshman I think they didn't want to put a ton of pressure on him.

There are a couple things that might lead to a lack of a return.

The biggest problem is usually that the gunners are allowed to release unabated or allowed to release to the inside. They are the fastest players on the punt team and usually have only one man to beat. If they beat their man, they will force a fair catch.

Getting pressure on the punter will actually cause less of a return. When you go after the kick, you are taking a caluclated risk. You might block it, but if you don't then you will have fewer blockers.

In reality, however, the return team is in there less to block than to hold up the punt team. Front line players and linebackers are taught to lock on to a member of the punt team and impede that man's progress down the field. The return team wants to move their feet enough that they stay on their man all the way down so that the returner has room to run. If your return team does not hold up the defenders, the returner will not have enough room to work.

I haven't studied the film enough to say what the problem is, but those are the things to keep in mind when watching a punt.

I thought it looked like we tried to play it conservatively with a true freshman returning punts so we had him fair catch a lot of them.

its simple

There is little to no risk in a fair catch. It does not produce a special team touchdown which can be a game changer. Getting a special teams TD is a bonus that this team could have used over the last two years. Another issue is that I am guessing our opponents were punting from near the 50 yard line most of the time.

does anyone remember

Danny Upchurch? He played under Glen Mason and returned punts. I remember that guy running into groups of defenders who were going to down the punt and while all other Gophers are staying away from the ball to not let it hit them, he would run in and grab the ball and try to return it. The guy was fearless back there and a little nuts (I remember yelling at the TV "Don't touch it!") but he would and never lost it. I loved that guy.

Yea all those reasons and that Cal player almost decapitating Allen on that kick catch interference cheap shot. Though I guess calling for a fair catch doesn't protect against cheap shots...

Why cant the gophers return punts? Almost every single punt all year long resulted in a fair catch. Are we not putting blockers back for the runner? Is Allen not lining up far enough back? Are we not putting pressure on the punter? If not we should have some blockers back there. Is Allen not running when he can? Something needs to change drastically on the punt return team. I have never seen a team that can really never run a punt back. Whats the problem? Anyone knowledgeable of special teams out there? It cant be that we face a great punter every time. PS Allen seems to have great hands and doesn't fumble.

Punt return an extremely difficult position to master. The fact that Allen was able to do so all year as a true freshmen was very impressive to me. He did have a few nice returns, but I'm sure he was told to fair catch most and just get the timing and feel for D1 special teams. I fully expect him to return several back in his career, his return against a pretty solid Iowa special team squad was awesome.

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